One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 523 The key to awakening

Chapter 523 The Key to Awakening

On the huge sphere suspended in the sky, Bright changed back to his original appearance and stood on it. In front of him were General Fujitora, who was on the way, and Dr. Vegapunk, who came to introduce the product.

"Hahahaha, it uses anti-gravity technology so it can move at will. The shell made of the same material as the Pluto hull has a seamless design. It is extremely strong and can move freely in the deep sea!"

The old man opened his arms and said with an impassioned laugh, "The energy stored inside is enough to sustain its operation for decades! During this period, it will rise and set around the Fish-Man Island every day. Every day during the day They all release endless light and heat, bringing light and warmth to this deep sea!"

“It’s really breathtaking technology.”

Admiral Fujitora sighed sincerely, "In this case, coupled with bubble technology, even the deep sea will become habitable."

"This is a genius technique!"

The old man put his hands on his waist, looking triumphant.

"Can it have the same effect as the sunshine brought by Eve?"

Brett asked with concern.

Dr. Vegapunk has already taken action, so there should be no doubt about the role of this ball. It will definitely be able to help, but the question is how much it can help.

Can it have the same effect as the sunshine brought by Eve?

Can the marine plants in this sea area grow as vigorously as they did in the past, bringing enough food supplements to the residents of this island?

"No need to worry!"

The old man waved his hand, "The light it emits will penetrate the seawater like radiation and spread to far away places."

"Although it is impossible for all living beings to be equal like the real sun, it should be enough in this deep sea!"


Brett couldn't help but snap his fingers, "Let's get it working quickly, Doctor! Is it right here?"

Just now, I heard from the doctor that this ball is going to move outside the Fish-Man Island, surrounding the Fish-Man in the deep sea.

"Its trajectory has been set, and there will be no problem running here!"

The old man took out a remote control and handed it to Brett, "For such a memorable moment, it's better for you to start it yourself!"

"Then I won't be polite."

Of course, Brett took the remote control without hesitation and pressed it without hesitation.

Then, the sphere they stepped on emitted a faint light, and then began to tremble.

"It seems my abilities are no longer needed."

General Fujitora smiled and sheathed his sword. The ability of the Gravity Fruit was canceled. However, the huge sphere did not fall downwards because of this. It was still suspended in the sky and started to move at a considerable speed in the next second. Flying into the sky.

Bright grabbed the old man and jumped off the ball, followed by Fujitora. They raised their heads and watched the ball go up, and finally passed through the huge bubble of Fish-Man Island and entered the deep sea.

Almost the next moment, brilliant light flowed down from above, directly illuminating the entire Fish-Man Island, and even the surrounding deep sea became translucent.

Everything is like going back to the time before, when Yangshu Eve was still sending sunlight downwards.

The entire Fish-Man Island became restless in an instant.

A few days ago, Bright cosplayed the human-shaped sun to deliver light and heat to the island, but the light and heat flowing down now are obviously different from what Bright bloomed before.

Of course, what is more obvious is the huge ball of light hanging in the sky.

"What's going on? What's with this light?"

"It was released from the ball of light in the sky. Did Master Bright use some new moves?"

"Both the light and the temperature are completely different from just now!"

"What the hell is going on!"

The people of Fish-Man Island became extremely surprised.

Bright looked up at the sky. His vision had already gone beyond Fish-Man Island and entered the deep sea, observing the sun floating outside.

The sphere, like a super-large light bulb, was quietly suspended in the deep sea, quietly releasing its light and warmth.

But it is actually moving slowly, very slowly.

It looks really good.

"Well done Doctor, in this case there should be no problem!"

Brett admired sincerely.

Then let Nipton send people to inform the residents of the island that the crisis has been resolved.

"Now that this matter has been resolved, doctor, can you do me one more favor?"


The old man tilted his head, "Do you still want me to help you make another moon in the sky?"

"Why would you think of this?"

Brett couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "This is about the awakening of my abilities."

"Oh, wake up, I haven't given up on this matter yet,"

Vegapunk nodded, "But haven't you said it before? I don't know anything about this matter. Whether artificial devil fruits can be awakened, no one can tell."

"Since it is unknown to realize awakening through one's own efforts, then I wonder whether we can achieve it through technological means."

Brett said, "My fruit may not be able to awaken, but the original fish fruit's phantom beast green dragon form can definitely be awakened, right?"

"When you extracted his bloodline factor, he probably hadn't awakened yet, but it must have been completed now!"

Bright raised the corner of his mouth, "In that case, why not extract his blood factor again and fuse the different parts with me again in the form of patches?"

"It's like, like back then."


The old man's eyes widened, and then he was delighted with surprise, "It makes sense, it makes sense, Brett!! You are such a genius!"

"Just like adding abilities to the replica version of the Blue Dragon Fruit, why can't we also add the ability to awaken! Even because it is part of the ability, it bypasses the limit on the number of abilities!"


Fujitora remained silent, but he felt as if he had heard something terrible.

"Haha, then go and bring Kaido over!" Dr. Vegapunk couldn't wait.

Brett showed a reserved smile just right, raising the corners of his mouth to reveal two rows of white teeth, "He is a guest on Fish-Man Island after all."

"Oh! Everything is fine. Let him come quickly, Brett. I can't wait to start the experiment!"

The old man acted as if he didn't know that he had only used Kaido's blood factor before.

It just so happened that I couldn’t wait any longer.

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