One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 469 Divine Punishment

Chapter 469 Divine Punishment

This small desert island is now filled with all kinds of things. From a distance, it looks like a garbage dump.

"I will take the whole island to the Western Sea to fight with you,"

Brett was talking to someone on the phone, "Go straight, you can't miss it."

When he ended the call, Zefa came over and said, "Everything that can be moved has been moved to the island."


Brett put away the phone bug and breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, it's time for me to perform."


Zefa said solemnly.

He smiled at Zefa, and in the next moment Bright's body shot up. As he jumped into the air, his body expanded and stretched, turning into a fiery red dragon flying in the sky.

"Hey, what does this guy want to do?"

Aoki, who was tightly tied up and squatting together with other fish-men marines who had escaped but were later captured, said in surprise, "Is it possible -"

The dragon summoned the clouds.

The clouds in the sky are scattering in all directions.

The clouds dispersed towards the edge of the island, then entered the sea, surrounding the entire island and began to connect with each other, even submerging into the sea bed, tearing the soil and breaking the rocks.

The whole island began to tremble.

"Alala, there is so much chaos!"

The little green pheasant laughed loudly, "But is it possible to do such a thing? It's really amazing!"

Akainu, who was lying on the ground next to him, looked even more gloomy.

If we leave so quickly, the navy won't be able to catch up in time.

The only one who might be able to come quickly is the guy Porusalino, but what's the use of that guy coming here now?

He couldn't do anything with Brett around.

So the only result this time was to force them to change a base?

Akainu gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Amidst the violent trembling, the island slowly rose into the sky, the sea water shook violently, and a large amount of soil and gravel fell down.

This nameless island flew into the sky.

"What an amazing power!"

Miss Ain, who was standing next to Mr. Zefa, looked down and looked down at the blue sea. She exclaimed in amazement, "How could such a heavy island fly into the sky!"

"It's really exaggerated."

Aokiji was also amazed, "Although this island is small, it is also a serious island. Even Kaido can't do this kind of thing."

Akainu had a sullen expression and said nothing.

Nonsense, of course that guy Kaido can't do it.

Bright is stronger than Kaido. Akainu knows this very well. After all, he was defeated by Bright.

Controlling the island to fly into the sky, Bright identified the direction, and then controlled the clouds to move in a certain direction.

Leave this sea area first, and then plan the next thing.

The island flew into the sky, and then flew resolutely in a certain direction.

The speed is not fast. When Bright is alone, he can certainly fly quickly with sparks and lightning, but it is completely different if he takes an island with him.

Even if Senior Golden Lion uses his invincible Piao Piao Fruit, it is impossible to make an island fly like the wind.

Bright turned into a dragon and landed back on the island.

"With my physical strength, I should be able to hold on to my destination."

Brett said so.

This is much more laborious than Senior Golden Lion.

Also flying into the sky with an island, Senior Golden Lion can lift the gravity of the entire island with just a touch of his hand, and then play with it as he wants.

But Bright actually dragged the entire island into the sky, using brute force.

Although Yanyun itself has the characteristics of floating in the air, this is still not an easy thing.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Miss Ain handed over a piece of bread, "Anyway, let's eat something first."


Brett was not polite, "I just happened to be in a hurry and didn't eat anything."

Isn't it a rush?

I was woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night and rushed over.

While chewing bread, Bright controlled the island to fly in the predetermined direction.

Although he has left successfully now, the ominous premonition has not subsided.

Damn it, if I had known before setting off like this, I would have asked Charlie for a divination.

Although the outcome of victory is already a given, who knows what kind of sacrifices will be made in the process of leading to victory.

Brett didn't know.

He was just vigilant at this time, crisis could come at any time.

Somewhere in the sky, a huge object is flying forward at a jaw-dropping speed, but strangely, the flight that should have brought huge noise is now extremely quiet, and even the surrounding clouds are not affected by it. of dispersion.

Inside this behemoth, a tall and mysterious figure looked at the screen in front of him.

Immediately, a voice rang, "I found you."

Then, this behemoth suddenly changed direction and flew away in another direction.


Almost at the same time, Bright here had already sensed it.


Zefa noticed something strange about Bright. He had never seen Bright in such a panic.

Cold sweat covered his forehead almost instantly.

"damn it!!"

Brett couldn't help but cursed at this time.

He always uses his knowledge and knowledge to the greatest extent and remains vigilant, and from time to time he foresees the future to be vigilant.

And now, it was time to foresee the future, and he saw a future that he absolutely did not want to see.

"Everyone, hurry up!"

Brett yelled, he took a deep breath, his chest bulged high, and he released more clouds, enveloping everyone.

The flame cloud suddenly tightened around the entire island, and the island's forward momentum suddenly stopped.

Fortunately, Bright had already released the flame cloud to surround everyone in advance, otherwise no one knows how many people would fly directly into the sky at this moment.

At almost the same moment, a beam of rumor passed across the front of the island and disappeared into the depths of the sky in an instant.

Even if it was only for a moment, the dazzling light still made everyone unable to open their eyes, and the scorching temperature even caused some flammable items to start burning.

"what is that!"

Qingzhi felt like he was about to melt into water and couldn't help but scream.

"It's really here!"

Zefa gritted his teeth, "Damn it! For the first time, I hope the world government won't be so decisive!"

"It's useless to say anything now, isn't it?"

Brett took a deep breath and turned his head to look in the direction of the light.

There were rolling clouds and mist in the sky on the other side, and a huge object was looming in the constantly churning mist. It was unclear what the specific appearance was, and only a vague black shadow could be seen.

"What we are facing now is the so-called divine punishment!"

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