One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 511 The Great Escape

A large number of beams once again penetrated the scientific base above and fell downwards.

The beams of light were as bright as a meteor shower streaking across the night sky, with an indescribable and moving beauty.

But behind this beauty lies murderous intent.

Almost all escape directions have been blocked.

This kind of precision doesn’t look like it’s done by hand?

Brett thought this silently in his heart.

These beams were indeed menacing and did not give him any room to dodge, but it would be different if he had understood their falling trajectories before.

Brilliant electric light splashed on Brett's body the moment the beam fell. He had already rushed forward like a phantom, heading straight for the mysterious Lord Yin Mu.

In the information left by Qiao Yin Boyin, it was never said that this guy also had extraordinary power!

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

"What do you want to do to this master? Bublite!"

A man stood in front of Brett.

He was wearing a white cloak and a mask covering his face.

Although Mr. Strongest Shield of cp0 is a little confused about the current situation, since this mysterious Lord Yimu is the master of the Five Old Stars, then of course, he is the one he is loyal to!

"Get out of my way!"

Brett didn't even have the time to look at this guy.

With a weird twist of his body, he easily dodged the strongest shield's powerful and heavy blow, and then punched this guy in the face.

The mask and the guy's facial bones were shattered at the same time. The strongest shield of the Tianlong people flew back like a dead dog in the next moment, crashed through the wall behind, and flew to an unknown place. .

"What an exaggeration!"

Green Bull watching this scene couldn't help but sigh.

That is the leader of cp0. No matter how you think about it, there is no way that monsters are inferior to admirals like them!

Was he beaten away by Brett in the blink of an eye?

Although we knew how big the strength gap between them and Brett was when Ace was executed last time, but now when we watch him show his strength, we still feel unspeakable shock.

In this flash of lightning, Brett had already rushed in front of Yin Mu.

The energy contained in his body burst out instantly. Brett mobilized half of his reserves in one breath, and then unleashed a devastating punch.



The two fists collided in the air, and the violent wind instantly blew everyone around them away.

The ceilings, walls and floors were shattered, or in other words, the entire building above this level of Pangu City was blown away by the violent shock wave.

Brett's tall figure fell back, a look of consternation evident on his face.

"Is this surprising? Brett?"

Master Yinmu's body also moved back lightly, and the strong wind blew the black robe on his body. "Even a pig, after living for eight hundred years, should turn into a monster, right?"

Even those who were not good at fighting may have developed amazing strength during this long period of time.

"This is really not good news!"

Green Bull chewed his teeth and said, "This guy actually has enough strength to compete with Brett!"

Not even a competition.

Brett pursed his lips.

The blow he just made used half of his reserved energy, but Yin Mu caught it with his bare hands.

In other words, under normal circumstances, this guy even has power above himself!

As General Green Bull said, this is really not good news.

"What surprises me is you, Brett."

Yin Mu's tone was as calm as ever, without any ups and downs, "You are so young but you already have this level of power. Even Qiao Yin Boyin back then can't compare to you."

Approval from Lord Yinmu!

Now, apart from himself, there should be no other person in the world who would be familiar with the existence of Qiao Yin Boyin.

"That's really a compliment."

Brett responded while thinking in his heart.

Oops, there's something wrong with this guy Yin Mu.

With his knowledge and domineering power, he couldn't even hear a sound from this guy, and he didn't get a glimpse of the future related to him at the moment he took action.

This guy's knowledge and domineering power are extraordinary!

Brett remembered what Rayleigh had once told him. Roger had awakened a special ability after cultivating his Haki to the limit.

That is the ability to interfere with the opponent's perception of sight, hearing and color.

This move is called the knowledge kill by Roger, and it can even block the opponent's ability to predict the future.

It’s not surprising that Yoon-mu would possess a move that Roger could master after living for eight hundred years.

But this would be a bit troublesome. The domineering power of knowledge and color that has always been unstoppable is going to be a problem for this guy.

The basic combat power is not as good as the basic combat power, and the domineering power is not as good as the domineering power.

One thing that Brett had to admit was that this Lord Yin Mu indeed surpassed him in all aspects.

However, the disparity does not reach the point of despair.

"Do you still have time to distract yourself? It's a bit too disrespectful, Brett."

Like a phantom, Brett felt his eyes flash, and Yin Mu had already flashed in front of him.

Damn it, the restrictions on the Haki of seeing and hearing are really annoying!

There is no way to deal with other opponents like you can. As long as you hear the opponent's voice clearly before he makes a move, you can also see the future.

Fortunately, Dr. Vegapunk also gave Brett extremely fast reflexes.

Even if his Haki was no longer useful, he could still deal with Yoon Mu's attacks with his own reflexes.

The two fists collided together again.

This time, Brett was knocked out and he quickly released the clouds to wrap around him before he stabilized his body.

A sky-wide beam of light fell from the sky, directly covering Brett and everyone in the navy.

"Try to be much weaker than before."

Master Yin Mu finally had a hint of curiosity in his voice, "I see, did you use some explosive move?"

Brett moved around in the rain of beams while shaking his numb right arm.

This power is really exaggerated!

The strength of the domineering force is also amazing!

There is no doubt that this guy is probably the strongest in the world in the true sense!

"Get ready to retreat!"

Brett yelled.

Staying here and wrestling with this guy is the stupidest thing to do.

Now I have to think about running away.


On the broken floor behind Brett, a big-headed doll suddenly appeared.

He grabbed Ochado and Gion by their ankles and pulled them directly into the ground.


Master Yinmu exclaimed, "It's a troublesome ability, but don't be careful about escaping."

More beams fell.

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