But the serious injuries on his body and the severe pain in his body made him unable to stand up at all.

“So what? The winner is the one who wins.

Chen Fan’s eyes were full of coldness, and he raised his head to look at Mond, who was lying on the ground with serious injuries, without any hesitation.

A punch slammed directly into Mond’s throat.

“Click!” With

a sound coming out, Mond’s fingers lowered, his eyes stared at Chen Fan, but he had completely lost his breath and turned into a corpse.

After solving this opponent.

“Whew… Call.

Chen Fan also sat down, panting slightly.

Those pirates who had been watching the battle couldn’t help but sigh at this moment when they heard that the final victor was still Chen Fan.

“This little guy, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he actually killed this big man abruptly.

“Yes, he is really ruthless, he has no intention of keeping his hand, and those who are locked up in the same cell with him are really unlucky.”

But it’s a pity, if this little guy is outside, maybe he can make a name for himself in the new world.

“Don’t you think that this little guy doesn’t seem to be much affected by the Hailou Stone handcuffs?”


After observing Chen Fan in so many battles, some people felt puzzled, and they felt that Chen Fan did not seem to be affected by any Hailou stone handcuffs.

However, someone immediately stood up to refute, after all, they are all pirates in the new world and have seen the big world.

They naturally also knew that some Devil Fruit Abilities, even if they were restrained by the handcuffs of the Sea Lou Stone, could still lift the boulder and exert a certain amount of power.

At this moment, Budek looked at Chen Fan, who had just finished solving the enemy, and his heart could be described as full of emotion, feeling sorry for him and feeling sorry for himself.

He thought that with Chen Fan’s talent and hard work, there was such a decisive killing.

If you are outside, if nothing else, you will definitely become a strong person, and you will definitely be able to avenge yourself.

It’s a pity that this is the sixth layer of the Advance City, and it is claimed that no one has ever been able to escape.

Even if he is a strong person at the level of a general, he may not be able to escape if he is locked up here, let alone Chen Fan.

Chen Fan, who had sat down to rest for less than a few seconds, walked to the front of the cell and ate his food.

In an instant, a slightly hot stream of heat emanated from his body, slowly relieving his fatigue, repairing his injuries, and even enhancing his physique a little.

After eating half of the food, Chen Fan felt full again, after all, he had just eaten lunch.

Then, Chen Fan walked towards Mond’s corpse, and began to divide the corpse, throwing the huge corpse into the excretion outlet one by one.

After doing all this, Chen Fan went to clean, and then began the afternoon training.

As if there had never been a big war just now.

Those pirates who heard the familiar sound of waving their fists were all full of surprise.

“This little guy is a monster, right? How do I feel like a nobody?” ”

yes, is his resilience so terrible?

“What a demon, Lao Tzu now knows why this guy is locked up on the sixth layer like us.” ”


Those pirates are all sighing at Chen Fan’s talent and demon, and their resilience is terrible, you must know that the pirates who can be locked up in the sixth layer are at least more than 200 million bounties.

All of them are extremely powerful, and they are all lamenting that Chen Fan’s talent is powerful, and it can be imagined that Chen Fan is really a demon.

Without paying attention to everyone’s discussion, Chen Fan still started training on his own, sweat kept dripping on the ground, and fatigue kept coming.

However, the expression on Chen Fan’s face was full of excitement, and he liked the feeling of his strength slowly getting stronger step by step.

If he wasn’t afraid, his body would collapse, and he would want to train 24 hours a day.

It wasn’t until about eight or nine o’clock in the evening that Chen Fan stopped cultivating.

In the sixth layer of this propulsion layer, there was no concept of time at all, and Chen Fan could only judge noon and evening based on the jailer who delivered food every day.

Fortunately, these jailers also deliver meals at a fixed time every day.

In the following days, Chen Fan conducted basic physical training in the morning and naval six-style training in the afternoon.


Time flows like white sand.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

At this time, compared with last year, Chen Fan was not only stronger, but his height had skyrocketed by more than ten centimeters.

That Navy Six Style was also successfully cultivated by him, and his proficiency was not low.

“Your current Navy Six is no worse than mine, I have nothing to teach you, I hope what you promised me before is true.” In

the past year, Budek has repeatedly lamented Chen Fan’s talent, which also ignited his hope.

If he just wanted to give himself hope and find something to pass the time.

Now he really felt that the young man in front of him might really have a chance to create a miracle and break the myth that no one had ever escaped in Advance City.

“Don’t worry, I said it, I will do it, these two years, thank you for your hard work, if you have the opportunity to go out, I will definitely help you kill that guy.” Although

Chen Fan had no emotions, he still had his own certain principles.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Chen Fan has been practicing the Navy Six Styles for the past year, as well as continuous physical training.

His strength has risen by leaps and bounds, and Chen Fan has asked Budek about his current strength equivalent to an ordinary naval colonel.

You know, this is very terrifying, as strong as the three major monsters of the navy, and Chen Fan does not necessarily have such strength at his age.

Although my strength has improved rapidly, it is not enough, and if I want to escape from prison, it is far from enough to rely on the strength of a naval colonel.

At least it must also have a strength equivalent to that of a vice admiral in the headquarters of the Navy.

Chen Fan was lost in thought, he was planning how to improve his strength next.

Soon, Chen Fan thought of a detailed plan.

To say what kind of power is the most powerful for a strong physical skill,

it is naturally domineering.

Now that his own Navy Six Style has been cultivated, and his proficiency is also very high, if you want to go further, it is very difficult, but you can try it and extend the seventh form.

With his current physical fitness, he should be able to do it.

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