One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 569 Acting School

The abandoned naval base below was already very close, and Brett stretched himself to prepare for the next impact.

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Then at the same moment, in the base below.

Katakuri raised his head, frowning slightly.

Then the ground around him melted and turned into white rice cakes that snaked up, protecting him and his sister behind.

The corners of Hawkeye's mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head gently.



The roof above shattered instantly, and ceilings on countless floors were instantly penetrated.

The meteorite fell from above and hit the center of the solid floor.


Moria only had time to scream in surprise, and the oncoming strong wind had already blown his huge body away.

The entire naval base collapsed in an instant, and the violent wind swept up a large amount of gravel and dust, engulfing the entire island.

The violent shock waves even caused the sea water around the sea surface to ripple continuously, one after another, and the turbulent waves swept across.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Moria climbed up from the dust. He shook the dust off his body and spat out the dust in his mouth. "What exactly is going on?"

"Is it a meteorite?"


A huge wall was knocked directly into the air, and then a tall figure stood up below.

Douglas Barrett, the man known as the Devil's Successor, had a face full of fanaticism at this time.

His eyes were staring at the center of the explosion almost without blinking.

There is a huge hole there, with a human-shaped skeleton still stretched out.

"What happened here??"

White figures flew over from a distance.

It was the CP0s who sent Barrett and others here. They were about to leave by boat, but the sudden explosion stopped them from leaving.

"The monster is coming."

The black wall gradually melted, then turned into white rice cakes and melted into the ground again. Katakuri stood up unscathed.

As he spoke, his right arm melted, and a sharp trident extended from his arm.

"This is really, should I say it's a surprise or a shock?"

Hawkeye strolled in from a short distance away. There was almost no dust on his body. He held the pitch-black sword in his hand, but this man's face was filled with a wanton smile.

"No way?"

Moria has realized something, and his expression has gradually changed.

Not far away, in the huge hole at the center of the explosion, a figure suddenly jumped up and then landed lightly on the ground.

"Sorry, I might have disturbed your party,"

Brett shook the dust off his body and spoke with a smile.

The handsome figure falling from the sky is indeed handsome enough, but the sand tends to wander to some strange places.

"But there are some things I still have to say."

Blake looked around. The people who were initially blown away by the shock wave had already gathered around.

"Can I trouble you to withdraw from the World Government camp?"

Brett smiled gently, "Whether you withdraw from this war directly or join our side, I just hope you won't stand on the government's side anymore."


The cp0s’ voices were almost sharp, and their bodies were trembling, “Why are you here?”

Brett was not even interested in looking at them. Judging from the aura, although they were CP0 cadres, they were not the strongest shielders, so of course they were not worth paying attention to.

"You are the strongest, right!!"

A huge black shadow flew past, and in the next moment it appeared in front of Brett. Its huge fist was wrapped with dark domineering energy and blasted towards Brett's head like a heavy cannon.

"do not get excited."

Brett smiled and raised his left hand.


Brett's not-so-long hair was blown by the strong wind and almost stuck to his scalp. The shock wave just spread out almost made the entire island shake.

However, Brett remained motionless.


The man known as the Devil's Successor widened his eyes.

"Listen carefully to what I have to say first."

Brett casually swung his body, and Barrett's huge body shot up into the sky like a meteor in the opposite direction and hit him in the distance.

"Yin Mu and the world government he commands are already troublesome enough, so I don't want to see any new power added to his hands."

Brett said calmly, "So can you please respond to my request?"

"Hey, hey, hey, what an exaggerated power!"

The King of Evil's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He smiled softly, but his body silently retreated.

What a joke, even Barrett was thrown away!

From this point of view, you can see how exaggerated the power of this monster is!

"So what happens if we say no?"

Hawkeye held up his black knife, the smile gone from his face.

"If this is really the case, then of course I can only eliminate you, the government's reserve force, in advance."

Brett sighed.


The corners of Hawkeye's mouth raised more and more, and the black knife in his hand was pointed at Brett.

"To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to this development."

Hawkeye smiled and said, "Britt, let me see the difference between me and the strongest."

Brett couldn't help but smile even more. Brother Mihawk is really a good actor.

"Hahahaha! That's right! Come and fight, the strongest!"

Amidst the wild laughter, the entire island shook, and with the sound of heavy footsteps, a huge creature rushed from a distance.

It was a huge robot with short legs but especially thick arms.

It was a product created by Barrett after using his Fusion Fruit ability. Judging from the current body shape, it should be in the form of a medium-sized bullet.

The corner of Brett's lips raised, "The strongest? That's fine, then let me show you the strongest power."

Brett snapped his fingers, and then he called softly, "Hades."

The microphone worn on the collar collected his voice, and then transmitted his voice to the giant thing in the sky above through a special communication device.


The roar sounded in the sky.

"That is--"

Moria's expression suddenly changed as he looked up at the sky.

A huge thing flew down above the clouds.

After tearing apart the clouds, I finally saw what it looked like.

It was a huge steel bird.

Then, a light fell from the bird's wings.


The sea is boiling.

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