Not to mention the white star behind, her tears flowed out of her eyes, she blamed herself very much, blamed herself for why she didn’t have any strength at all?

Why can’t you protect your companions?

“Granulated sugar hasn’t seen you for a long time, is there any interest in rejoining us?”

Torrebol has come to Sugar.

“No, I stayed well in the Thor Pirates.”

Sugar directly refused, because she felt that the atmosphere of the Thor Pirates was better, and her sister was also there.

“That’s a shame.”

Torrepol looked a little regretful.

“Why do you dare to do it directly, don’t be afraid, does our captain know?”

Sugar knows that she is no match for Torrepol, and although she has strong fruit abilities, she can only hit one by surprise.

However, Torrebol was fully aware of his fruit’s ability, how could he let himself get close to him?

So she could only think about stalling for time.

“This one? Actually, I don’t know, but Dover must have his reasons for doing this, but rest assured, you are important to Dover, and we will not hurt you. ”

Torrebol is well aware that Doflamingo’s plan requires the fruit capacity of granulated sugar.

Sugar had been in the hands of the Thor Pirates before, and they naturally had no chance to succeed.

With their strength, if they go directly to the Thunder God Pirate Group, it is no different from sending them to death.

Hearing these words, Sugar’s face became more solemn, and she looked ahead.

Ferrad and Rowe have fallen completely behind.

At this moment, Luo had scars on his body, he was panting heavily, while Diamanti was brandishing a long knife in his hand and constantly attacking violently.

Indeed, Luo is very talented, and he has the strength of brigadier general level at only 18 years old.

But so what? Diamanti has trained more than ten years more than him.

The gap of more than ten years can not be made up so quickly.

With anger in his eyes, Luo kept using the fruit ability to cut Diamanti’s heart, but every move was blocked by Luo.

“You give up, Luo, you are not my opponent now, let alone defeat Dover, it is better for you to surrender obediently, I can tell Dover, let you die.”

Diamanti taunted while brandishing the long knife in his hand.

At this moment, Luo kept retreating and coping with it with difficulty, “Dream, I will definitely kill Doflamingo with my own hands.”

Luo’s eyes were blood-red with extreme anger, in addition to anger towards Doflamingo, there was also anger towards himself, anger why was he so weak?

It is clear that the enemy is in front of him, but he has no strength to defeat him at all, and even the cadres under him cannot defeat him.

But even Luo, no matter how angry he is, he can’t make up the gap between strengths, this is the sadness of the weak.

In front of the ship, Ferrad was knocked down to the ground again, and a piece of flesh and blood of nearly half a meter was directly cut off from his chest, revealing bones, looking hideous and extremely terrifying.

“Your strength is good, but unfortunately it is not strong enough.”

Doflamingo said with a smile on his face, he had no intention of showing mercy at all, because he knew that if it dragged on, it was very likely that the resources of the Thor Pirates would come over.

The moment he finished speaking, he waved ten thin threads again like a long whip and pumped towards Ferrard.

At this moment, Ferrad wanted to dodge, but only dodged the first nine, and was still split by the last thin line.

The flesh and blood were blurry, and blood shot out, “Roar! The

wailing cry sounded again.

The white star and sugar behind saw this scene, and they were heartbroken, but they couldn’t do anything.

“Otherwise, if you give in to me, I can still give you your life.”

Doflamingo saw that Ferrard was good and asked for it.

“Just because you are a dead dog, you also want to recruit Lao Tzu.”

With a disdainful face, Ferrad then attacked Doflamingo.

“It’s really looking for death.”

A vicious smile appeared at the corner of Doflamingo’s mouth, and then, he hung the cloud with a thin line again, easily dodging Ferrard’s attack.

Even the thin wires continued to beat on Ferrad like long whips.

The flesh and blood were blurry, and the hideous scars appeared on Ferrard’s body.

For a while, Ferrad felt that his consciousness was a little blurry, and he was about to reach his limit.

Luo on the other side was similar, and his whole person was knocked to the ground.

Just as he was about to fight back, Diamanti’s long knife was already around his neck.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t move.”

Diamanti looked at Ro with a smile.

Looking at the sharp long knife, Luo’s eyes were full of unwillingness, but there was no way, he knew that he had lost.

At the same time, the white stars and sugar on the meow pirate ship have been tied up by Torrepol.

Although Sugar has some strength, if it is not counting the fruit ability, her strength is not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention Bai Xing, although she is Aquaman, she can’t actively stimulate Aquaman’s ability, or in other words, she doesn’t know that she is Aquaman.

“Let go of my companions.”

At this moment, Felad, who was covered in blood, felt that his head was groggy, and he could not even maintain the fruit ability, and he had changed back to his original form.

Watching his companions being caught one by one, Ferrad braced his body that was about to collapse and attacked Doflamingo again.

But it is no surprise that he was not Doflamingo’s opponent in his previous heyday, let alone him now.

Facing the straight Ferrard, Doflamingo’s right foot kicked hard like an Optimus Prime.

In an instant, Ferrard was directly kicked and fell heavily into the cabin, and countless pieces of wood fell.


Seeing this scene, the three of them shouted at the same time.

“Let them go.”

In the ruins, Ferrad struggled to his feet, even if he was bloody at this time, he had only one goal, that is, to save his crew.

“What a tenacious will.”

Doflamingo showed a playful expression on his face, and in the face of Ferrard who rushed over, he kicked out again with the same domineering kick as before.

Under this foot, Ferrad’s body flew straight out like a cannonball and fell back into the ruins.

This time, Ferrad was covered in blood and seemed unable to stand up again.


Luo and they looked at this scene, extremely angry, but they were helpless when they were bound.

Just when Doflamingo thought the cat had lost its breath of life.

Ferrad trembled again and stood up.

Seeing Ferrad struggling to stand up, Luo quickly said anxiously: “Ferrard, don’t stand up again, rush over again, you will die.” ”

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