Oren would follow the newspaper every day and collect everything about Victor.

Of course, the tasks assigned to him by Victor, Oren has never left a single thing behind.

However, Oren was not just the commander of the 189th Branch.

Oren also wanted higher power.

If subordinates want to climb up, they need to master two cores.

One is loyalty, the other is performance.

Both cores are indispensable.

Oren was very good at things, and he asked his subordinates to recite Viktor's teachings every day.

Every day during the school practice, he shouted 'Long live Victor-sama' and portrayed himself as an avid admirer of Victor.

Such a performance allowed him to get the weight of Victor.

However, this is not enough!

His main task now is to make money for Viktor.

Moreover, Wilhelmshaven's income can no longer meet Oren.

Oren set his sights on the neighboring kingdom of Arthur.

The kingdom of Arthur was wealthy, and the great nobles there owned thousands of slaves, countless cattle and sheep, and a large amount of minerals.

However, the Kingdom of Arthur is an ally of the world government, and Oren cannot directly rip off the bamboo.

Need to make an excuse!

But what excuse should I use?

Oren racked his brains.


Everything about Oren was learned from Victor.

Moreover, he still learned fur.

Victor performed well.

In the eyes of the five old stars, the investment in Victor has already obtained excess returns.

Make Victor a supernova for the Navy to maximize Victor's deterrence.

Now all forces in the world must have begun to pay attention to Viktor's name.

Some forces even began to fear Viktor's existence.

That's enough!

So, the five old stars made an amazing decision.


Sengoku came to the marshal's office.

On the empty desk, there was a document.

"Let's take a look first." The air handed over the documents to the Sengoku.

Air to Sengoku said: "The world government has decided to appoint Viktor as the commander of the G1.

After the Warring States read it, his expression was calm and not surprised, "Let Viktor be the commander of G1 and show the deterrent power of the navy, which is also in line with our expectations." Sora

sighed: "Yes, Viktor's growth rate... No, it was the surprise he brought to the world, there were too many. "

The three masters of the same year, known as the three monsters of Viktor, Sakaski, and Borusalino.

Today, Viktor has thrown Sakarski and Borusalino far behind.

At the same time, Victor captures three sea pirates, the Navy's brightest supernova, Megatron World.

Strike while the iron is hot, promote Victor's rank, and let Victor be promoted to lieutenant general.

The youngest vice admiral in the history of the Navy!


Dressrosa, Arena.

King Riku entertained Viktor with the grandest ceremony, and at the same time, held the most wonderful duel match.

After Victor handed Gustav over to Lieutenant General Nunn, he went to Dressrosa on vacation.

Dressrosa has warm sunshine, a variety of cuisines, and warm and hot beauties.

Great for vacation.

Bulu Bru.

Bulu Bru.

When the phone bug is calling, Wright hands the phone bug to Victor.

King Riku secretly glanced at Viktor.

Viktor reached out and picked up the microphone.

The phone worm imitated the voice of the Warring States: "Victor, congratulations on your promotion to lieutenant general, at the same time, you have been appointed commander of the G1 branch, and in a month you will be handed over to Lieutenant General Boris."

"I see." Viktor put down the microphone expressionlessly.

Gion and Kaji looked at Viktor.

Jia Ji muttered, "You actually became the commander of G1."

Gion smiled and said to Viktor, "Victor, congratulations."

"Congratulations to Lieutenant General Viktor!" King Riku and his wife, as well as Dressrosa's ministers, also congratulated in unison.

At this time, Alec, Kennard, Wright, Connor and others were all very excited.

Because Viktor's promotion to the commander of the G1 branch means that they have another chance to be promoted!


A few days later.

Chambord Islands.

When the bulletin board was plastered with the latest newspapers, it was business as usual at first.

"Oh my God, promoted again!"

"Isn't this just promoted to major general?"

"Not just a lieutenant general, but a commander!"

"Oh my God, that's an elite navy of 10,000!"

More and more people are watching the excitement.

Not long ago, Viktor captured Gustav and got rid of a demon for the world.

Therefore, Victor's fame is high.

As a naval supernova, from colonel to vice admiral, it turned out to be less than a year.

At this time, in Xia Qi's bamboo bar

Xia Qi was also reading the newspaper.

"The Navy really wants to shape the second Karp."

Xia Qi muttered, "I hope you don't run into him." "

She also has someone to worry about, and that person is now a common target for the Navy and the pirates.


Newspapers spread all over the world.

"Lord Victor has been promoted to lieutenant general!!"

"Or the commander of the G1 branch!"

Oren was holding the newspaper, and his current mood could only be described as excited.

The commander of the G1 branch is a real power faction and really masters the elite troops.

Unlike most lieutenant generals in this department, it seems that they are lieutenant generals, but in fact they do not have much real power.

For example, the staff officer of the headquarters, the lieutenant general of the giant, etc.

These lieutenant generals have empty military ranks, but they have no right to speak, and they are basically speechless in the appointment of personnel in their own ministry.

And the commanders of the direct branches of the headquarters, when they go to the headquarters for meetings, they all have the right to speak.

At this time, Oren excitedly picked up a pen and began to write on the stationery about his open source plan, wanting to get more money for Victor.

Within the 191st branch, Colonel Marta was equally excited.

The fleet governor of the sixth branch, this position may be up for grabs!

His loyalty to Lord Victor will surely not be forgotten!


A month later.

Lieutenant General Boris and others were ordered to return to their headquarters for debriefing.

For them, it's not bad news.

To be precise, for the generals of the G1 branch, it is a lucky thing to be transferred back to the headquarters to report on their duties.

At this time.

Lieutenant General Boris is handing over to Victor.

"Victor, you're doing a great job."

Lieutenant General Boris was relieved, and his hands held Viktor's shoulders.

"I'll keep trying." Viktor said.

"Well, I'll leave it to you here."

After Vice Admiral Boris and the others handed over, they boarded the warship directly and left the G1 branch.

Viktor was in the military port, watching Boris and the others leave.

When the warship on which Boris and the others were riding disappeared from sight, Viktor said to everyone: "From now on, enter the first-level combat readiness. Gion

and Kaji were confused.

Deputy Commander Cliff was equally puzzled.

A new broom sweeps clean.

Viktor was just showing himself.

He wants to make the chickens fly in the new world and show his iron-blooded skills to the outside world!

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