One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 105:

Luo didn't know when Vergo would come to the SAD storage room, so he just stood quietly in front of SAD and silently looked at the door.

He has absolute reasons to believe that, through Caesar's notification, Vergo will definitely come here, rather than simply bursting his heart.

Just as Vergo knew him, he also knew Vergo.


Although it was expected that Vergo's speed was not slow, he did not expect it to be so fast.

Luo raised his head slightly and looked towards the gate, his eyes gleaming.

A tall figure walked in from the door, with a manly beard covering the corners of his lips, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and a heart that seemed to be frozen by time in his hand.

The person here is Vergo.

"You came."

Luo smiled, dangerously and unpredictably.

Virgo raised the hand holding the heart towards Luo Yi, and said indifferently: "In your plan, this heart is your only life."

"No... Vergo."

Luo spread his arms and transferred the knife in his arms to his left hand. He sneered: "As long as this heart is in your hands, it will not be my destiny."

"I want to call Mr. Vergo." Vergo's tone was vainly cold.

"Do you think... I will remain the same? Vergo..." Luo hooked the corner of his mouth, and immediately stretched out the fingers of his right hand, "ROOM, space transfer."

As Luo's voice fell, a wind seemed to rise flat, and the light-colored mask visible to the naked eye suddenly spread to the entire SAD storage room.


In the mask, the heart that was tightly held by Vergo was instantly transferred to Luo's hands.

Virgo raised his eyebrows, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of an item being taken away. Ben's gesture of clenching his heart squeezed the air together when the heart disappeared.

The feeling of incongruity didn't make Vergo hesitate a bit. As soon as the feeling in his heart disappeared, he didn't even have to think about it. He used a shave to cross a hundred meters to Luo who was too late to be happy just after he got his heart. The knees bent forward, and a fierce knee slammed into Luo's face.


It was as if a balloon had been squeezed out of the quilt, Luo's face shook and he vomited blood and flew out to the left.

After hitting Fei Luo with a knee, Vergo calmly caught his heart.

"When you handed over your heart to me, it was like handing over the gate of life to me."

Seeing Luo who was lying on the ground spitting blood, Virgo gently kneaded his heart and walked to Luo step by step.


Luo Wei lowered his head, his face was not dejected, but an expression as cold as ice, as if all this was within his expectations.

Suddenly, the knife he held in his left hand was unsheathed, and the white light flashed away, imprinting a touch of daylight on Vergo's sunglasses.

The arm holding the heart was broken... but there was no pain, no blood splattered.

Virgo's calm face flashed a hint of surprise. Even when Shengjuan was in his hand, he was not careless, and he was wrapped in a domineering look of armed force, but...


Silently kicking his feet for more than ten times, Vergo quickly retreated a hundred meters.

At the same time, Luo's knife also arrived, but it failed.

However, Vergo, who had retreated, seemed to see that the space was split and recovered in an instant.

The purpose of the last few knives was nothing more than to force Vergo back. Luo showed a sneer, bent down to pick up the heart, and stuffed it into his chest, the heart disappeared into his chest.

"Okay, the sideshow is over..."

In the SAD room, there was a deep voice that Luo was bound to win.

By monitoring the situation of the SAD placement room, Caesar slammed his fists on the console angrily.

For the first time, the subordinates who stood on standby not far away shuddered when they saw Caesar's gaffe.

"It's enough to burst your heart early!"

Caesar's expression was as ferocious as an evil spirit, his eyes emitting a chill, and he looked at an area on the console, which was used to control the switches of all the gates of the base.

"Don't blame me for being ruthless, it's you who are too incompetent, Vergo... Now, if you can't kill Luo, you can only let the poison gas penetrate the entire base."

The whispers were not heard by the men behind him, and Caesar never thought about the safety of his men from beginning to end.

"Pool puff..."

Just when Caesar made up his mind to let the poison gas penetrate R2, the voice of the phone bug rang in vain, startling Caesar.

This phone bug was different from the one who had spoken to Vergo before. There was only one person who could dial this phone bug, and that was the clown.

After picking it up in a hurry, the phone worm suddenly heard Duflamingo's signature laughter.

"Looks like you're still alive, Caesar..."

Hearing this voice, Caesar smiled happily, he knew the clown was coming...

In the biscuit house, Simon's words disappointed everyone, but Mocha returned to his original body shape, and the toxins in his body were also emptied, and Chopper was the happiest.

The children around looked at Mocha with envy, and the matter finally came to an end. They missed the candy-eating ones, and the toxicity in their bodies began to take hold.


Like ten thousand ants biting at the heart and body, the children other than Mocha fell to the ground in pain and rolled over.

"What happened!" Usopp looked nervous.

"Because I didn't eat candy, so the toxicity attacked." Chopper suppressed the child closest to him with a sad expression, and the tranquilizer lost its effect. Suddenly, Chopper was helpless.

"There is no way to cure them now, but suppressing the poison will do."

Simon looked at the suffering children with anger in his heart. His hands glowed with white light, and he patiently helped the children suppress the toxicity.

Simon's actions caused a great impact on the senses of Nami and others.

Is this really that cold man?

They all came up with this idea in their minds.

Even helping the children suppress toxicity, it took Simon a lot of energy.

"Thank you bro..."

Suppressing the toxicity, the pain disappeared immediately, and the children showed happy and hoped that one day they would be able to return to their original state like Mocha.

Innocent they didn't know that if they hadn't met Simon, they wouldn't have much time to live.

In the face of the children's gratitude, Simon couldn't help showing a gentle smile, but there was a little distress in his heart, and he made up his mind to heal these children after this matter was resolved.

"Okay, they'll leave it to you to take care of them."

After helping the last child to suppress the poison, Simon walked to the next door without looking back, holding Monet with a sullen face.

Looking at Simon's back, Usopp muttered to himself, "Is this really that terrifying man?"


A complex color appeared on Nami's pretty, mature face.

Just a few minutes after Simon left, the door when he came was cut in half and fell on the snow, splashing a hazy snow mist.

Franky and the others, who thought there was another enemy, looked at the door vigilantly.

"Curl your eyebrows, you are really useless. The person who used the leg actually broke the leg."

"Stop talking nonsense, you stinky blind man." Xiangji Shi said angrily.

"What did you say! Believe it or not, I've abolished your other leg!" Zoro choked and drew his sword.

"Are you really a gang?" The corners of Dusqi's mouth twitched slightly.

"Oh, my lovely and beautiful lady, my heart goes out to you, your eternal knight."

"Bastard, don't hit our sister Dasqi."


"Haha." Robin covered his mouth and chuckled.

Hearing the familiar quarrel in the snow mist, Nami sighed, and several black lines hung down on her forehead.

"So it's a gathering."

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