One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 7 Chapter 2: For whom to be sad, for whom to be angry.

New World, in Fuergo Base.

In a room with many exquisite instruments, a middle-aged man who is not tall is leaning over an experimental bench. A pacifist is lying quietly on the experimental bench. Robotic hands with sophisticated appearance, one of which holds a heart solidified in space.

The middle-aged man is Dr. Vega Punk. At this moment, he is tired physically and mentally, but his face is radiant, because the two-year research is about to succeed.

Two years ago, after offering a hundred hearts that never withered to Luo, who became Shichibukai, Sakaski handed them over to Vegapunk. It has to be said that Vega Punk is a genius beyond the modern age. After he got the heart, he started to study the feasibility of installing the heart into the pacifist.

In fact, this request was also made by Vega Punk after learning about Luo's ability. At that time, the government also urgently needed a pirate to fill the vacancy in Qibukai, so this one hundred hearts were attached. Require.

After two years, excluding all failures, at the last minute, Vegapunk knew that the study was about to succeed.

A pacifist who is slow in front of the strong in battle, transforms it with the latest metal left by the lunar man, and adds a human heart... Not only will the combat power be multiplied, but also the so-called artificial intelligence will be created!

When he thought of it, Vegapunk was very excited. He carefully controlled the mechanical hand and slowly put the heart into the pacifist's chest. Suddenly, dozens of tiny lines were quickly inserted into the heart.

puff tom...

When the dozens of wires were inserted into the heart, the solidified outer space suddenly collapsed and dissipated, and the heart began to beat.

Seeing this scene, Vega Punk waved his fist with joy, and two years of research finally ended at this moment.

Suppressing the ecstasy, Vegapunk perfectly closed the hole in the pacifist's chest with a mechanical hand, using the metal used by the moon people.


Just after all this was done, the eyes of the pacifists suddenly lit up, causing the precise electronic eyes that Vega Punk had spent a lot of effort to create in vain to shoot out a humanized light. Humans are close.

Begapunk saw that ray of light, his heart trembled slightly, and he hurriedly said: "X-1, tell me how you feel."

"Okay, Dr. Bergapunk, I feel good." X-1 said indifferently, but his tone was no longer as cold and rigid as before.

"Good, good, good!"

Listening to this indifferent but humanized tone, Vega Punk made three good calls in a row and danced like a child.

However, he also knew that after the success of the research, specific data in the later stage would be needed to test the feasibility of putting a hundred pacifists into the heart.

Just then, the door to the laboratory opened, and Sakaski walked in.

Vegapunk frowned slightly displeased, but the success of the experiment instantly dissipated this dislike. He looked at Sakaski, and when he saw the gloomy expression on the latter's face, he knew that it must have happened. whats the matter.

Sakaski walked over quickly, glanced at the pacifist on the experimental platform, and asked, "Has the research been successful?"

Vegapunk nodded, "It will take some time to see if there is value in the investment. If so, then anti-material high-energy guns can be installed on pacifists to increase combat power."

What Vegapunk said was undoubtedly the best news he had heard in the past few days, which made Sakaski's gloomy expression due to Simon's incident lighten a few points.

The newly appointed general was actually a wanted red eye, which undoubtedly slapped the navy in the face.

Sakaski shook his head and suppressed the anger in his heart. Simon has always been the younger generation he valued and paid attention to. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. He couldn't help but feel a murderous intention in his heart.

"Perfect this research as soon as possible, and in the future, rely on this hundred pacifists to compete with Blackbeard's capable army, and... Kaido's steel beast division."

Vega Punk responded: "Understood."

Sakaski nodded, turned and strode towards the gate. Suddenly, he paused and said lightly: "The new admiral Simon is now the most wanted man in the navy. Remember, he has red eyes."

After that, Sakaski strode away on the meteor.

Vega Punk, who was standing beside the experimental bench, couldn't help but startled, and a huge wave turned up in his heart.

Simon, who was holding that weapon, stood on the opposite side of the navy?

Vegapunk frowned, shook his head and said to himself: "No, in my understanding of him, it can only be the navy unilaterally standing on the opposite side of him, alas!"

With a heavy sigh, Vegapunk raised his head slightly, and everything he got along with Simon flashed in his mind.

After a long time, a tired voice sounded in the quiet laboratory.

"X-1, list former Admiral Snod Simon as a Class A wanted criminal."

"Okay, Dr. Vegapunk."

As the pacifist's words fell, the laboratory fell into silence again, and after a long sigh, Vega Punk's voice said again: "Faced with Snod Simon, only wounding, not killing, is the highest priority order. "

"Okay, Dr. Vegapunk."

"From my standpoint, I can only help you get here, Simon..."


Fuergo School Kizaru grabbed his hair and looked slightly annoyed at the entire crew of the Oath, who had been in a cloud of gloom in front of him. As the person who had led them for two years, he knew better than Simon. They, because of their understanding, made him feel very annoyed.

Looking at the more than 200 people with their heads buried in front of them in low spirits, a hint of envy rose in Kisaragi's heart. He has always been able to do everything with personal combat power. He envied Simon. It can be said that in the past two years, he envied Simon. Rikizaru has witnessed the growth of everyone on the Oath, and is the only one who knows why the owners of the Oath are so desperate.

At present, although the number of personnel on the Oath has dropped sharply to less than 200, it is not an exaggeration to call it the most elite unit of the Navy at this stage... and this elite division is devoted to Simon, who has not heard the slightest news for two years.

Until now, news of Simon finally came... But it was through that newspaper.

Even Kizaru never associates red-eye with Simon, so when he saw the newspaper, he was shocked to spit out the tea he just had in his mouth. The gaffe, at the same time, felt inexplicable disappointment, and… puzzled.

I don't understand why Simon would do such a thing, and I don't understand why such an inexplicable fact would be so quick and unpredictable, even with the navy's powerful blockade capability, it wouldn't interfere at all.

Not to mention the confusion, what worries him is the statement of all the staff of the Oath...

Because, Snod Simon is no longer an admiral of the navy, but an enemy of the navy!

The person who once revered and worshiped stood on the opposite side. What should you do for the sake of this person who became stronger?

Kizaru cares about this, so today he has to get the answer!

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