One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 588 A new beginning

Chapter 589 A new beginning

It's finally over.

Bright looked at Shanks. There was an uncontrollable bright smile on the man's face, but at this time, Bright felt that he couldn't hear Shanks' laughter at all.

There is absolutely no one in this world who is better at listening than him, but at this moment he just feels like he can't hear anything.

My heart felt peaceful like never before.

After realizing that it was finally over, all the hesitation, confusion, excitement, or excitement had disappeared.

Some are just unprecedented calm.

This is probably what that guy Im said once - feel at ease, right?

The Sword of Damocles, which had been hanging high in the sky, finally disappeared.

Just like when you raise your head now, all you can see is the boundless blue, endless and empty sky, without any obstacles or restraints.

Brett finally smiled.

So happy.

Everything is over. Since awakening the memory, all the worries have finally disappeared at this moment, and the ultimate goal has been achieved.

Next, there will be an unprecedented beautiful era.


The dilapidated big ship was approaching the deck of the big ship at high speed from a distance. Bright's old friends had tears in their eyes and were shouting Bright's name excitedly.

Dorag turned into a strong wind and came across the sky. The next second, he gathered his figure in front of Bright and gave Bright a warm hug.

"You did it, my friend! You did it!"

Brett felt that the body of this man who was as free as the wind was trembling slightly at this moment, "You defeated Im, and you brought a new future to this world!"

Brett gave him a warm hug with his backhand, "We did it!"

He said this, "We defeated Im, we defeated the World Government, we changed everything, we brought a new era!"

"Jie hahahaha! Is the world going to change from this moment on?"

The golden lion floated over in front of him with laughter, and the strong wind in the sky blew his long golden hair even more wildly.

He is obviously a lion who has reached his twilight years, but he still has an arrogant and domineering spirit at this time.

"Start from this moment! No!"

Mr. Zefa stepped on the air and jumped over. This man who was not very good at words and was always as silent and tough as a mountain could not help but burst into tears at this time.

"Since a long time ago, since we started taking action!"

"The world has already started to change since we decided to change it!"

He did not wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, letting the hot tears fall from the corners of his eyes and down to his chin, "And now is just the final moment after sowing the seeds!"


Brett nodded slightly.

Without the accumulation of so many years and the help of so many friends, there would never be such a hearty victory today, and the world would never be able to change so easily.

The initial determination to change was sowing, then years of preparation was nurturing, and now this final battle is the real harvest.

I have been waiting for too long, but finally everything was not in vain.

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Pluto had floated over, and Marshal Garp stood on the bow of the ship and laughed, "Is this the end? Although I'm very happy, it's honestly a lot easier than I thought!"

This vigorous decisive battle, which determined the future direction of the world, did not last even half a day.

To be honest, it was a little too easy to win.

They didn't even suffer any serious casualties. The most serious injury was only Pluto who was severely bombarded.

Not even one of the others died, and they simply and completely destroyed the World Government and completely won the war.

Before this battle officially started, who could have thought that the final result would be so easy?

The opponent is a monster who has ruled the world for eight hundred years in a real sense. He has eight hundred years of accumulation, the strongest weapons, and the strongest man.

A powerful enemy that left Roger helpless and Joey Boy powerless.

Before everyone officially came to the battlefield, they were undoubtedly worried.

Absolutely no one would be arrogant enough to think that they could easily win this battle. Everyone was prepared for the worst, thinking that even if they died, they would have to take a piece of meat from Im's body.

But it was so simple, so easy, so easy, and the war was completely ended.


He won so easily.

Amidst the excitement and joy, the people involved in this war couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is there really no problem if it is so easy? Is it really all over like this?

"No surprise, we have won!"

Brett let go of Dorag, and Dorag returned to Pluto's deck. Then, Bright said with a smile, "Although it's a little arrogant to say this, we have indeed won everything! What's next in this world?" It’s up to us to lead it forward!”

The faces of all the good friends were full of excitement and joy at this time.

Gathering around Bright are people who are dissatisfied with the world order ruled by the World Government.

Even the new navy under the command of Mr. Garp finally realized the darkness of this organization after being betrayed by the government, and joined the ranks of resisting the world government without hesitation.

And now, the time for change has finally arrived.

As Bright said, it's a bit arrogant to say this, but the world does need someone to stand up and lead it forward.

And now, of course they are the ones with this qualification!

"Everyone, my friends!"

Brett laughed and made an impassioned speech, "Are you ready to make this world what we want it to be?"

Dolag was smiling broadly, Mr. Zefa's lips were slightly raised, and even Marshal Garp was laughing.

The most difficult war is over, but what follows is an even more severe test.

Destruction is always much harder than creation, but everyone is full of confidence that they will definitely create a better world for the sea under the rule of the world government!

Brett also smiled brightly.

He didn't have much idea what the world would become.

He only knew that the centuries-long cherished wish of Fish-Man Island had finally come true, and all his compatriots could live confidently under the bright sunshine.


In the inheritance of Pluto, many, many people suddenly emerged, including humans, fish-men, mermaids, giants, and villains...

Yamato and Tezolo rushed to the front. Yamato was in tears, and Tezolo was also excited. The two of them rushed towards Bright.

Brett smiled and hugged the two short men in his arms.

"We did it!"

Tezzolo's voice was low.

"We won!" Yamato was so excited that he even cried.


Brett just nodded slightly.

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