The next morning, the sun was shining.

Qi Kang was fishing in the backyard, and the dark crows above his head kept dropping bait. However, a piece of news exploded in Qi Kang's ears like a bolt from the blue.

"What! Nami left?" Qi Kang was shocked and widened his eyes.

Mother Li Jia nervously handed over a note and some clothes.

"Yes, this is what Miss Nami left for you."

Qi Kang was a little confused after reading the note!

That idiot actually went back to find Aaron?

It shouldn't be at this time!

Qi Kang slapped his thigh!

Careless! Butterfly effect! Enough money!

I didn't expect that Nami would return to the village early because of my joining.

"Nami! Why didn't you say it! Luffy will pack you up in a minute!"

Qi Kang had a headache! He was very unhappy when he thought that the money he worked hard to earn would be fed to the dog.

They even defeated Kuro! Are you afraid of the Dragon Pirates?

Nami! Nami! What are you afraid of?

At this time, Zoro and Coby also came down from upstairs, and Zoro asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"What happened?"

"Nami went back to Kokoa West Village, anyway, you can see for yourself."

"Kokoa West Village, why does this name sound so familiar..." Coby murmured.

The two looked at the note, which was written by Xiujuan:

I'm going to take care of some private matters.

I'll borrow public funds.

If everything goes well, let's go on an adventure together.


——Little thief cat Nami.



Zoro frowned and looked at Qi Kang: "Hey, Qi Kang, how do you know Nami has returned to her hometown?"

Qi Kang was unwilling to elaborate, just shook his head and asked: "The key is what should we do now?"

Zoro snorted coldly and said thiefly:

"Since she left without saying goodbye and took away our treasures, we can just kill her next time we meet. Fortunately, I have a better impression of her."

"That's because she gave a generous amount of wine money, right?" Qi Kang complained.

At this moment, Coby suddenly became emotional:

"Qi Kang, are you sure Nami's hometown is Kokoa West Village?"

Qi Kang nodded and said:

"That's right! I want to find Nami back, but I only know the name, not where it is."

Qi Kang looked at Zoro and sighed.

Neither of them knows how to sail, and Zoro is still a road idiot.

Zoro bared his teeth in dissatisfaction: "You bastard fisherman! What do you mean by that expression?"

Coby suddenly yelled: "Stop arguing! Do you know what's over there in Kokoa West Village?"

Qian Kang glanced aside, of course he knew.

Zoro was curious: "Isn't it Nami's hometown? What's wrong?"

Coby explained with a trembling tone:

"That is one of the places occupied by the leader of the Dragon Pirates under the command of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Jinbei, the fishman Arlong! There is a place where legal looting is allowed, and even the navy is helpless!"

"Seven Warlords of the Sea?" Zoro heard this name for the first time and looked at Qi Kang.

Qi Kang thought for a while.

"It's too early to understand now, but in that case, let me tell you."

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea are legal pirates recognized by the World Government..."

"Most of the Seven Warlords of the Sea have catastrophic destructive power, even rivaling that of a country!

It's no exaggeration to say that one person can defeat a country!

Their duty is to fight against ordinary pirates with their own strength, so they are generally called "running dogs" of the World Government by pirates.

When becoming "Seven Warlords of the Sea", the original wanted order will be stopped, and the World Government will no longer pursue all the crimes committed before.

So just take a look at their bounties.

Even if the members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea engage in privateering, they will be tacitly approved by the World Government, but they will have to pay tribute if they are discovered.

As a subordinate of the self-proclaimed Jinbei, the Dragon Pirates are like this.

In short, this is a group of legal pirates that even the government needs to cooperate with."

As Sai Kang told the story, Zoro was stunned and realized the vastness of this world.

Coby bit his lip, his heart full of anger. Ever since he knew about this thing, he had doubted the justice of the navy.

At this time, Qi Kang looked at Coby, his eyes lit up:

"By the way! Coby! Don't you know some knowledge of navigation? Can you take Zoro and me there? I'll bring Nami back secretly!"

However, Coby looked embarrassed: "I don't know...

That place is under the jurisdiction of the 16 branches, and the navy cannot enforce the law beyond the area, and..."

Coby was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do. He hated these pirates the most, and was ashamed of the government's establishment of legal pirates.

But what can he do? He is just a weak marine!

Just when Coby was in a dilemma, Zoro pointed his knife at Qi Kang and said thiefly:

"I don't agree! This should be decided by Luffy! Nami betrayed us, so she is a traitor. "

Qi Kang was unhappy.

"Nami has her own difficulties! And how could Luffy give up Nami as a navigator!"

Zoro shook his head and insisted:

"I don't know what happened to Nami, but I know that this kind of thing needs the captain to decide. Even if Luffy is an idiot, he is still our captain! How to deal with this crew member still needs to wait for him to speak. "

As he said, Zoro took off his hood with a serious expression.

"Anyway, I won't let you go! Unless you want to do it! "

Qi Kang was so angry at Zoro that his face turned blue. Finally, he sat down dejectedly and transformed into the appearance of Alrita, saying angrily:

"You are a swordsman with a poor sense of direction. You really pissed me off! If you don't have money to drink in the future, don't even think about charging me!"

Seeing this, Zoro said to Coby, "Coby, can you arrange a boat to take Qi Kang and me back to Xiluobu Village?"

This time, Coby nodded heavily.

"I will go to the lieutenant colonel to borrow a warship. With the relationship between Qi Kang and the lieutenant colonel, I think he will help you!"

After Coby left.

Zoro sat next to Qi Kang with a dark face.

"Can you change back? I'm afraid I can't help but chop you!"

Qi Kang stood up with his fat body and pointed at his big belly.

"Chop me! Chop me! Don't be silent here! You have the guts to threaten me! You have the guts to chop me!"

"Dumb, dumb, dumb! "Mah-mah-mah-mah! Mah-mah-mah-mah!"

One man and one crow challenged.

This eye-catching operation made Zoro close his eyes directly.

"Tell me about Nami! You must know something, otherwise you wouldn't be so nervous."

Qi Kang hesitated and finally sighed.

Finally, in order not to give Nami a bad impression on Zoro, he was ready to confront Zoro.

"I did investigate some of Nami's affairs. I wanted Nami to tell it herself, but I didn't expect her to leave!"

Qi Kang began to narrate:

"Nami's hometown is Cocoa West Village...

Along, who was eliminated from the Grand Line, led the fishmen of the Dragon Pirates to occupy there. He believed that fishmen were a superior race and humans were trash.

They used Cocoa West Village as a base to try to establish their own Dragon Empire and dominate the East China Sea.

They collected money from the villagers to buy their lives, and killed those who couldn't pay. Nami's mother Bell-mère became the first victim.

Arlong was impressed by Nami's ability to draw sea charts, and threatened the lives of the villagers to recruit her as a cadre. He agreed with Nami that as long as she collected 100 million berries, she could buy back the village and her own freedom. "

Qi Kang paused.

"In other words, the reason she was greedy for money was to buy the place, and she probably left without saying goodbye this time because she had enough money."

After saying that, Qi Kang felt that his mood was a little heavy.

As Qi Kang told the story, Zoro fell into deep thought and murmured:

"Are you as naive as I was at that time? I actually believed those disgusting scumbags. "


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