The two of them were so close that they couldn't help but laugh.

"That voice is... it's Kaya!"

Dense beads of sweat oozed out of Usopp's forehead. The reason why he didn't tell Kaya was that he was worried that she wouldn't let him go out to sea.

Usopp turned around awkwardly, and facing Kaya who was walking slowly, he couldn't help but lower his head.

"I'm sorry... Kaya, I..."

Kaya put her finger on Usopp's mouth and smiled.

Instantly full of dog food.

"No need to apologize, Usopp!"

"In fact, I had a premonition that you would one day gallop across this sea. I just hope you don't forget that there is someone waiting for you in the West Rob Village."

After hearing this, Usopp was deeply moved and solemnly promised:

"Then next time I come back, I will tell you a story that is a hundred times more exciting than bragging!"

Kaya's eyes were filled with tears, but she held back her tears and nodded with a smile.

"I will always be here for you, Usopp!"

After a passionate embrace, Usopp waved goodbye.

"Then I'm leaving, Kaya!"

Then, Usopp loudly announced to the guys on the Merry who were eating dog food:

"I'm going to sea, Luffy, Qi Kang, Zoro! See you on the sea!"

Qi Kang couldn't stand it anymore and teased, "Stop pretending! Come up quickly! I'm full!"

"Right? Usopp! Aren't we partners?" Luffy grinned, looking as if it was a matter of course.

Usopp was stunned there. After a brief silence, he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and asked with a smile and expectation:

"Am I the captain?"

"No!" ×3.

As the Merry left.

"Goodbye! Usopp!"

The girl on the shore watched the ship go away, stroking her hair with deep reluctance.

She said to the housekeeper next to her: "Merry, I want to be a doctor!"

Merry smiled: "It's a great dream, Miss! Usopp will definitely need it when he comes back."

At this time on the Merry.

"Now that we have the ship, we need a pirate flag, so that our pirate group will be established!"

Faced with Luffy's proposal, everyone readily agreed.

Including Nami who is not there, there are now five members. It's time to raise their own flag-the Straw Hat Pirates!

Luffy, a painting genius, drew a pirate flag, but the art was too abstract and was severely rejected by everyone.

Just kidding, the pirate flag is synonymous with terror. Carrying Luffy's flag is not humiliating to that person. I guess others have fainted in the toilet after seeing the flag.

Well, this power may not be worse than Yarbilo.

"Is this a child's graffiti?" Zoro's mouth twitched violently. He felt that his two random strokes were better than Luffy's.

"Luffy doesn't have artistic cells at first glance." Usopp rarely spoke the truth.

"I think this is also a kind of art, but we may not appreciate it!" Qi Kang also sighed.

So, as the only "artist" in the group now, Usopp took over the brush.

The result...

It can't be said that the painting is bad.

A long-nosed skull, a slingshot, and even added sparks.

After reading it, Zoro said with sharp teeth: "It's obviously you! Do you think we are stupid?"

"Rubber · Partner Fist!"

"Use Murkrow, peck!"

"Back of the Blade Strike!"

"Dumb! Dumb!"

"Ah! Ah! Stop! Qi Kang! Stop Luffy!"

Finally, Usopp, with a head full of lumps, drew a "Straw Hat" pirate flag.

Compared with Luffy's pirate flag, it is simply the difference between a buyer's show and a seller's show.

Even Zoro couldn't help but sigh: "It's hard to imagine that this is the same pattern..."

"Then hang it up! Everyone! The Straw Hat Pirates are established! Hahaha."

Luffy flew up to the mast with a rubber rocket and hung the pirate flag himself.

At this moment, the legend began here.


The days of sailing are actually very boring. Most of the time, there is an endless sea, no wind and waves, and no ships.

The Merry drifted aimlessly on the sea.

Captain Luffy ate voraciously, and most of the food allocated to him had disappeared.

Fighter Swordsman Zoro was on the observation deck, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, and drinking in between.

Fighter Ninja Qi Kang was in his own nest, turning into a fisherman, not paying attention to what was happening outside.

If there was something wrong, the water clone would do it.

Next to him were piles of fish bones, water plants and other debris, and he cursed "unscientific"

or something like that.

Murkrow was calling hoarsely on the side, sometimes flying into the sky to get some flying birds as prey.

The ship became a bunch of pitfalls again.

The only normal sniper, Usopp, was also broken at this moment.

"What did you say? None of you know how to sail! Then how did you choose the direction these days?"

Usopp's face instantly turned horrified! It felt like he was on a pirate ship.

Hmm? It seems to be a pirate!

"We are going to pick up our navigator now!" Luffy said as a matter of course.

"Then how to go! Who sets the sailing direction!" Usopp said angrily.

Luffy pouted: "Didn't I tell you that Nami is the navigator! Of course it's her!"

Usopp was speechless by Luffy's brain circuit, lying on the ground speechless, echoing on the deck:

"I shouldn't have boarded the ship! How could I believe you."

Another day.

"So boring! When can we get to Nami's house!"

This question made everyone fall into silence.

"Usopp, there is a small reef over there! Let's have a shooting competition!"

"Shooting? Haha! Luffy, you found the right person! My shooting skills are always on target!"

Usopp put his hands on his hips, with a look of awesomeness.

"Bang!", "Bang!" After two deafening cannon sounds, Usopp's extremely accurate cannon fire instantly blew the reef in the distance to pieces.

"Hit it! Usopp! You are so awesome!"

"Of course! I am a sharpshooter!"

"Damn it! You will scare away my fish like this! Bastards!" A certain fisherman roared.

In the midst of the noise, the supreme fast rod in Qi Kang's hand suddenly trembled violently. He held the fishing rod tightly, but found that a powerful force came from the bottom of the water.

"A big guy has taken the bait! Luffy, Usopp, come and help me!"

Qi Kang immediately became excited! Let Luffy and the others help pull it together.

With the combined efforts of the three, the mysterious existence under the fishing rod gradually surfaced.

The first thing that caught the eye was a strange thing that looked like black water plants.

Usopp's legs trembled slightly when he saw this scene, and he was terrified:

"Is it a water ghost? Why does it look so much like hair!"

Then, a pale human face emerged from the water. Usopp was extremely terrified and screamed:

"Ghost! There is a ghost!"

And Luffy's eyes widened, and he shouted in surprise: "Is this a mermaid?"

Qi Kang sneered: "Idiot Luffy, there are no mermaids in the East China Sea, they are almost fishmen."

As the object was pulled out of the water! The appearance of the two humanoid creatures became clearer.

"Joseph? Johnny?"

Zoro looked at the two people hugging each other on the fishing rod and called out their names.

This was his little fan when he was a bounty hunter, but he got lost later and the few people never saw him again.

Luffy was obviously disappointed with the result, and curled his lips and said:

"What! It turned out to be a human! How boring!"

However, at this moment, Qi Kang did not notice what was happening around him, and his attention was completely focused on the changes in his body.

In his mind, there was only: WTF! This works? Fishing for people is also possible?

It turned out that after Qi Kang caught two people, his physical fitness increased a lot! The amount of growth was several times that of the Golden Koi King!

This wave, it is equivalent to a month of hard training.

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