The time goes back to when Qi Kang left Meili.

After Qi Kang entered the prosperous town of Rogge, he was dazzled by the flowers and saw a dazzling prosperity.

He walked freely on the street, stopping and walking along the way, eating and playing.

Just as he was reluctant to leave, he met Nami at the door of a clothing store.

Nami's face was radiant at this moment, and the shopkeeper behind her looked like he wanted to kill someone.

The reason was simple, but Nami tried on a bunch of gorgeous clothes, but didn't take any away.

"Qi Kang, shouldn't you be looking at the boat?" Nami glanced at Qi Kang and said in a bad tone.

Qi Kang almost choked on the fried meatball in his hand after seeing Nami. He coughed a few times and explained:

"My shadow clone and Murkrow are on the ship. I will know the problem first."

Nami thought for a moment and felt that this was not a bad idea. She smiled and said:

"Then accompany me shopping! There are a lot of things, and it costs money to hire someone to carry them."

As she said that, Nami snatched the fried meatball from Qi Kang's hand, pulled Qi Kang's arm and walked towards another clothing store.

Qi Kang didn't want to accompany a woman shopping, it was simply a torture.

"I have other things to deal with! Luffy always causes a lot of trouble..."

Hearing this, Nami turned around and smiled, and said:

"Are you Luffy's nanny? I'll give you an extra loan of 500,000 as compensation! Is that okay?"

"Don't think about slipping away. Now you just help me carry things honestly! I have a lot of things to buy."

Nami looked down on him!

Freedom is precious! Is he that kind of person?

So, Qi Kang accompanied Nami into a clothing store.

I have to say that Nami is really good at judging people.

As Nami entered the store, she first glanced at the price of the clothes, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

She bought a lot of daily clothes, in addition to her own and other crew members' clothes.

In Nami's words: "If I don't prepare, you can wear that set of clothes for a lifetime."

Of course, these clothes will still be sold in the canteen, after all, it is too difficult to deduct money from Nami.

With a human-shaped shopping cart, Nami began to accept everything that came, spending money like water, and bought a lot of things that her partners might need, preparing to expand the store's inventory.

Nami and Qi Kang pulled the cart and prepared to go back first.

At this time, three bounty hunters appeared and blocked their way.

The three waved their scimitars in a triangle, constantly approaching Nami, but completely ignoring Qi Kang.

They thought Qi Kang was a hired boatman...

One person took the bounty order and compared it carefully.

"Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, bounty of 5 million, right! Little thief Nami!"

Nami's face turned black. She didn't expect that there were other people besides the navy who were eyeing them.

"Qi Kang, you watch the goods! I'll deal with these people!"

She held the Tianhou stick in her hand and prepared to try the new weapon made by Usopp.

After a wave of skills, Nami found that they were all entertainment effects.

Walking the bird, scattering flowers, which made the bounty hunter laugh.

"I'll make you laugh enough!" Nami was so ashamed and angry that she took out a detonating tag and wanted to blow up these bastards.

Just as she started, three shurikens accurately hit the three soy sauces and directly blew their heads.

"Haha! Nami, are you here to make me laugh? I'm almost laughing to tears."

Nami said in a bad tone: "Qikang! You still have the nerve to laugh! Don't you know what this situation means now? We are in danger!"

After Qikang recovered the shuriken, he blinked innocently and said: "They don't know me at all!"

Nami was so angry that her teeth were itching. The bounty order for this guy was not for him at all!

"Now is not the time to talk about this. You can see that many people want our heads. Luffy and others are probably in danger now! We have to find them back quickly!"

While speaking, Nami was sensitive to the changes in the sky.

"The air pressure is changing, the storm is coming, act quickly!"

Qikang looked up at the gradually gloomy sky.

Is it really such a coincidence?

Are you here? Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

On the eve of the storm, it was Rogue Town again. Qikang had to suspect that this was a classic plot.

If it was really because Luffy's father came to send his son to sea, then Saikan was not panicked at all.

Although this guy has never revealed his strength, he can become the leader of the revolutionaries, and judging from the leopard, he must be a ruthless person.

If he were here, Luffy would be able to escape danger no matter what, right?

Qi Kang snapped his fingers, and a splash of water condensed into a human form, turning into a bald man.

"Let's go! Nami, in that case, let's go find everyone! Leave the goods to the clone."

Said, Qi Kang pulled Nami and turned into a gust of wind, and Nami swayed like a kite behind him.

"Hey! Put me down! I'm going to vomit!"

Speaking of vomiting, Qi Kang immediately thought of something and braked suddenly...

When he appeared, the scene turned into Albiro holding Nami and running towards the square like a bandit.

Nami trembled for a while and read the instructions for the weather stick.

Central square.

It seemed that there was a force that brought everyone together here.

Usopp was carrying a lot of bags, and he and Sanji were carrying a huge elephant tuna.

"Sanji, is this the prize for the chef competition? That's great! If Saikan and Luffy saw it, they would be so surprised!"

Usopp seemed to see the sparkling eyes of the two.

Sanji, holding a cigarette, was quite proud. This trip to the sea was really his wisest decision. He saw many scenes he had never seen before, especially the beautiful and powerful flamingo female chef he met in the competition, which left a deep impression on him.

When the two walked to the intersection, a green algae head ran towards them. It was Zoro who got rid of the navy by the crowd.

Zoro breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two.

"Luckily I met you here. I don't know where to find you."

At the same time, Albiro and Nami who rushed out from the corner of the street also found the three of them.

Saikan was surprised: "Hey! You are here! Is it such a coincidence?"

There is only one possibility for such a coincidence!

Will Luffy, that idiot, be caught by Buggy!

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the crowd. Some people fled in all directions, some stopped to watch, and some shouted for help and reported the news.

Everyone was talking about it: "Look! Roger is going to execute someone again on the execution platform!"

Sure enough! This scene is beyond description!

Luffy is really a troublesome guy!

Qi Kang said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "I bet that the guy being executed is Luffy! 100,000 Baileys, anyone?"

Zoro sneered: "Idiot fisherman, Luffy hasn't become the Pirate King yet, but he's on the Pirate King's execution platform. This is not appropriate!"

Sanji took a puff of cigarette and echoed: "Don't say it, the Pirate King's execution platform and Luffy, whose dream is to become the Pirate King, are quite suitable."

Suddenly a loud shout resounded throughout the square, and the voice was very familiar...

"I am the man who wants to be the Pirate King!"

When everyone heard this, they knew which idiot said it without thinking, and hurriedly went against the flow of people and finally saw the scene of the execution platform.



"Fried bean sack!"

"It's really Luffy!"

Everyone saw Luffy locked on the execution platform and broke out in a cold sweat.

Several people rushed to the execution platform in an instant.

Kabaji smiled slightly when he saw the familiar face, and waved his scimitar while riding a unicycle.

"The deputy captain orders you to stop them! No one can stop Captain Buggy!!"

"Damn it! You actually want to order me!" Mochi, who failed in the power struggle, looked unwilling.

Suddenly, Mochi's eyes rolled.


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