One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 565 Gathering Power

Impel Down City was originally one of the three major institutions under the World Government along with the Navy Headquarters and Justice Island.

But of course, almost no one uses this term anymore.

After all, the Navy Headquarters has been completely destroyed, and the top brass of the Navy have been declared traitors, and now they have started anew and become enemies of the World Government.

However, Impel City still stands here. In this windless windless zone, this impossible-to-fall prison still guards here.

At this time, the interior of the world's largest torment was abnormal, and interesting changes were taking place.

"Thank you to the government, thank you to Lord Wulaoxing, thank you to Lord Yinmu for your magnanimity, you scum."

The lowest level of the big prison, level 6 that outsiders don't even know about, and the sixth level of the big prison, are called infinite hells.

This prison, which had been completely wiped out by the World Government because it contained the most evil criminals, was now bright.

Several CP0s wearing white robes and masks stood in the center of the prison, and the leader was lecturing loudly.

In front of them stood a group of strange-looking guys, all wearing prison uniforms. There was no doubt that they were the prisoners imprisoned in this prison.

This is because the guys who were so vicious that their existence was wiped out by the government now have bright smiles on their faces.

Because they were released, by agents sent by the World Government.

"Your crimes have been pardoned, but as a price, you will have to fight for the government in the coming war."

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"Hahaha, then we can be regarded as the Shichibukai, right?"

A woman whose slim figure could not be concealed even in a prison uniform, but who had a rather ugly face, put her hands on her hips and laughed.

Katarina Dai Peng, one of the most notorious female pirates in the world, has been imprisoned in this infinite hell for a long time. She really never thought that she would see the light of day again.

And it was actually the World Government who sent someone to free her.

"It's good if you understand it this way."

The leader CP0 nodded, "As long as we can help the government win this war, let alone the Shichibukai, it is not impossible for you to become the new navy."

"Navy? Hahaha,"

A middle-aged man with blue hair and a pair of horns on his head also chuckled, "Rather than being a government dog, I would rather be a noble. How about giving me a country?"

"It doesn't matter."

cp0 drew a pie casually.

Anyway, what I say now doesn’t count.

After all, if the war is lost, everything will be in vain. Even if the war is won, Lord Yin Mu will cleanse the entire world, so what's the use of promising too much now?

"Hahaha, then leave it to us!"

The blue-haired man, Abaro Pizarro, known as the King of Evil, laughed.

"very good."

CP0 nodded slightly, and then he looked at the two people who were the only two people in the two cells side by side who were still imprisoned.

"Then it's you in the end,"

He walked to the front of the two prisons, "The Devil's Successor, Douglas Barrett, the Alone Red, Baloric Redfield!"

"You two are the only ones who haven't made a statement yet!"

Among the two people imprisoned in the prison, one is a white-haired and skinny old man.

The other one was just the opposite of him. He was a middle-aged man with a majestic figure. He was sitting silently doing push-ups with a sea-floor stone prison device.

Judging from their appearance alone, there is nothing special about them.

However, even though these two names, Devil's Successor and Aloof Red, have disappeared on the sea for so many years, once they appear on the sea, they will still shock the whole world!

To be blunt, everyone else in Infinite Hell is just an addendum, these two guys are the real focus.

"Do you want me to work for the government? Really, are there brain problems among young people today?"

The white-haired Laidfield shook his head helplessly.

There wasn't even any irritation in his tone, just like an adult who had encountered a naughty child who was saying stupid things.

"You said the navy has mutinied?"

Barrett, who was exercising silently, raised his head.

His tone was as hard as steel.

"Not all of the navy, but most of the navy's top brass did rebel."

CP0 said, "Barrett, you were defeated by the demon-slaying order commanded by Garp and Warring States. So now, don't you have any thoughts of revenge?"

"Although Warring States is dead, Garp is still alive and well, and now he has become the marshal of the new navy."

"Not to mention their partner, the man named Brett,"

CP0 chuckled and said, "That man is undoubtedly the most powerful guy in the world today."

"Before the navy rebelled, he single-handedly defeated the combination of Marshal Sengoku and the three generals. This is something that even Roger couldn't do, right?"

Douglas Barrett's eyes widened.


"Ha, is it the strongest?"

He slowly sat cross-legged on the ground, and then the corners of his mouth gradually raised in the most unscrupulous arc, "The guy who surpassed Roger!!"

"That would be so much fun!"

He raised his head and looked at CP0 outside the prison, "Hey, scumbags, I want to fight that guy!"

This man's lifelong ambition is to surpass Roger, but Roger is dead and he cannot intuitively accomplish this goal.

It can only be achieved through indirect means, such as doing things that even Roger can't do. His previous idea was to defeat the Demon-Slaying Order head-on.

But it was different now. A guy who was truly stronger than Roger had appeared. How could he not be excited about it?

"No problem at all!"

There was a heavy smile in cp0's voice, this guy is a real monster! Even if he fights against a powerful man of the pirate emperor level, he probably won't be at a disadvantage!

"What about you, Laide?"

cp0 cast his eyes on the Red Earl.

"This is really true,"

The Red Earl sighed, "Is there such a scary guy in the world?"

"But, I'm not interested."

The old man still shook his head without interest, "I have no intention of fighting for the World Government."


cp0 nodded slightly, "If that's the case, then you are useless."

Later, go to the port above the sea on the top floor of Impel City.

CP0 wiped the blood on his hands and asked the guy next to him, "Warden Shiliu, are you sure you want to join the war with us instead of staying in Impel Down City?"

"Enough of the boring life,"

The man known as Ame no Shiru smiled brightly, "Let's do something interesting next."

"Welcome to join us."

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