One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 563 Before the decisive battle

After walking around the city and finding nothing else of value, Brett and others went to meet Dr. Vegapunk.

The old man is still playing with these robots with great interest.

The small robots gathered around him with smiles.

These robots obviously possess a certain degree of intelligence, but they did not resist Vegapunk's manipulation, and allowed the old man to observe their bodies with a smile.

"Did you see anything?"

Brett asked with a smile as it fell from the sky.

"It's amazing!"

The old man raised his head, very excited, "As early as nearly a thousand years ago, the Bika people had already mastered this level of artificial intelligence technology! And they even equipped such basic patrol soldiers!"

Brett did some calculations and found that a thousand years ago was a long time ago, but in fact it was only a few dozen or nearly a hundred years before the Bika people migrated.

"Haha, the remains of this type of robot can occasionally be found in Qinghai. Could it be that they were left by the Bika people?"

The doctor was in high spirits.

It's not just wreckage, doctor.

There was a man on the sea who inherited this technology.

Brett remembers clearly that in the original work, Enelu met the robots created by Dr. Tsukimi after flying to the moon. Their appearance was almost exactly the same as these little ones.

These robots flew to the moon in a balloon after Dr. Tsukimi was choked to death by a sudden explosion on the moon while eating.

The technology of the Bika people is still spread on the sea, and there are probably not a few successors.

But none of that matters now.

After all, in the coming war, what can really come in handy are the Bika people's highest technological crystallizations, such as ancient weapons.

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“What an amazing country!”

The old man stood up and sighed very much.


Brett glanced at the little robots surrounding the old man, "Do you want to take them back?"

The doctor shook his head gently, "They were left to protect the city."

“That’s their mission etched at the very bottom of the program.”

"There's no need to disturb them."

The doctor said, "Let them stay here and accompany this city."

They, these little robots who have a certain amount of wisdom but are far inferior to Hades, are already the last watchmen of this great city and that great race.

So Brett took everyone back the same way.

With all the little robots raising their heads and silently watching, Brett and others left this city that had been hidden deep in history.

They boarded Hades again and returned to Qinghai.

This trip to the moon can be considered a pleasure.

Although there was no obvious gain, I finally experimented with Hades' power and visited the former residence of the Bika people.

"Even if it's true now, everything is ready, right?"

On the way back, Rayleigh said this.

Brett nodded slightly, "I will inform Mr. Zefa, Dorag, and Mr. Garp when I get back."

"All preparations are in place, and the next step is war."


Teacher Lei Li nodded slightly, "Then it's almost time for me to call my old friends over to gather."

"Oh! Are they Mr. Jabba and the others?"

Shanks' eyes suddenly lit up, "I thought I would never see them again in this life!"

"Although those old guys have retired, when they heard about the opportunity to fulfill Roger's dream, they still couldn't wait to get involved,"

Reilly shook his head helplessly, "Really, they are all a bunch of old guys, but they are still so energetic."

"Hahaha, great, I can fight side by side with everyone again!"

Shanks felt very excited.

Although he is now a world-famous pirate, he still misses those years with everyone in the Roger Pirates.

Those were his best childhood years.


Brett nodded, "The next step is to gather all our strength."

It takes almost as much time to get to the moon as it does to get back.

When we returned to New Fishman Island, it was completely dark.

It should already be the night of the second day.

Although it is said that the moon is not far from Qinghai, it is actually a bit far away.

The not far here refers to the distance between other stars in the universe.

After returning to the New Fishman Island, everyone separated. Brett returned to his temporary residence and took out a phone bug to contact Zefa and others.

After learning the news of Hades' completion, Zefa and others were extremely excited.

After all, this means that in terms of pure strength comparison, their side is already superior to Yin Mu.

Very good conversion equation.

The king of heaven and the king of Hades can tangle with the ultimate weapon in Yinmu's hands.

So if there is a second Pluto here, of course he will have a huge advantage, right?

However, the equation is correct. The only trouble is that the King of Heaven is not fully mature, and his power is weaker than that of his ancestors eight hundred years ago.

But it doesn't matter, the air combat advantage that the King cannot obtain will be made up for by Hades!

Two Plutos plus an unfinished King of Heaven, even if they don't have an overwhelming advantage, they will never be at a disadvantage again!

It's really time for the war to begin!

The Revolutionary Army, NEo Navy, and New Navy all began to gather strength, and then it was time to officially start the war!

After finishing the call with his friends, Brett put away the phone bug.

He sat on the chair, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

The goal of defeating the world government has been set in his mind a long time ago.

This moment now was what he had been waiting for.

But when this moment really came, he felt a little inexplicable at a loss.

Then he decided to go find Charlie.

Charlie opened a new mermaid cafe on the new fishman island, located in the shallow sea area outside the island.

There is no way, everyone from the boss to the employees are mermaids, and they cannot operate normally unless they are in the sea.

When Brett arrived in front of the cafe, the lights were still on.

Brett stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened and Charlie leaned out.

She looked at Brett quietly.

Brett smiled and stretched out his hand towards Charlie, "Charlie, do you want to see the stars?"

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