One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 55:

After killing the people who came to block, Simon led the team out of the woods. After walking out of the woods, the feeling of being watched disappeared.

Although the forest is not lush, it can also hinder the line of sight. Before they walked out of the woods, Simon and others could not have imagined that outside the woods, there was a city of steel.

A city of steel, or in other words, a very small city of steel, landed on the plain. Even if it took up a small area, no one would think that this city full of icy aura and made of steel would be a town.

At the same time, even Simon, who came from Earth, could hardly believe that in this world, there would be such a city, not to mention the navy behind him, all of them were shocked.

Suddenly, Simon, who thought he was already familiar with this world, felt a little strange.

"This is the new world... Anything that can't be believed is possible here."

Simon raised his head slightly, staring at the city of steel not far away.

The people who lived in that city were reluctant to be approached by others, which also showed that there must be something special about it.

"This is really, an excellent base!"

The shock in Beharie's eyes has been frozen in it, and the tone of his speech is also agitated.

"It's a good idea, but let's keep this idea in mind before declaring the host."

Simon walked slowly in the direction of the City of Steel, and said lightly: "Keep up."

The navy was shocked when they heard the words, and followed Simon towards the City of Steel.

This city of steel has no towering buildings, and is almost entirely built of icy steel. There are no plants, no sand, and everything you can see is icy steel.

Such a place, detached from any known place, is not a product that can be sprouted in the present era. Such a place can only appear in the future, but such an existence is right in front of him, Simon thought, if Vegapunk is in the Therefore, I am afraid that I will be too excited to find the north, because this city of steel is so extraordinary that even Vega Punk cannot create it.

So when approaching the city, Simon had an idea.

Those who can occupy this place, perhaps only the Four Emperors in the new world of King's Landing can do it.

That is to say, with each step, the closer to one of the unknown four emperors, but even so, Simon did not hesitate in his steps.

Even in the face of an opponent with disparity in strength, Simon will never have the heart of fear and retreat. In the war, he had a head-on conflict with Whitebeard, and faced the attack of the strongest man. Under such a baptism, Simon has already Have a strong heart.

Most people in the world can acquire great power, but few people really have the heart of a strong man.

In the middle of the marching team, Qiang Erba glanced at the two sisters on his shoulders, his rough face showed a touch of worry, but he couldn't help them in any way.

Changes in mind always depend on oneself.

In the woods, they saw Simon cut off thirty people with a sword, which caused a huge shock to the two sisters.

The so-called battle was only described in words before, and the weight of these two words can only be understood by seeing it in person.

Why did Simon resolutely stop it before, the two sisters were a little enlightened at this time.

That's because I don't want to see cruelty in him, and I don't want to see a lot of blood on him.

"This is the road that Lord Simon chose, a very heavy road."

Liliu placed her right hand on Chombar's sturdy shoulder, trembling slightly, and said in a low voice with her head lowered.

There are many, many things that will appear bland when told in words, especially when told in a bland tone.

On the night when the moon is high in the sky, on the balcony where the breeze blows, that Simon, who can show a warm smile even just sitting and dining together, said everything that night that can't be said in a plain tone. .

His hands are covered with blood, and he has to go to the end without hesitation. This is the road that a young man wants to take.

It's hard to breathe...

On the other side, Lilith clenched her fists tightly and looked at Simon's back from a distance, as if she saw that behind the back, there was a long blood-colored road, and countless hideous faces were howling and roaring on this blood-colored long road.

"Sister, I want to help that bastard." Lilith bit her lip.


Liliu raised her head slowly, her eyes full of determination.

It is precisely because of knowing Simon's past that he can better appreciate that heavy road.

Killing Road...

Feeling the changes of the two sisters on his shoulders, Qiang Erba breathed a sigh of relief, and his gaze towards Simon's back was also meaningful.

Extraordinary man, this is Chomrba's profound experience from the time he first met him to now.

How far such a man can achieve, Qiang Erba can't help but look forward to it, looking forward to it as a loser.

In the monitoring room on the third floor of the tower, Butler, who had just received news from his subordinates, slowly got up, and the outsider had already arrived outside the Steel City.

There is only one person who can go outside the city, and that person Butler can't kill, but if it is the current group of people...

"K, what did Lord Kaido say?"

Butler walked to an iron frame, stretched out his hand and stroked the silver steel armor on the and felt the cold touch from his fingertips.

K, who was hiding in the dark, said: "Master Kaido thinks that a young boy who has just entered the new world is not a problem, let us... handle it ourselves."

Butler's hand stroking Shining Armor stopped abruptly, frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Are you sure that there is no leakage in the report?"



Butler lifted his hand away from the silver armor, which was supposed to be worn on the body to increase combat effectiveness, but if the enemy facing him could easily break the existence of the silver armor, then there was no need to wear it.

The results that took years to develop are worthless in front of those who can ignore the results.

"Master Kaido still doesn't pay attention to these foreign objects, because there are red hair, eagle eyes, and... Snod Simon in this world."

Butler turned around suddenly, and Meteor strode towards the door.

At this moment, there are more than 100 people standing outside the door, and these people are the backbone.

Butler glanced at him indifferently, paused slightly when he saw Lopez, whose left arm was sewn with needles and thread, and then quickly moved away.

"Prepare to meet the enemy, don't betray the trust of Lord Kaido, here, no one else is allowed to interfere!"


With this close look, you will know who is the steel city that cannot be built by manpower. It is about to become clear. Just when Simon leads the team on the cold floor, the answer will emerge.

"You are Snod Simon?"

Oncoming, is a man with short silver hair with a shrewd face, this man is holding a long knife in his hand at the moment.

Simon nodded indifferently, and without a word he pulled out the jet-black epee behind him.

With a swoosh, the navy behind him neatly made an attacking gesture.

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