With the flickering of thunder, Chen Fan returned to the deck of the Thor, and when he reached the limit, he already felt that his body was about to collapse a little.

At this time, a large amount of food had already been laid out on the table, which was naturally prepared by Monet in advance.

Without hesitation, Chen Fan immediately began to gulp down those foods.

In an instant, a faint stream of heat entered the body, and the substance that seemed to be life energy constantly repaired Chen Fan’s injuries and eased his body that was about to collapse.

Ten minutes later, the wounds on Chen Fan’s body had begun to scab over, and the originally fast-beating heart had also returned to its normal speed.


With a long sigh of relief, Chen Fan sat down, and Monet on the side saw this situation, and immediately, he walked to the side and picked up the medical box, tied a bandage to Chen Fan’s wound.

Chen Fan looked at the crew of his pirate group, all of them were covered with colors and bandages.

Although this battle, a tie.

However, Chen Fan also deeply realized that if he wanted to conquer this world, the manpower under his hands in front of him was definitely not enough, and he had to find the strong.

After counting the time, Bradley should be back soon.

Chen Fan thought in his heart that five days ago he had sent Bradley to inquire about an intelligence.

In addition to Bartholo Bear , Chen Fan has other candidates.

“Go on and sail.”

Chen Fan said to Lafitte, with the life paper, Chen Fan was not afraid that Bradley would not find himself and others.

“Received, Captain.”

After receiving the order, Lafayette began to steer the Thor, accompanied by the slight blowing of the sea breeze, sailing forward.

Until the evening, the night is bright and starry.

In the air not far away, a thin figure wearing a chef’s suit appeared, rushing towards the Thor at an extremely fast speed.

When Chen Fan and the others saw this scene, they didn’t care too much, but continued to rest.

After all, this time it can almost be said that it was a team battle, and everyone was injured, and they didn’t recover so quickly for a while.

The main thing, of course, can only come over is Bradley, the chef of their Thor Pirates.

“Captain, what’s wrong with you, so badly injured.”

After Bradley returned to the ship, he couldn’t help but marvel at the full staff.

You must know that with the strength of your own captain and the Thunder God Pirate Group, there are very few pirate groups that can be compared on the sea now.

“It’s okay, I met a group of people and got into a fight with them, don’t worry, but, Bradley, let me tell you, those guys are not less injured than us.”

Monet stood up and said that although she was injured, she was very happy because she could finally help.

“How’s the intelligence probe?”

Chen Fan looked at Bradley.

Hearing that his captain was asking himself, Bradley did not continue to ask the previous question, but took out an intelligence with several pieces of information on it.

“Captain, these are the intelligence I bought from the black market, there are five personal data in total, which is the top five on today’s bounty hunter list.”

Chen Fan saw the five pieces of information and immediately picked them up.

He first scanned the five pieces of information.

Subsequently, Chen Fan put down the information of the number one bounty hunter.

Because, there is a simplest introduction above, and the strength is almost equivalent to that of a general.

With Chen Fan’s current strength, he was not sure of the combat power of the general level.

Not to mention soliciting people.

Subsequently, Chen Fan put down the information of the fourth and fifth places, focusing on the second and third ranked bounty hunters.

In second place is an old man named Yarman, 53 years old, good at gunmanship, proficient in two-color domineering….

As for the third place is a burly middle-aged man, Bud is 32 years old, a strong physique, proficient in two-color domineering…………

According to the above information, the strength of the two is similar, but Chen Fan only hesitated for a while and chose Bard, who ranked third in the bounty hunter.

For a very simple reason, the second-place Arman may be a little stronger, but not much stronger.

Moreover, if you are too old, you can basically say that you have reached the top, and next, the strength will continue to decline.

On the other hand, Bard is only 32 years old now, and his strength can still have the opportunity to go further, even if he can’t go further, he can guarantee the peak of more than ten years.

In contrast, Chen Fan preferred to choose the latter.

“Big brother, are we going to find that Bud next?”

Monet looked at Chen Fan holding the information, saw the name on it, and asked curiously.


Chen Fan nodded and looked into the distance.

“Wait a minute, Captain, I also got a message along the way.”

At this time, Bradley’s voice sounded, and he took out an intelligence.

After Chen Fan received the information, his expression also changed a little when he saw the above content.

Because it says that on July 3rd, Island No. 45 of the Chambord Islands, the auction hall, will auction an animal phantom beast species devil fruit!


Chen Fan looked at this information, he calculated the date, there were still about five days, and he rushed over at full speed, it should be time.

He had already decided to snatch this phantom beast species devil fruit, you know, the powerful phantom beast species devil fruit was even more precious than the natural fruit.

Although Chen Fan had already swallowed the Thunder Fruit, who would have too much of this powerful phantom beast species Devil Fruit?

Moreover, he had always been curious about how Blackbeard ate two devil fruits.

Can I do this myself? If he can really swallow two devil fruits, his strength will also usher in a big improvement.

“Full speed ahead towards the Chambord Islands.”

Chen Fan ordered.

Bard can look for it at any time, but if this phantom beast demon fruit is not snatched, it will be taken by others.

“Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruit, I’ve heard of this kind of fruit, big brother, Phantom Beast Seed Fruit, is the increase stronger than the average animal line fruit?”

Monet also saw the information on the intelligence and asked Chen Fan on the side.

“It can be said that in addition to ordinary animal fruits, there are also some powerful ancient lines, as well as mysterious phantom beast species.

Most of the Demon Fruit of the Phantom Beast species will bring great power to the user.

Chen Fan said slowly.

Mihawk, who was resting on the deck on the side, also opened his eyes when he heard the conversation between the two, but immediately closed them, it was obvious that even if it was a powerful phantom beast species demon fruit, Mihawk was not much interested.


Five days later, the morning sun first woke up.

As the morning sun shines down, a pirate ship with a high flag of thunder appears in the Chambordi Islands.

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