As the window opened.

"Hmph! Usopp! I know you and Krabatel have a bad relationship, but..."

Before Kaya finished speaking, a figure quietly appeared behind Kaya!

"Miss Kaya, please don't make a sound. I'm Cool D. Qikang, a pirate! Cooperate with me!"

"Now is kidnapping time!"

Kaya wanted to scream but Qikang covered her mouth directly. She looked at Usopp in horror, full of disbelief.

Her eyes seemed to say:

Why? Usopp!

Seeing this, Usopp gritted his teeth: "I'm sorry! Kaya! You will understand my difficulties!"

Not long after, in Clo's room.

Crowe lifted his glasses and tidied up his dusty suitcase.

"I wanted to wait a few more days!"

"A bunch of brats, are you brave or are you ignorant of life and death?"

As a senior, Crowe has experienced countless life and death and battles, and he looks down on Luffy and his friends from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, except for Qi Kang's magical "hypnosis".

Crowe gloomy, muttered: "Great! Don't let me down!"

He has prepared everything, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. The sudden appearance of the Straw Hat Pirates made him lose his sense of proportion, so he had to advance the plan.

At this time, a sheep-headed monster broke into Crowe's room. This is another housekeeper of Kaya's family-Merry.

"Oh no! Crabatel! Usopp and the pirates kidnapped Miss Kaya!"

At this time, Merry held a note and hurried to find Crowe.

There were crooked words written on it:

"One day, East Suburb Forest! 100 million Baileys! One ship! Don't call the police, you don't want Miss Kaya to lose some parts, right?"

There was also a lifelike skull flag of the Usopp Pirates behind it.

"I didn't expect Usopp to be such a person. I really misjudged him! Pirates are really a group of greedy and cunning bastards!"

Merry talked to herself, not noticing Crowe's gloomy face, and continued to urge:

"Crabatel, don't be stunned! We need to raise funds quickly to save Miss Kaya first!"


Before the sheep housekeeper finished speaking, a cold light flashed.

Merry covered her chest and looked at Crowe with surprise in her eyes!

It turned out that Crowe had put on the weapons in the suitcase without knowing when.

The gloves made of ten slender scimitars were the famous weapons of the Black Cat Pirates, Captain Crowe - Ten Blades Cat Claws.

"That's my money! Why would you use it to save that dying man?"

Merry fell to the ground with blood gushing out of her chest after hearing such cold words.

Before falling to the ground, he completely understood everything!

Usopp didn't lie!


Kuro carried a suitcase and greeted the villagers in a gentlemanly manner. This scene has become a permanent scene in his life.

Whenever he saw those familiar faces, the waves in his heart would gradually calm down.

Three years ago, he was tired of the pirate life and longed to return to the ordinary, hoping to spend the rest of his life in the peaceful West Rob Village.

But pirates are pirates. Since he embarked on the pirate career, he had no way back. For this reason, Kuro did not hesitate to operate for three years, change his appearance, and hide his heart and himself all the time.

As the saying goes, you can know a person's face but not his heart.

The villagers of West Rob had no idea that Kuro had just sacrificed a teammate to the sky.

After entering the suburbs, Kuro's face suddenly became gloomy.

"After today, we can live peacefully, right?"

"I will never allow the plan to be ruined! Anyone who stands in my way must! Die!"


Beside a quiet lake in the East Suburbs Forest.

Kaya was tied up by Usopp, with tape on her mouth. She was not afraid, but a little heartbroken.

Usopp couldn't raise his head with this look!

"Kaya! I'm sorry! I'll prove it, I'm doing this for your own good!"

"Woo! @¥%#!" Kaya whimpered angrily.

It seemed to be saying: Please! Don't do this for my own good! Damn scumbag! Still want to PUA me!

Qi Kang was fishing by the lake, and the fish bucket next to him was filled with water plants and stones.

"Miss Kaya! Being too excited is not good for your body! Calm down! Don't be afraid, this is just an ordinary kidnapping."

How could Kaya not be excited? Look around.

At this time, Luffy had a scar sticker on him, Nami was wearing a one-eye eye patch, and Zoro was constantly cleaning his knife.

The vicious pirate aura was overwhelming!

"Ms. Kaya! I just want

One hundred million berries, once the ransom arrives, I will naturally let you go!" This is the money-grubbing Nami.

"I want a ship that belongs to my own pirate group! If I have it, I will let you go!" This is Luffy!

"Then I want a famous sword!" Zoro thought it was a wishing machine and also interjected.

"You bastards! Don't make a show of it real!" Usopp yelled on the side.

As soon as this group of people spoke, the serious atmosphere disappeared.

"Usopp! Did you fish all the fish in this lake! After you ate the fish, can you please not throw away the fish bones!"

Qi Kang took out a piece of black substance from his hair, said with disgust, and swung the rod wildly.

Not long after, Qi Kang's reconnaissance ninjutsu was triggered.

"Friends! He's coming! "

Kuro held the suitcase and adjusted his glasses, the lenses reflecting the frightening cold light.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to continue to live a stable life. Killing you here will just complete the closed loop of my plan."

Kuro said this sincerely. If he took action in the villa or the village, his personality would most likely collapse. In this wilderness, he could just blame the pirates for his death.

"Hey! You are so polite, this is really unnecessary! It is also Usopp's request to kill you here!" The idiot Luffy also replied politely.

Kuro's veins bulged, and he was a little angry and embarrassed by Luffy's sincere answer.

"What a stupid guy! So are you ready to die?"

As he said, Kuro put on his weapon slowly and roared murderously: "Everyone here must die today!"

"Woo! Why... Krabatel! "

A delicate voice broke the silence, coming from Kaya who was untied by Usopp.

Kero looked at Kaya, adjusted his glasses and responded indifferently.

"Miss Kaya, don't you understand? I am the vicious pirate Kero, not the Crabatel you know."

"No! I don't believe it! It's all fake... fake!"

Kaya's tears fell like pearls. This guy who accompanied her in laughter, pain, took care of her, and treated her like a family member, actually kept lying to her!

"You bastard!" Usopp raised his slingshot angrily.

Kero shook his head disdainfully and looked at his watch.

"Don't be sad, miss. You can reunite with your poor parents in a while! It's almost time! The village will know about the pirates' attack soon, hahaha."

Kaya looked at Kero in disbelief when she heard it, and her breathing became sluggish.

Could it be that her parents are also...

"Don't provoke Kaya anymore! Damn it!" Usopp fired a lead bullet, but it was blocked by an outstretched arm.


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