One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 20: catch up in time


The port of Ice Iceland is very lively at the moment, and the noise is soaring.

This is a rarely seen scene, and the many pirate ships in the port all set sail.

This is also a very surprising scene. In this crowded port, it is normal for ships to touch each other in a hurry. However, these hot-tempered pirates did not stop because of this. Dispute.

Under the tacit gaze, these relatively powerful pirates raised their sails and sailed towards the next destination.

That scene in the Southern District caused too much pressure on their hearts.

After the pirate ship left the port, the pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they were too happy, the ships that appeared ahead crushed their spirits into powder.

"Uh, hallucination, it must be hallucination." One of the pirates said.

"Crack!" The pirate next to him unceremoniously slapped the pirate who spoke first, causing the latter to scream.

"It's not an illusion! Oh my God, how could the legendary naval hero appear here!" Hearing the screams of his companions, the pirate who slapped his hand ignored his companion's sorrow and shouted in horror.

All of a sudden, the calm sea was full of mourning sounds, without the slightest hesitation, these pirates who had just escaped from Ice Iceland did not look at the direction pointed by the recording pointer, and they all fled in a direction.

It's just that they didn't expect that Karp didn't intend to sink their ship at this moment.

"You want to let go of these pirates?" Qingzhi stood up and stretched out a lot, looking at the pirates fleeing, asked casually.

Garp hugged his arms, nodded calmly, and said, "Just some small characters."

"It's not like you." Qing Zhi raised her eyebrows.

I wanted to see how Karp answered him, but after waiting for a while, Qingzhi still didn't hear Karp's voice, so he couldn't help but look away.

"Ginger is still old and spicy..."

Qingzhi looked blankly at Garp, who raised his head slightly and had a big bubble in his nostrils, and was speechless.


South Street.

Duflamingo was injured, and not a minor one.

This time, even the nobles who stopped to watch the battle did not dare to stop, as if they were hit by bad luck, they ran faster than a rabbit.

There were only Duflamingo and Simon left on the originally deserted street, as well as a few pirates who were standing on the roof in the distance watching the battle.

These pirates are not small characters, they are all pirates with a bounty of nearly 100 million.

Duflamingo was injured beyond their expectations, and Simon, who was injured by Duflamingo, surprised them even more.

In particular, the slash that seemed to annihilate the sky and destroy the earth has been deeply engraved in their hearts.

"I didn't expect that Duflamingo, one of the seven seas, would be injured by an unknown navy. This is big news." A pirate with pigtails muttered to himself.

Several pirates present had such thoughts in their hearts. If they were told that Crocodile, one of the former Seven Wuhais, almost died at the hands of this little-known navy, then they would definitely be unable to turn their heads for a while.

Duflamingo pulled a dangerous smile, and the smile remained the same, but the murderous intent in his eyes was high, and it was as if the huge wound on his chest did not exist, which was naturally maddening.

"Did I hurt you?" The shock on Simon's face gradually subsided, he stared at Duflaming's high chest, shook his head, and denied himself: "No, I can't hurt you."

The blood splattered, and a trail of blood was spread behind him. Duflamingo walked step by step, letting the blood stay for a long time, and at the same time, he did not use his ability to imprison Simon.

When he was only ten steps away from Simon, Duflamingo stopped.

The blood was still gushing out.

The signature smile on Duflamingo's face was still the same, but it was more dangerous than ever.

As if not afraid that Simon would dodge the attack because of his gesture, Duflamingo slowly stretched out his right hand, moving gently and slowly, but saw the five fingers spread out.

Can you dodge it?

Such a sentence flashed through Simon's mind like lightning, and his body jumped out for a long distance like a reflex.


Along with Furu's sneer, as the five fingers hooked and sang, under Simon's wide eyes, his left hand was cut off from the shoulder.

Blood poured out like no money.

How to escape this silent attack.

Simon's eyelids drooped weakly for a few minutes, the granulation on the broken arm of his left hand wriggled for a while, and soon a brand new arm grew.

At this moment, Simon felt a little labored just standing.

If it is only to restore physical strength, the disadvantage of ability is negligible, but restoring a severed limb is too much burden on ability, and after exhausting the energy in the body, the body will be weak and powerless.

"Don't doubt, my injury is indeed caused by you to a certain extent." Duflamingo looked at the severed limb lying on the ground, and said lightly under Simon's unbelievable gaze.

Before he finished speaking, the newly grown arm was cut off by Qigen again, and blood spurted out again.

There was no strong wind, no sound, and in silence, the arm was cut off cleanly.


Rao is Simon, who has an amazing ability to endure pain. After his limbs were cut off several times, he couldn't help moaning in a low voice.

The severed arm grew again, but the speed was much slower than before.

Duflamingo just watched the arm grow slowly without any movement.

"Your name?" Duflamingo asked, as if he suddenly remembered something.

As his arms grew, Simon could no longer support him, and he fell to the ground as soon as his knees softened.

"Snold Simon." Simon lowered his head, his hoarse voice filled with murderous intent, "The one who will take your life in the future."

Powerless, this is the true portrayal of Simon's heart at this time.

In front of this strange and unpredictable ability, his strength is insignificant, like an ant.

If I can survive today, then in the future, I will take your life.


"I remember."

Duflamingo raised his head slightly, ready to make a final blow to get rid of the little devil in front of him.

However, at this moment, a fierce wind struck without warning, and it was a fist the size of a casserole.

Duflamingo's signature smile suddenly froze.


This punch was extremely ferocious, and Duflamingo was hit and flew out neatly, and he just smashed through several houses before stopping.

Simon, who heard the movement, raised his head with difficulty. In his field of vision, there was a tall and strong figure in a white suit that made him feel safe. He couldn't see too much, and Simon, who knew that he was saved, was conscious at this moment. Once loose, he fell into a coma.

"Huh." Garp looked at Duflamingo who was shot out in surprise, and said in surprise, "I didn't expect it to be hit head-on so easily."

Karp arrived in a hurry and just in time, ignoring the wound on Duflamin's high chest.

Obviously the burden of that injury on Duflamingo was not as calm as it appeared.

"Tsk tsk." Qing Zhi walked over like a leisurely stroll, glanced at Simon who was safe and sound, and then cast his eyes on the flying Duflamingo, and said with a lazy smile: "It's really old and strong."

Karp shook his head and said, "I'm also surprised to be able to fly Duflamingo so"

After hearing this, Qing Zhi glanced at the arrow-shaped bloodstain that was pulled far away on the ground, and said slightly surprised: "It seems to be injured, and it is not serious." After speaking, he glanced at Simon, who had collapsed on the ground, wrinkled. He raised his eyebrows: "Did he hurt Duflamingo?"

"As far as I know, Simon doesn't have the strength to hurt Duflamingo. In any case, it's a blessing to be able to save his life. It's also thanks to him that he delayed for such a long time, otherwise he really won't be able to catch up."

Karp still has lingering fears about catching up in time.

At the same time, Karp is also curious about Simon. Judging from the scene, the only person who can hurt Duflamingo is Simon.

His cheeks were high and swollen, Duflamingo didn't know how long he had not been so embarrassed, and he could no longer laugh at this time.


Duflaming frowned deeply, looking at the white-haired old man, gritted his teeth.


I am very confident in my book, but the results are not as good as I imagined, the collection is not high, the recommendation is not high, and the click is not high.

To be honest, it hurts... As a fanfiction, it's really bad to have such a result.

In fact, I also understand that most people like to read YY a little bit, and the first volume of this book will probably make many people not able to read it.

Still, have your own perseverance.

Although the grades are very poor, there are still book friends who silently support the book, which is also very moving. This moving is the source of motivation. Try to keep updating it.

This second update is given to a book friend who silently supports this book. This is what I saw on the starting point of my mobile phone today. It is not only moved but also moved.

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