One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 482 Crazy Caesar

Chapter 482 Crazy Caesar

The whole world has indeed been shocked.

Almost immediately on this day, the World Economic News and several other newspapers jointly brought shocking news to people on the sea.

Two people who once served as admirals, Akainu and Aokiji, who were previously captured by the NEO Navy. The two people who were once known as the highest combat power of the World Government finally completely betrayed the navy and joined the command of Zefa Black Arms. .

The news was the same, but what was reported by the newspapers on both sides was completely different.

The Navy Headquarters' declaration was published in these newspapers owned by the World Government.

Basically, it denounced the betrayal of Akainu and the two, and focused on criticizing their evil behavior of abandoning the light and turning to darkness.

In order to highlight the criminal behavior of these two people, the government even used O'Hara as an example, criticizing Akainu's bombardment of refugee ships for the first time to the world.

All in all, it is an attempt to completely brand Akainu and Aokiji as villains on a moral level.

But it happened that O'Hara's matter was also mentioned in the World Economic News.

If the government newspaper wants to throw Akainu and Aokiji into the abyss of eternal damnation, the World Economic Newspaper certainly wants to whitewash them and endorse their choices.

Here, of course, what happened in O'Hara was a big deal.

After all, this is indeed an important node in the change of Qing Pheasant's mentality.

Before this, probably no one had ever revealed what happened to O'Hara to the people on the sea.

Compared with criticism that only stands on the moral high ground, of course, simply presenting facts and reasoning can move people's hearts more.

Because the entire island was completely wiped out because of the pursuit of history, people on the sea certainly have a stronghold in their hearts about whether this matter is right or wrong.

In addition, Akainu and Aokiji also revealed a lot of dirty information about the World Government.

There are too many such things, and several books can be written just on what the Tianlong people have done in recent years.

In any case, the two tit-for-tat propagandas caused an uproar around the world.

World Economic News has wider coverage and presents facts, but World Government has a much higher reputation.

For a while, people on the sea didn't know who to believe.

But people have a consensus.

I am afraid that the world will really undergo a huge change next.

Somewhere in this world, this is the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

"Is there really no problem, Robin?"

The commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army and Bright's good friend, Mr. Dolag looked at the woman in front of him with some worry.

The news that the two admirals had become allies certainly made him happy.

After all, no matter how you calculate the combat power of the two generals, they are still huge, and absolutely no one can underestimate them.

But only Akainu and Aokiji were the two people who carried out the demon-slaying order in Ohara.

They have a deep vendetta against Nico Robin.

The woman with long, smooth black straight hair shook her head slightly and said, "The destruction of O'Hara was the decision of the government and the Five Old Stars. They are just the executors."

Even if the two of them don't come, there will be others who will carry out the demon-slaying order.

Strictly speaking, Qing Pheasant spared her life.

The only thing that was a little hard to accept was Akainu's bombardment of the refugee ship.


Nicole Robin hugged her left upper arm with her right hand, and the beautiful woman lowered her head, "If they can contribute to a greater cause, it can be regarded as their atonement."

Dorag was silent.

He didn't know what to say.

For Nicole Robin now, no matter what she says seems to be an insult to her.

"We will definitely overthrow the world government and completely change the world!"

Dorag could only say this, categorically.

Robin nodded slightly.

Fishman Island.

"There is no point in continuing this kind of war of words."

Bright put down the newspaper in his hand, "In the end, force will speak."

"Now let's see when the doctors and others can successfully create Hades."

Tezzolo said, "Although the losses this time are huge, it might not be all bad."

"At least,"

He looked at Bright and said, "I experienced the power of that thing myself."

Bright nodded, "In terms of power alone, it is indeed unrivaled, but it is not invulnerable."

At least in terms of speed, he couldn't catch up with himself who was going all out.

It's by no means no chance of winning.

"But the Navy has started recruiting troops again."

Jinbei was a little worried, "Last time, we asked them to recruit two generals from the private sector. This time, they won't be asked to find any monsters left among the private sector, right?"

"There must be anonymous monsters in the world, but I'm afraid there aren't that many."

Brett shook his head.

The strong men in this world can only make themselves stronger through battle.

How could we reach the top of the sea if we were really anonymous?

Even Fujitora and Green Bull are not really unknown.

Brett didn't believe there were a bunch of guys like them out there in the ocean.

"If they want to recruit troops, let them do it."

"Now all we have to do is wait," Bright said.

Waiting for Pluto's completion, waiting for the final decisive moment.

Naval Science Corps.

"Caesar!! What do you mean you bastard!"

A man named Dauberman was tightly restrained on the operating table.

Even though he was a Vice Admiral at the Navy Headquarters, he was completely unable to break free after being injected with a muscle relaxant and bound by steel.

He didn't understand at all why the man in front of him was doing this to him.

Didn’t you say you were just here to cooperate with the experiment?

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General Dauberman,"

Caesar, who was light and airy and covered in gas mist, chuckled, "We will definitely succeed this time!"

"You will become my most perfect work!"

"What do you want to do?" Dauberman couldn't help but asked loudly.

"What that guy from Vegapunk did was replace humans with fish-men's blood factors, thus converting you into fish-men!"

Caesar opened his arms and laughed, "But this is too vulgar!"

"The true power contained in the fish-man blood factor has not been discovered at all! That is the blood inheritance of monsters who have been swimming in the deep sea for a long time!"

Caesar laughed wildly, "What I have to do is to completely activate these powers! Merge them with my artificial devil fruit research! Let you gain fruit abilities that can bypass the limitations of devil fruits! Create a real deep-sea warrior!"

Dauberman's eyes widened slightly. This sounded powerful.

But why restrain yourself like this?

"No need to worry, Lieutenant General Dauberman."

Caesar chuckled, "The possible problems have been corrected one by one with the contribution of your subordinates."

Dauberman's eyes widened.

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