The island where the four emperors gathered.

As soon as Luo Cheng arrived, he was discovered by these pirates.

Almost no pirate dares to stop Luo Cheng. Who makes Luo Cheng stronger? Even their captain can’t defeat him.

“Alas, walking among these people, I felt the urge to be a king, and everyone was kneeling down to greet me.”

Luo Cheng sighed, the hero was lonely.



Fire embers:”……”

I have never seen such a shameless person.

But they couldn’t say anything. After all, they couldn’t beat Luo Cheng. If Luo Cheng heard this, he would definitely beat him to the ground.

They got the news that Sanban had been beaten many times by Luo Cheng.

Huo Jin noticed everyone’s expressions and looked a little ugly. He always felt that these people were thinking of something bad.

Luo Cheng quickly entered the Four Emperors’ base camp.

In a small forest, only the four emperors were here. The other 19, even the deputy captains, were not qualified to stand in it.

As soon as Luo Cheng arrived, these people looked at him

“Luo Cheng, is this true?”

They all got the news from Luo Cheng, but they still couldn’t believe it.

The World Government actually planned to take action against them.

“Yes, the World Government did do this, but they may be afraid of my great strength and want me to destroy you.”

“It is very likely that after I eliminate you, he will find a way to eliminate me, so I informed you.”

“Of course, I am also very short of money, so I can make some money on the way, which is mutually beneficial to everyone.”

All the four emperors rolled their eyes.

The world government wants to attack them because Luo Cheng is too powerful and wants to deal with them first.

“So what to do now?”

Whitebeard and the others looked at each other.

Even though they were very arrogant, they still had no confidence in fighting against the World Government.

Those 800 years of heritage were not a joke.

Only Luo Cheng was particularly calm, because he knew that the World Government had no Plans to attack these people

“In fact, you don’t need to worry. I forgot to tell you that the world government is just planning to attack you secretly.”

“As long as you unite together and make plans to confront the World Government, the World Government will not have the guts to confront the four top pirates.”

Luo Cheng is making bad ideas again.

But Whitebeard and the others think it’s right. They must put pressure on the World Government to give up such an idea.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely speak for you, and the world government will definitely compromise when the time comes.”

Luo Chengyi said righteously.

Whitebeard didn’t speak, he just looked at Luo Cheng’s two fingers silently.

“Luo Cheng, why are your two fingers rubbing together?”

The other people’s faces were also very ugly.

Why did Luo Cheng’s action look like he was asking for money?

“Please, I help you, and you have to pay me anyway, otherwise I won’t do it in vain.”

Sure enough.

This guy still wants money. He has always liked money in his life.

“Don’t worry, as long as you can help us handle this matter, we will definitely give you a generous reward”

“Well, you can unite together and invite more people. I will go to the World Government to help you.”

“But don’t push too hard, otherwise the world government will use the ultimate weapon and there will be heavy casualties. I think it is better for the new world to be peaceful.”

Luo Cheng emphasized it specifically.

Although he knew that Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks were relatively low-key people who would not fight hard, he still wanted to emphasize it.

“Well, as long as you can handle it, we will give you a generous reward, and we won’t go too far during this period.”

Red-haired Shanks was the first to agree.

Whitebeard also agreed. He also hopes to keep a low profile in life and never intends to take action against the World Government.

“Then I’ll leave first.”

Luo Cheng quickly returned to the Navy Headquarters. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, something serious has happened.”

After hearing Luo Cheng’s words, Warring States’ expression changed instantly. He thought something had happened. Even other navy officers were particularly nervous.

“Luo Cheng, what’s going on? Is it possible that the Four Emperors really plan to join forces to overthrow the World Government?”

Everyone looked at Luo Cheng eagerly.[]

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, I have already asked clearly. I don’t know which bastard said that the World Government planned to sneak attack on their four emperors and eliminate them one by one.”

“These four emperors have no choice but to unite to fight against the world government.”

Luo Cheng was particularly angry.

As for which bastard was talking nonsense, it was definitely not him, the king… his handsome man.

Warring States’ face also darkened instantly.

“I hate……”

Next, Warring States cursed a lot without repeating anything.

The other navy’s expressions were not very good either.

They were tricked by this mysterious man.

What does it mean that the World Government plans to take action against the Four Emperors? They don’t even know about it.

This was clearly a frame-up to sow discord between their navy and pirates, and then trigger a war.

Luo Cheng’s face became even uglier when he heard Warring States’ yelling.

Because this mysterious man is him.

But we can’t expose it at this time.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, we must investigate. Think about 787. Anyone who dares to sow discord must be hoping for a world war.”

“Maybe there are some mysterious people in this world who are eyeing the throne of the world government and the throne of our navy.”

Luo Cheng started talking nonsense again.

Anyway, he couldn’t let the two sides fight, but he wanted to make both sides nervous so that he could profit from it.

Warring States’ face was also ugly.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, why don’t we go to Wulaoxing and discuss it with them and let them make a decision. Luo

Cheng said again.

After Warring States thought about it carefully, it seemed pretty good.

He couldn’t make a decision anyway, so he might as well let Wulaoxing make the decision.

I believe Wulaoxing should have a way.

“Okay, let’s go to the Holy Land Marie Joa now. Garp, you stay at the Navy Headquarters and you must be on guard to prevent pirates from attacking.”

Warring States left in a hurry.

Luo Cheng immediately followed Warring States.

No one noticed the smile on Luo Cheng’s face.

Anyway, Luo Cheng was very happy today, and he finally deceived both parties.

The world government definitely needs him.

Here we go. What kind of request should he make at that time?

Oh, it’s really confusing.

If you want to blame it, it’s because he is too good, so many people need him.

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