One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 567 Friends gather together

In the eyes of that guy Yin Mu, there is no doubt that he is a thorn in his side, a thorn in his flesh, and a more troublesome opponent than Qiao Yin Boyin eight hundred years ago.

But this doesn't mean that as soon as he appears, that guy Yin Mu will immediately take notice and pursue him without hesitation.

The situation has developed to this point. Since that guy Yin Mu has chosen to hide, he will never show up easily.

Brett knew this very well.

Unless, what is placed in front of that guy is a bait that he cannot refuse and is willing to bite even at the risk.

In fact, this bait is not difficult to think of. If it is not enough by itself, how about adding an ancient weapon?

Hades' speed can come in handy at this time.

Just right, isn't it?

The World Government just gathered all the power they had gathered, and they had a reason to appear there and catch those guys in one fell swoop.

Brett spoke his mind.

Good friends are very suspicious of this.

"Isn't this a little too obvious?"

Dorag frowned, "That guy Yin Mu is not a fool. Of course he knows that after Hades is completed, the advantage will already come to our side."

In this situation, how could Yin Mu take action easily?

"Let's take a gamble,"

Brett leaned back in his chair and said with a smile, "I bet he wants to take a gamble too."

"What Yin Mu knows better is that as time goes by, our advantage will only become greater, because Ouranos is maturing day by day!"

The current king of heaven, Uranus, is still not fully mature, but in a few years he will completely become a complete body. At that time, Yin Mu will have to face three ancient weapons in the true sense.

Even the ultimate weapon he mastered might not have much chance of winning when faced with such combat power.

He had to hurry up.

So Brett was willing to take a gamble that when he showed up with Hades, that guy Yin Mu would take action.

"Now it seems like this is the only way to go."

Mr. Zefa nodded slightly, "Britt, then I will trouble you again!"

"give it to me."

Brett chuckled, "By the way, I have also issued a summons to other friends. Although the war between ancient weapons is the key to this war, it is not the whole story."

In addition to Yin Mu and his ultimate weapon, the World Government also has a CP system and the mysterious Knights of God.

CP may not be feared except for the strongest shield, but the Knights of God are not to be taken lightly.

Gather all the power that can be gathered at this time. The hard work in the past years has now come to fruition.

The Giant Clan, the Wano Country, the Fur Clan, the Long Hand Clan, the Long Leg Clan, and the Long Neck Clan, the oath they made with Brett has now come to be fulfilled.

"It seems that this will indeed be an unprecedented war!"

Dorag sighed.

"Anyway, everyone,"

Brett smiled and said, "Let the whole world move first!"

"It's time to take action!"

"While we are planning the decisive battle with Yin Mu, let us first completely defeat the forces of the World Government around the world!"

"Of course, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Dolag immediately shouted, "Our soldiers are distributed all over the world, and they can take action at any time!"

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"We are also ready!"

Mr. Zefa was not willing to lag behind and said, "Although our troops are concentrated in the New World, Brett, the logistics force of Fish-Man Island can transport us to any corner of the world at any time, right?"


Brett's lips curled up slightly.

The Yuman Island logistics team that has mastered the deep-sea current transportation method is of course not only able to transport materials, they are also the best in the industry in terms of transporting manpower.

"Hahahaha, in this case we can also help!"

Marshal Garp also laughed, "Just in time we can go to the naval branches in various places and try to win back all the former soldiers!"

"No problem at all!"

Brett nodded slightly.

In this case, a war sweeping everything around the world will break out!

The strategic meeting is almost done here. Next, the Revolutionary Army, NEo Navy and New Navy each discuss the scope of their responsibility.

This is a war that will subvert the entire world order!

The influence of the world government must be completely wiped out throughout the world!

After the meeting, Brett went to contact his other close friends.

Friends of the Alliance of Minority Races such as the King of Giants, and national leaders such as Yamato Inarashi and Neko Viper.

They were all very happy about Brett's call for help.

Either they had received Bright's care in the past, or they themselves were looking forward to this moment. In short, without exception, everyone responded to Brett's call.

"Then leave it to us!"

As represented by Yamato's enthusiastic answer, all friends are willing to send troops to help.

Next, the logistics force will also mix the armies of these friends with the teams of Dorag Zefakarp and the three of them and transport them to various parts of the world.

Not to mention anything else, the existence of the giants alone almost represents the outcome of this wide-area war.

In addition to sending troops, the strong men of these countries and races will also come to the New Fish-Man Island in the future to face Yu Yinmu's final battle with Brett and others.

Again, if it’s a guy like Yoon Mu, no amount of preparation is too much.

As a result, the entire Fish-Man Island turned into a huge machine and began to move.

The logistics team of Fish-Man Island has become insufficient under this huge transportation pressure.

But it doesn't matter, there are still many sea beast troops among the troops at the Entry-Exit Administration Bureau and Ryugu City.

Although they are not professionals, under the leadership of skilled logistics and transportation personnel, they can also undertake transportation tasks.

Not to mention, there is Shirahoshi.

With Neptune's orders, Neptune humans can also join this war.

It just so happens that after they transport all the teams around the world, they can join the battle right there.

The combination of fishmen, sea beasts and sea kings is undoubtedly rampant in the four seas, and nothing can stop them even in the paradise!

It is absolutely impossible to lose.

Therefore, the real key lies in this guy Yin Mu.

If this guy is allowed to free his hands, no matter whether it is a sea monster, a giant or a sea king, it will be impossible to block his offensive.

You have to lure him out first.

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