The Navy Headquarters also announced the bounty for Chen Fan ten days ago.

The most important thing is that they even learned Chen Fan’s name from the mouth of the pirates who survived in the sixth layer.

As the only pirate to break the myth in decades.

The navy gave a bounty, which was 800 million Bailey!

What a terrifying number, you must know that Chen Fan’s current strength has not even reached the vice admiral of the headquarters.

As soon as this bounty order came out.

In ten days, the news that the myth of the advance city had been broken spread throughout the sea.

The pirates of the new world were all surprised.

“I’m going, I’m not mistaken, someone actually broke the myth of advancing the city.

“It’s terrifying, this guy doesn’t look like he’s 20 years old, and he can escape from Thrust City.”

“I see that the myth that can never be broken, it is touted by the Navy, otherwise how can a guy who has no hair grow succeed in escaping from prison.”

“It’s just that these navies are all wine sacs and rice barrels, a bunch of waste.” ”


The pirates of the New World, in addition to being surprised, Chen Fan broke the myth of Advance City.

I even felt that the navy was too wasteful, and was successfully escaped from the city by a young man who was less than 20 years old.


At the same time, in the second half of the new world, Roger, who had just become One Piece at this time, saw this news, and the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

“Hahaha, what an interesting little guy who was able to escape from Push City from prison, with such a young man here, really looking forward to what the world will be like in the future?

One Piece Roger looked ahead, and no one knew what he was thinking at this time.


On the shore of Gaya Island, Chen Fan appeared here, he had been here for two days, looking at the endless sea.

Some villagers, watching this scene, all felt very strange, thinking who this guy was

, where did he come from, and why did he stay on the shore for two days?

However, Chen Fan didn’t care at all, everyone watched, he was waiting for a wave, waiting for the wave that rose into the sky.

He came here with only one purpose, that is, to obtain the Thunder Fruit.

Known as the strongest attack power of the Thunder Fruit of the Natural Department, Chen Fan must get it in his hands.

As long as he got the terrifying power of thunder, Chen Fan was sure to catch up with Sakaski at the fastest speed.

He came out with only two targets for the time being, the first killing Vice Admiral Henry David, and the second, killing Sakaski.

The first goal, Chen Fan believed that it would not be long before he would have the strength of a lieutenant general in his headquarters.

Kesakaski’s words, with his monster-like talent, Chen Fan will improve, and he will definitely improve.

Therefore, Chen Fan needed to obtain the Thunder Fruit in order to quickly increase his strength.

The breeze continued to blow on the surface of the sea, causing a circle of ripples, Chen Fan closed his eyes like this, and slowly waited.

Suddenly, Chen Fan opened his eyes because he found that the entire sea surface became extremely manic.

In the next second, the water rushed into the sky, and above the entire sea surface, it was like hanging an upside-down waterfall.

Some of the villagers who were watching had shocked expressions on their faces, but most of them were used to it.

Obviously, as villagers who have lived on this island for decades, they have seen the upside-down waterfall more than once.

Although this is like a miracle, but is there still a few wonders in the One Piece world?

Looking at the water flow that seemed to be like an Optimus Pillar, Chen Fan did not have any hesitation, he wanted to use this water flow and rush straight up.

Rush directly to the empty island.

Then, Chen Fan directly cast the moon step and walked towards the water.

Seeing the surprise on the faces of those villagers behind.

“I’m not mistaken, is this young man

flying?” “You read it right, he is indeed flying, is he the legendary Devil Fruit ability?”

“You see, he looks like he’s going straight into the water.”

I saw with my own eyes a ship that was swept into the current and shattered and turned into planks, and none of the people inside came out alive.

Under the shocked expressions of those villagers, Chen Fan had already rushed into the giant pillar of water.

As soon as he entered, Chen Fan felt a tearing sensation in his body, he didn’t expect that the impact of this sky-rushing river was so strong, and he immediately cast iron blocks.

Strengthening his body’s defenses, Chen Fan felt a little better, and then his whole person was rushed up to the sky by this rushing river.

The villagers behind were full of regret and incomprehension, they couldn’t figure it out, this young man was so decent, how could he go to find death by himself?

In their line of sight, Chen Fan had been flooded by this river like an upside-down waterfall, and he couldn’t see his figure at all.


Chen Fan, who was in the sky-rushing river, constantly felt as if his body was being cut by a knife.

This is also fortunate that his physical fitness is strong, and ordinary people who want to rely on the sky river to the empty island with their flesh alone may be torn in half just after entering.

In less than a moment, the rushing river directly brought Chen Fan to the surface of the sea.

He looked at the White Sea above.

If I remember correctly, the empty island should be above the White Sea.

Chen Fan did not hesitate, immediately went upstream, and two minutes later, he swam out of the sea.

Looking at the white, endless expanse, Chen Fan had to sigh at the magic of nature.

Standing up, Chen Fan looked around, there were no buildings, only a white expanse.

His expression instantly became a little ugly, because the purpose of his trip was Becca Island, but he did not know the specific direction of Becca Island.

Chen Fan thought for a while, he decided to walk directly ahead, as long as he met the empty island people, he could ask him, how to go in the specific direction?

Without hesitation, Chen Fan immediately exerted a moon step, he would rather consume more physical strength and advance on this empty island than run on this white cloud.

Because this ocean that seems to be turned into white clouds, there are some places that are empty and invisible.

Ordinary people will step in if they accidentally step on it.

An hour, two hours, three hours later.

Chen Fan went down every half hour to rest for a while, and then then cast the moon step and then flew in mid-air.

At this point he stopped.

Because Chen Fan found that in front of him was no longer a white sea, but a strange building in the shape of a six-pointed star appeared.

As he stepped faster and faster, he found that the building in front of him became more familiar.

Chen Fan thought about it, isn’t this the gate of heaven above the White Sea?

Without hesitation, Chen Fan directly rushed towards the Gate of Heaven at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as he entered the gate of heaven, he saw a tunnel more than hundreds of meters long.

Without stopping, Chen Fan then ran forward, running all the time, about a thousand meters, he saw a gate appear in front of him.

Just wanted to rush up and open the door.

The gate that was several meters high took the initiative to open, and a little more than a meter tall, the flesh on her face, hanging down one by one, and an ugly old woman appeared in front of Chen Fan.

“Empty Islander.

Chen Fan slowly said these three words, because he saw that this old woman still had a pair of white and immaculate wings behind her.

At this moment, Amazon was holding a camera in his hand, and before Chen Fan could react, he shot at him randomly.

Then, her old face looked at Chen Fan and said slowly: “Qinghai people, welcome to our empty island, if you want to go in and visit, you must pay one billion Extoll.”

Amazon’s voice was very hoarse.

Chen Fan naturally knew that if he wanted to enter the empty island, he had to pay money, and a billion Extoll sounded like a terrifying number.

But if converted to Bailey, it is only 100,000.

But I can ask you a question, where is Becca Island going?” Chen

Fan sneered at the corner of his mouth, needless to say that he had no money, even if he had money, he would not pay it.

Chen Fan looked at the Amazon behind her, and the pair of wings behind her.

“Keep to the right, you can see Angel Island, and further back Angel Island is Becca Island.

Qingdao people, do you have any money?

Amazon looked at Chen Fan with a somewhat jealous expression.

After getting the answer you want.

“Of course you have, but you didn’t have the life to take it.”

The next second after the words fell, Chen Fan’s body instantly disappeared in place, his fist covered with armed color domineering, and blasted towards the Amazon.

Seeing this scene, panic appeared on Amazon’s face, and she was ready to fight back, but it was simply too late.

With the blood rushing, Chen Fan directly punched Amazon’s head into a brain flower.

Looking at this corpse, Chen Fan first searched her body and got a money bag, which contained currency that Chen Fan had never seen before, and the denomination was very large, the least one was 100,000.

This should be Extoll.

Then, Chen Fan was ready to leave, but just after walking a few steps, he stopped.

Chen Fan looked at the pair of white wings in the Amazon.

In fact, the biggest difference between Qingdao people and empty island people is the white wings on the back.

Although Chen Fan was not afraid of the four great priests and Ganful, he didn’t want to make trouble for himself.

Before finding the Thunder Fruit, the trouble that could be avoided, Chen Fan wanted to avoid as much as possible.

After a while, he ripped off a pair of wings on Amazon’s back.

Then stuff it under your clothes.

If he didn’t look very carefully, Chen Fan would be no different from the empty island people now.

After doing all this, Chen Fan was about to cast the moon step, and he saw another good thing.

In front of him, a seahorse like a shrimp appeared.

Chen Fan immediately recognized it, this should be the special express shrimp unique to the empty island.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fan jumped directly onto the express shrimp and grabbed its two beards as if grasping the reins.

Ride it in the direction of the east.

The special express shrimp is worthy of the name, this speed is so fast, even compared to Chen Fan’s monthly step, it is not slow at all.

Over time.

Chen Fan gradually saw that a void appeared in front of him, and that void shone with white light.

Without much thought, he immediately drove the express shrimp in that direction.

“Boom. The

moment he drove out of the cave entrance, Chen Fan found himself in mid-air, and then suddenly fell.

Chen Fan quickly grabbed the beard of the express shrimp with both hands, so that he was not thrown out.

“Bang. Falling

heavily on the island clouds, Chen Fan steadied his figure and looked ahead.

Not far in front of it, there is a sandy beach, and in front of that beach are piles of buildings.

Don’t think, this should be Angel Island.

Then, Chen Fan immediately jumped off the express shrimp and rushed towards Angel Island.

He was too lazy to waste time, after all, Angel Island was not the destination of his trip, his destination was Becca Island.

In fact, Chen Fan didn’t know where the Thunder Fruit was, he had only seen some news on a certain bar in his previous life.

Chen Fan guessed that the Thunder Fruit might be in the temple on Bika Island.

Therefore, Chen Fan was ready to go directly to the temple, if the temple did not have it.

There is only the second way, that is, to find Anilu and keep tracking him in the shadows until Anilu finds the Thunder Fruit and is snatching it himself.

It’s just that this method is too slow, and the current Anilu is only in his early teens at most.

Chen Fan also didn’t know when Anilu obtained the thunder fruit,

but now he could only take one step at a time.

Chen Fan walked into Angel Island while thinking, there were buildings inside, and on the street, no one noticed Chen Fan.

After all, at this moment, Chen Fan also had a pair of wings behind him, and he was thinking about whether to use the moon step or use the transportation to go to Beka Island.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Fan still decided to use transportation.

After all, before getting the Thunder Fruit, Chen Fan wanted to keep a low profile.

Then he went to a shop where cars were parked like motorcycles.

This is also one of the products unique to Kujima, the owner of

this shop, a middle-aged man with a beer belly.

“Boss, how did you sell this car?”

asked Chen Fan, pointing to the car closest to him.

“Seven hundred million Extoll.

The boss replied.

“Okay, take it.

Chen Fan took out seven hundred million Extoll from the bag very happily, after all, this was the money he had just snatched, and it couldn’t be used underneath, he didn’t care.

Seeing Chen Fan paying so cheerfully, the boss’s face was also a little surprised.

But he didn’t say much, after all, is it bad to have customers who don’t bargain?

After paying the money with one hand and delivering it with the other, Chen Fan drove directly to Megatron and left.

Driving all the way and feeling the speed, Chen Fan felt like driving a motorcycle.

After a while, he drove Megatron out of Angel Island and went directly in the direction of Becca Island, and along the way, a circle of waves splashed everywhere.

However, there was a little bad thing, every half an hour, Chen Fan had to stop, because the gas in the exhaust shell was used up, and he had to stop to replenish.

It wasn’t until the next morning that the morning sun first woke up.

Chen Fancai saw a small island, looking at it from afar, on the white coastline, towering trees towered on it, and the entire island was in the white ocean.

Don’t think about it, this should be the island of Becca Island.


Chen Fan did not hesitate and immediately held the handle in front of him to the tightest.

He seemed to have seen the Thunder Fruit waving towards him.

After entering the coast, Chen Fan left Megatron on the side of the road, ignored it, and then walked directly into the island.

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