One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 64: cemetery

The sea area in the new world is divided up by the four emperors. Among them, Shanks, who has no concept of land occupation, occupies the least area and has the least personnel. Although it is adjacent to Kaido's territory, Kaido is not worried that Shanks will take advantage of the opportunity. Launching an attack to seize territory, because Kaido knows some of Shanks' style of doing things.

It is precisely because of this that Kaido personally led the team to Forgo, just in case, Kaido also left enough defensive combat power.

What Kaido didn't know was that since he took the opportunity to seize Whitebeard's territory in the last battle of the top, Shanks had been paying attention to him secretly, and was always looking for news. After Kaido set sail for a while, another one. On the other hand, Shanks also received the news.

On the Redford, after Shanks quietly listened to his subordinate's report, he immediately turned his attention to Beckman's face, who was frowning slightly, as if thinking about something.

"For the most part, the importance of that island is far beyond our imagination."

Brows gradually loosened, Beckman said lightly.

Shanks nodded slowly, agreeing with Beckman's statement, then looked up at the blue sky, and said calmly: "Last time because the purpose was to distract Kaido, so I didn't go deep, otherwise there will be more information now. Also, I'm a little bit interested in the navy who dared to unplug Kaido's stronghold, maybe that navy boy."

Beckman shrugged slightly and said, "Then what are your plans?"

Shanks smiled and said, "Anyway, let's take a look. I have a hunch that maybe this trip will benefit a lot. If it's the Navy boy, I want to confirm one thing."

"Why did Whitebeard leave seeds that are so dangerous to pirates, I'm very interested and curious, and I want to see it with my own eyes."

Forgo Island.

After reporting the news to Akainu, Simon didn't know when the dispatched combat power would come. The most important thing at present is to settle the dead brother and prepare to meet the enemy.

The data of the lunar people and the scientists who were killed soon reminded Simon that if this data is really that important, if it is not destroyed before leaving, someone will come to retake it later.

If this place is of great importance, the person who came to retake it might be the Four Emperors himself, all in all, everything is based on the worst-case scenario.

After walking out of the tower, Simon saw Zhan Taowan approaching, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Are you attacked over there?"

Zhan Taomaru came over and was about to speak, when Simon took the lead, his eyebrows could not help but resent, and said angrily: "I was attacked by a group of people wearing silver armor."

"Causes?" Simon frowned slightly.

Zhan Taowan looked solemn and said silently, "More than 20 minor injuries... 30 people died."

Simon was startled, and his voice suddenly mentioned: "You are not there too, how can you lose so much?"

"Do you think I want to?"

Listening to Simon's slightly guilty tone, Zhan Taomaru shouted angrily, "I can't even split that armor!"

Without too much explanation, just one sentence is enough to prove how difficult that battle was.

In today's battle alone, the gathered naval elites lost more than 100 people.

"Feel sorry."

Looking at the indistinct tears in Zhan Taomaru's eyes, Simon realized his mistake.

The enemy faced this time is not a trash fish, and it is normal to have losses. Even if more than 300 people meet the enemy this time, they will lose nearly 100 people, not to mention the 100 people left behind on the warship.

Hearing Simon's apology, Zhan Taomaru was a little stunned, unable to believe what he heard.

That **** actually apologized?

"Zhan Taomaru, you can take a look at the instruments in the tower. Those are instruments left by the moon people."

Ignoring Zhan Taomaru, who was stunned, Simon walked towards the place where the body was placed.

Zhan Taomaru was stunned at first, then turned into shock.

Lunar instruments, isn't that what Vegapunk is secretly exploring!

Turning around suddenly, Zhan Taomaru asked Simon's back, "Is this the relic of the Moon Man?"

Simon stopped and said, "Yes, buy time to study it a little bit, and there will be a tough battle next."

There was a frenzy on Zhan Taomaru's face, and he didn't pay attention to hearing Simon's hard fight, and his head was suddenly filled with everything about the Moon Man.

"It really really exists..."

There will be another battle soon, and before that, the more than 100 subordinates who have died should also be properly placed.

Looking at the neatly arranged remains, Simon's heart filled with sadness.

It has been known for a long time that life is worthless in this world, and the more than 100 subordinates in front of him can be said to be buried because of himself.

because of myself...

In the midst of self-reproach, his shoulders sank slightly, and Simon turned his head to see that it was Beharie.

"You are now a lieutenant general, the lieutenant general who leads everyone on the Oath." Beharie looked at Simon seriously, "If you are to blame yourself for the death of your subordinates, you will find a way to defend against the next battle. Besides, they have already Awareness."

Simon's expression was shocked, and he turned his head and stared at the subordinates who had been lying on the ground for a long Awakened, yes, no matter who it is, after entering the new world, he has already made up his mind.

people will eventually die...

But never let death be a meaningless thing.

"You must keep this place you bought with your life!" Simon whispered to himself.


Behind him, all the people came not far behind Simon, and they all nodded heavily when they heard Simon's whisper.

Simon was startled, turned around and looked at everyone. After seeing the determination on everyone's face, he felt in vain that there was no need to worry about it before, but the enemy he faced would not change. One of the four emperors Kaido…

"Find a place and use it for burial."

Turning around and looking at his subordinates lying quietly on the ground, Simon said loudly.

Buried here, this will be the place of the Navy!

The burial is a way to show that he will never give in to this place. No matter who comes, he will not be able to retake the island, and he must hold on until the arrival of reinforcements, so that Kaido will die.

In the queue, Tyr touched his chin and said with a smile, "Bury, why don't we build a cemetery. I also have to find a better burial place for myself in advance."

As soon as Tyr's words fell, the surrounding navy immediately retreated, staying far away from him, as if Tyr was a plague.

Looking at his companions who seemed to be looking at a neurotic, Tyr twitched the corners of his mouth and fell silent.

Did you say something wrong?

Tyre was confused.

"Cemetery... why not, maybe my body will be buried there in the future."

Simon raised his head slightly, letting the sun shine on his face, and said, "Then let's build a cemetery!"

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