The two of them were very happy.

Originally, according to the plan, Vivi, Luffy and Sanji were supposed to climb Drum Mountain together, but this time Usopp volunteered.

Usopp, who was usually a little timid, volunteered for the first time this time, and this sudden change surprised others.

"There's a bear, play dead."

Usopp suddenly shouted, then rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and fell on the snow.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a huge polar bear walking leisurely in the distance, holding a cane in his hand and strolling leisurely.

"Oh, it's a picnic bear."

Dalton smiled and said, "This bear is not dangerous. Just remember the etiquette of mountaineering. Nod to each other when you meet."

After that, Dalton and the others nodded to the bear, and the picnic bear turned around and nodded in return.

"Dumb! Dumb!"

The Murkrow flapped its wings and elegantly arranged its black feathers that looked like a wizard's hat.

Luffy threw Qi Kang away, his eyes shining.

"There is such a gentleman bear!! It looks like Murkrow! Let's catch it as a partner!"

Usopp's legs kept shaking, and he said, "Compared to bears, I prefer reindeers. They are much gentler..."

Sanji was already very anxious, and now he saw his friends distracted by discussing the pet issue, and he was even more furious:

"Ms. Nami's situation will be dangerous if we wait any longer! You still want to find a pet! Are you stupid? Hurry up!"

"Yes!" ×2.

After being scolded by Sanji, the group walked for a while. There was no road in the snowy mountain, so Dalton stopped.

"Huh~ I can only take you here."

"Be careful of a creature called [Labang] in the back. It is a white rabbit. If you see them, don't hesitate and run quickly."

"Thank you, kind uncle!" Luffy and Dalton waved goodbye.

Usopp and Luffy, one on the left and one on the right, roughly pulled Qi Kang to the snowy mountain.

"Mah! Mah!" Murkrow followed closely behind.

"Be careful, Luffy! Don't let the fisherman wake up!"

Sanji was so tired that he tightened Nami on his back and rushed forward quickly.

"Ms. Nami, you must hold on!" Feeling the warmth from his back, he silently said in his heart, with worry on his face.

Dalton watched the Straw Hat Pirates gradually disappear at the end of the snowy mountains, and murmured:

"What a special group of pirates, and even the princess of Alabasta is on the ship, it's incredible."

Dalton fell into memories.

Time goes back to when Vivi was a child, she accompanied her father Cobra to attend the World Government meeting.

During the meeting, King Valpo of the Drum Kingdom was criticized by Cobra for disagreements, and deliberately bumped into Vivi when leaving the venue.

Vivi knew that on such an international stage, any minor friction could turn into a conflict between countries. In order to prevent innocent people from the two countries from being involved in the dispute, she endured the severe pain and bowed her head to apologize to Valpo.

After Valpo left, Vivi couldn't hold back her tears.

Dalton happened to witness all this at the time, and Vivi's maturity and forbearance beyond her age left a very deep impression on him.


It was only afternoon, but the Drum Island was stained with a layer of frost by the early dusk.

The snow-capped mountains echoed with wolf howls in the silence, which made Usopp regret it instantly.

Soon, they didn't meet any wolves, and they first met a few white rabbits blocking the road - this is Labang.

Labang is said to be a rabbit, and it does look like a bear. They are carnivorous animals with high attack power, and the key is that they have a certain degree of intelligence.

"This is the Labang that Dalton said, it looks so scary! Why are there rabbits as big as bears? Are the reindeer here also like bears?"

Usopp's timidity recurred.

Murkrow landed on Usopp's head and stared at the group of rabbits with a serious face.

"Don't block the road! Rabbits!!" Luffy said angrily, throwing a punch.

Sanji's face was also full of anxiety, because every minute and every second was related to Nami's safety, so he raised his leg and hit her in the face.

"Get out of here, you stinky rabbit! If you delay Miss Nami's treatment, I will make you into a rabbit head!"

Sanji's roar even touched Qi Kang who was unconscious at Luffy's feet, and his fingers trembled slightly.

Similar to the Kung Fu manatee, Labang is also a social animal that only respects the strong, and living in a group is the key.


"Wow!" A group of

The rabbits are surrounding us!

"It's time to fight!! Rubber·Pistol!" Luffy punched a Labang away.

"Usopp, keep an eye on Miss Nami and the fisherman! We'll finish the fight in five minutes."

"Yes! I promise to complete the mission!" Usopp promised.

Sanji lit a cigarette, and after a roar, a shadow was left on the spot, and his figure instantly appeared behind a tall Labang.

"Fried meat·Kick!"

Luffy and Sanji punched and kicked.

But if you provoke a Labang, there will be groups of Labangs behind you.

Labang Labang, so Labang.

The battle intensified.

At this time, a Labang hidden in the snow quietly launched a surprise attack and went straight to Usopp.

"Mute! Mute!"

Murkrow stretched out its wings and pointed at Labang, making a special scream.

The Labang was suddenly attracted by the cry of Murkrow, and strangely turned to attack Murkrow.

Murkrow flew gracefully, spinning around Labang at high speed, and finally landed on Labang's shoulder.

How could Labang endure this? It punched Murkrow!

Black energy surged around Murkrow, and Labang's fist involuntarily deviated to his head.


I killed myself? ? Labang fell to the ground with a confused look on his face.

Usopp on the side was surprised, turned around and hit a Flame Star, making the sneak attacking Labang completely lose its combat power.

"Awesome, Murkrow!!" Usopp saw Murkrow in this state for the first time.

"Dumb! Dumb!" Murkrow looked at Usopp with disgust.

"Murkrow, what do you mean by this expression?" Usopp questioned.

Murkrow ignored Usopp, and his body glowed, and a beam of light twisted and hit another Labang.

Labang was dizzy after being hit by the light, and punched the same kind next to him.

Usopp seized the opportunity and fired two fire stars in a row.

"Great job! We cooperated so well! Murkrow!"

Murkrow seemed to be flattered by Usopp and began to show off his skills.

Darkness was a good opportunity for a sneak attack. Murkrow's black energy surged, and a huge Murkrow magic shadow enveloped everything.

This scene made the guys in the melee stunned, and they were all shocked instinctively.

However, soon the guys in the melee returned to normal.

Usopp's eyes were full of stars. If Luffy was not busy fighting, he would probably come over and say "It's time".

"I think it's too worthless for you to be Qi Kang's pet. Just hang out with me!"

After hearing this, Murkrow pecked and winged, and this time it was Usopp.

Who is the master? !

Usopp begged for mercy with a bruised face: "Uncle Crow, I will fight with you from now on! Don't fight anymore!"

The Murkrow cried proudly, raised its head, and landed gracefully on top of Usopp's head. It waved its wings to create a hurricane, blowing up the wind and snow, and directly blew Labang and others all over the place.

Experience value +10

Experience value +10

"Mute! Mute!" When Murkrow was happy, the ground suddenly shook.

"What, is it an earthquake?"

Usopp turned his head to look over, and his expression became horrified in an instant.



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