(Sorry, I made a mistake again. It’s still the original text, so those who subscribed are fine.)

The faces of Wulaoxing and Sengoku turned completely dark.

This is definitely blackmail, blatant blackmail.

Do they really think their world government is rich if they give one billion beli a year?

Although their world government is indeed very rich, it is impossible to give Luo Cheng so much money casually.

Even if Luo Cheng is extremely powerful, he will never let their world government compromise.

But we can’t be tough with Luo Cheng, we have to give Luo Cheng some face no matter what.

“Luo Cheng, our world government is also very difficult. It needs to contribute to the navy every year. There are still many places that need to spend money. One billion beli is really too much.”

“Yes, you also need to be considerate of our world government. How about saving a little bit of 100 million Baileys a year? This money is enough to spend.”

The five old stars said meaningfully.

Anyway, they just deceived Luo Cheng, and it is absolutely impossible to pay such a high price.

Looking at the expressions of these five old stars, Luo Cheng knew that they would not compromise.

Unless they were willing to spend a lot of money , Negotiate terms with a big price, or directly threaten Wulaoxing.

But this is not in line with his purpose. Once he is robbed, it will be a complete fall.

He feels that his current life is quite good.

He lives a enjoyable life every day. , the most important thing is that he has so many wives, it is inconvenient to take action against the World Government.

Unless 257 shows on the system panel one day that it can push the entire world, then it will never let the World Government go.

Otherwise, for those For the sake of his wife, he can only keep a low profile and not completely fall out with the World Government.

But Luo Cheng doesn’t care. There are still many ways to make money.

Luo Cheng will soon find a way.

“Forget it, after all, your world government is also very miserable, so 100 million beli should be enough for my wife to spend.”

Wulao Xing was a little confused.

Did Luo Cheng agree so quickly?

This is not in line with Luo Cheng’s personality. Wulao Xing even doubted Luo Cheng’s purpose.

But in the end he couldn’t figure it out, so he didn’t get too entangled. You can’t give a lot of money just because you don’t have enough money.

“No problem, Luo Cheng, the money will be prepared for you right away. You go to the New World (bjbc) immediately and negotiate with the four emperors.”

The Five Old Stars immediately agreed to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng did not put forward any conditions and left the Holy Land Marie Joa together with Warring States.

Along the way, Warring States particularly admired Luo Cheng for actually daring to negotiate terms with the World Government.

“Luo Cheng, I still admire you. You actually dare to blackmail Wulao Xing. I don’t know what you think.”

Luo Cheng touched his chin, shook his hair again, and then showed a very serious expression.

“It’s very possible that I’m too handsome and these old guys are interested in me. I’ve long known that they are not good people.”

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, haven’t you noticed? The five of them are often together, so they must be interesting to each other, and maybe they satisfy each other.”

After saying that, Luo Cheng looked around cautiously, as if he was afraid of being seen by others.

Warring States’ face turned dark instantly.

Only Luo Cheng in this life not only dared to bargain with Wulao Xing, but even dared to tease him secretly Wulao Xing.

Saying that Wulao Xing is…

It’s okay not to mention this kind of thing.

When Warring States saw Luo Cheng’s cautious movements, he became even more angry and wanted to slap Luo Cheng to death.

I have never seen such a shameless person.

There are people nearby. So many marines have already been heard and made such expressions

“That’s enough, Luo Cheng, stop talking nonsense, how could Master Wulaoxing be this kind of person?”Warring States said righteously.

The navy behind them collectively rolled their eyes.

What they saw just now, Warring States was also thinking about, which meant that Warring States was also doubting the relationship between the five old stars.

But they were also quite curious. The five old stars every day If they all live together, will they really have any feelings for each other?

A group of navy are thinking. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The corners of Luo Cheng’s mouth twitched, and Warring States was also speechless..

It seems that the reputation of Wulaoxing has been completely ruined. With so many navies considering this matter, it is estimated that it will spread throughout the navy soon.

“By the way, Marshal Warring States, I’m leaving first.”

Luo Cheng found an excuse and left.

He was going to kidnap the Celestial Dragons and then blackmail the World Government. Who made the Celestial Dragons so rich?[]

The most important thing is that Wulaoxing just rejected him.

He refused such a small request, which shows that Wulaoxing is not sincere.

In order to earn money for milk powder for his future children, Luo Cheng had no choice but to work hard.

At night, Luo Cheng quietly came to the Holy Land Marie Joa and found a Celestial Dragon.

This Celestial Dragon is called Saint Roschar.

That’s right, even Saint Roschar, whose fiancée was robbed by Luo Cheng, was pitiful enough.

Not only was his fiancee robbed, but he was also kidnapped by Luo Cheng. There has never been such an unlucky person in his life.

After kidnapping Saint Roschar, Luo Cheng quickly left the Holy Land Mary Joa and prepared to find a place to hide.

The news of Saint Roschar’s kidnapping in the Holy Land Marie Joa was soon known to the World Government.

The world government is in panic.

After all, this is the world’s noble Celestial Dragon. If they bump into each other, it would be a big deal, let alone being kidnapped.

If Saint Roschar is not found, many people will be doomed.

On Luo Cheng’s side, after kidnapping Saint Roschar, he determined that there was no danger and immediately woke Saint Roschar.

“Get up quickly. Why are you still sleeping? If you don’t get up again, I’ll beat you to death immediately.”

Saint Roschar was soon woken up by Luo Cheng.

The first thing after waking up, Saint Roschar discovered something was wrong with him and couldn’t help but cursed

“Bastard, you humble pariah, hurry up and let me go, or else……”

Bang bang bang…

Luo Cheng stood up and punched and kicked him, anyway, just to vent his dissatisfaction.

You dare to be arrogant with him, that’s too arrogant.

After beating him like this for a while, Luo Cheng felt that it was almost done, and then he stopped beating him after Saint Roschar begged for mercy.

“Remember, don’t be so arrogant in the future. If you dare to be so arrogant again, I will beat you to a cripple in minutes.”

Roschar Saint huddled on the deck, his eyes filled with panic.

“You…what do you want to do? I am a Celestial Dragon, I am a world noble”

“Please, do you know who I am? I am the leader of the revolutionary army, and my purpose is to overthrow the world government and overthrow the rule of you Celestial Dragons. Do you think I will take you seriously?”

That’s right, please don’t call him Luo Cheng now.

His current name is Mengqi Dlong.

The poor scapegoat…

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