In a city that is quite crowded, seen crows perched on a roof of a fairly high building, people do not know that their activities are being watched by crows. As if finding prey, the crow immediately flew from the roof of the building.

Itachi who was hidden in the trees opened his eyes, he had found the target he needed for now. Then Itachi wore a mask he had made before using bone from a monster, the mask looked like his Anbu mask before. A few moments later Itachi immediately disappeared.

In one of the large houses was an old man who was talking to a snail in his luxurious room.

"Listen to me, Shachi. You must stay with him !! And also you must keep the mouth of the penguin boy !! You must remember, we will not pay you if you make a mess !!"

[Kacha !!]

After the strange sound, the snail looks asleep.

"Damn those boys, asking for a million Belly every month ?? Do they think that money is coming down from the sky ??" The man said irritably.

When the old man wanted to light his cigarette suddenly a masked man figure appeared in front of him, before he could shout, the old man's body was immediately silent like a statue, and from his eyes it seemed that he had lost his consciousness.

"Tell me what you know about this island and also ... this world." The masked man was Itachi, he had used his Genjutsu to hypnotize the old man to find information, because from his previous observations, the old man was a former informant from a kingdom.

"This island is called Swallow Island, Swallow Island is an island in North Blue. Located in the southern part of Minion Island and Rubeck Island. Most of the aristocrats on this island are fugitives from the kingdom in the State of Flevance or better known as White City ... . "

Three hours have passed, Itachi has gotten all the information he needs for now. After erasing the memories of himself in the old man's memory, Itachi immediately left.

Itachi walked in a small town which was quite crowded on the island, despite wearing his Anbu mask, Itachi did not attract the attention of those around him, because many people also wore masks or robes to cover their identities.

Itachi saw a pretty good clothing store in that small town, then Itachi entered into the shop. In addition to buying some clothes, Itachi plans to make his Uchiha Coat behind his robes.


A small bell above the door rang when Itachi opened the door to enter the shop.

"Welcome to our shop, sir. Do you want to buy clothes or make clothes? We are the best clothing store in the city, we are sure that you will not disappoint, sir." A shopkeeper girl welcomed Itachi politely.

"I want to buy clothes ..." Itachi told the girl what kind of clothes he would buy. A moment later the girl returned with a few examples of clothes that she thought matched the clothes Itachi wanted.

"Sir, this is the best clothing in our store, although the price is a bit expensive, but you will feel satisfied because this clothing has the best quality." The girl began to advertise the clothes she was carrying.

Itachi only glanced at the clothes for a moment, he did not care about what was said by the girl, he did not need clothes that are luxurious or the best. What Itachi needed was clothes that suited him.

"Can you sew something on this clothes ??" Itachi asked the girl.

"Of course sir. But an additional fee will be charged." The girl answered.

"Then please sew it on for me and also please sew it on my cloak." Itachi took off his black cloak, then he gave an example of his Uchiha emblem that would be sewn onto his clothes.

A few moments later all his clothes and cloaks had the Uchiha emblem, after paying all the expenses, Itachi then went to the Bar not far away.

Itachi took the bench in the corner of the bar, tilting his Anbu mask slightly, he drank the beer he had ordered.

Itachi Looking at the people around him, he saw many people who had strange faces and were very different from the faces of people in the previous world.

At a table not far from Itachi, he saw three men and a white bear discussing excitedly.

"A month from now our ship will be finished, we must immediately prepare everything." The man wearing the furry hat said.

"Captain, what is the name of our pirate ??" The bear said excitedly.

"I will think about it and Don't call me captain, Bepo. We haven't officially become pirates, and in the meantime we won't become pirates either, but become pirate hunters." The man in the hat said.

"But why, captain?? Wasn't our plan from the start to become a pirate ??" The bear asked.

"Yes, but we still need money and additional crew. In the meantime, we will be pirate hunters for a year or two. After that we will announce the arrival of our pirates to the world."



Itachi though a bit far from the 4th position of the man, but he could clearly hear their discussion.

From their conversation, Itachi learned that the man wearing the animal fur hat was Trafalgar Law, the target of surveillance from the old man before. And the other two men were Shachi and Penguin, who were delinquents from the underworld who were spies to watch Law. As for the white bear, Itachi did not have the information, but he seemed to have a close relationship with Law.

However Itachi did not care about them. So, after he had just looked for the information he needed from the people in the bar, he immediately left.

While enjoying the atmosphere in the small town, Itachi stopped by a weapons shop there. Itachi was quite surprised to see Kunai, Shuriken and other Ninja equipment. Itachi was quite sure that there were Ninja in this world too.

A few days have passed. At this time Itachi passed through a slum on the island side, he saw several bodies lying there. Itachi heard screams and miserable cries in one of the houses there.

When Itachi sneaked into the house, he saw several women being raped by many men, there was no change in Itachi's face, because he knew that this was a natural law. In any world, the strong eats the weak.

Since something like this had happened before his eyes, what was wrong with saving them? Itachi disappeared using his Flicker Jutsu and reappeared in the room.

Everyone in the room was immediately quiet because they were surprised to see someone suddenly appear in the middle of their party, that person was wearing a robe that was as black as night, a white mask attached to his face, and his eyes seemed to glow red in a strange pattern.

"Please ... P-please save us ..." One of the women who was being pressured by the big man's body shouted.

[Paa !!!]

A slap hard enough can be silent in the room.

"Shut up, bitch !!"

"Who are you ?? What are you doing here ?? Do you know that you have disturbed us ?? Are you bored of life ?!"

One of the men said in a threatening tone, but Itachi remained silent, his hand slowly moving towards the hilt of the sword that was hanging on his back.

"You bastard, why are you silent ?? Are you mute ?? Do you know who we are ??"

The man who was speaking did not know that these were his last words, because what he next saw was that his head flew into the air and then the darkness immediately covered his sight.

[Dangg !!]

A head fell from the air and bounced several times on the floor. For a moment everyone lost their minds because the situation changed suddenly.

Everyone immediately got ready to fight, they immediately took their weapons, but Itachi was too fast, when everyone touched their weapons, at that moment their heads slipped from their bodies.

The room was quiet again, all that was heard was the sound of heavy breathing from the women who were frightened by the scene. A few moments later one of the women said.

"Thank you for saving us, sir. But there is another person who ..." Before the woman finished her sentence. A door upstairs suddenly slammed hard.

"Bastard !! Who would dare to cause trouble in my area ??" The figure of a 2 meters tall burly man shouted angrily.

When he saw his subordinates lying headless, the man immediately looked at Itachi with anger.

"Good, I'm sure you killed all my men! You won't be able to get out of here alive !!"

[Grruuaaa !!!]

The man's body suddenly enlarged, his clothes immediately ripped because he could not hold the man's body continues to grow. Slowly the black feathers covered the man's body, at this time the man no longer looked like a human, but like a 7 meters high Gorilla.

[Swosshh !!]

Very quickly the man immediately jumped and appeared before Itachi with his hands ready to hit his face. But Itachi did not back down, instead he tried to clash with the Gorilla.

[Bamm !!!]

A loud explosion could be heard from the two fists that met each other. The women who tried to escape immediately fell due to exposure to the violent wind coming out of the blow.

Itachi and the man were silent with their fists clashing.

"Little bastard, you're quite strong! But unfortunately you have to die !?"

[Gruuuaa !! Ora .. Oraa .. Ora .. Oraaaa !!]

The Gorilla issued a series of consecutive powerful blows. But Itachi dodged all the blows without the slightest scratch on his shirt.

"You coward, you only dare to avoid and dare not fight. But you are among those who are lucky because I will kill you with my full strength"

[Gruaaaa !!]

At this time the Gorilla feathers look stiffer and more shiny. Itachi knew that Gorilla feathers were now like iron.

[Bang !! Bang !! Bang !!]

Many blows stronger than before were directed at Itachi. But the result is still the same, the Gorilla just hit the air. Many of the blows had destroyed the walls, floors and equipment in the house, but they still did not hit Itachi.

At this moment, the Gorilla suddenly felt that its punch was going to hit Itachi, but a strange thing immediately happened, Itachi's body that was hit by the sudden burst into a crow. Hearing the sound of crows that continued to chirp made the gorilla feel a chill.

The Gorilla immediately saw Itachi who was suddenly 20 meters in front of him, the Gorilla immediately felt his instincts to scream and told him to run away, but it was too late.

Itachi raised his sword and seemed to cut through the air a few times very quickly, and at that moment 4 blood red blood blades immediately attacked the Gorilla.

At this moment the Gorilla knew that he had met someone he was not supposed to fight. He was resigned and accepted his death, but the thing he hoped did not happen, the 4 wind blades only cut his hands and feet, at this time he felt that death was a good thing in his life.

[Bam !!]

Gorilla's large body fell to the floor, her body slowly began to shrink. Itachi did not immediately kill him, because that man was the first user of the demon fruit he had met which at this time was what he needed.

But at this time a naked woman with thick liquid that was still dripping between her legs suddenly approached Itachi while carrying a firearm in her hand. The woman was very beautiful, her breasts and big ass might be one of the reasons she could be here. The woman aimed her gun at the man Itachi had cut, her eyes filled with anger and hatred.

"What would you do??" Itachi asked flatly.

"Of course I want to kill that bastard, he doesn't deserve to live, who knows how many people he killed and the woman he kidnapped." The woman said angrily.

"You can't kill him, I need him." Itachi said calmly.

"No !! He must die !!" The woman immediately pulled the trigger of her weapon.

[Rataatataataa .... !!!]

A barrage of gunfire rang out throughout the room for a few moments before stopping leaving a shocked woman to open her jaw wide.

The woman saw dozens of bullets that Itachi had deflected by using her sword. Not even a single bullet reached the body of the man who was dying of blood loss.

"You better stop shooting, or I'll kill you." Itachi said.

"W-why are you protecting him ??" Asked the woman nervously.

"I need it for experimentation, if you kill it then I will make you my experiment." Itachi said calmly.

The woman saw Itachi's gaze at her, seeing the red eyes behind her mask make the woman shiver.

Seeing the woman remained silent, Itachi walked towards the man who no longer had both hands and feet. Itachi lifted the man on his shoulder, after which he immediately disappeared leaving the woman alone in silence in a room now full of the smell of blood.

A few days later Itachi returned to tour on Swallow Island. Itachi realized that this island was not as good as its surface, because of a lot of killings, robberies, kidnappings and many other bad things on this island. Until now he has also slaughtered many of the criminals he met and saved the Devil fruit users for his experiments in the future.

Itachi also visited other nearby islands, namely Rubeck Island and Minion Island. The situation on the two islands is not much different from Swallow Island. Itachi got some of the treasure stored by the criminals and some Devil fruit users for his Experiments.

By this time Itachi was heading for his inn, he would be preparing to leave the island in a few days. But he saw someone he had seen, namely Trafalgar Law and Bepo. When Law saw the masked man in front of him, he was immediately alert, and Bepo let out a fighting attitude.

At this time Itachi was quite famous on three islands because he had slaughtered many criminals and saved many people, so far no one had ever managed to fight him or capture him which proved that Itachi was really strong.

Itachi actually didn't care when he saw Law and Bepo. But until now he had met her three times accidentally. Because in a few days Itachi will soon leave the island, maybe Itachi needs to say something to them even though it's none of his business.

Law and Itachi stared at each other for a few seconds, then Itachi said something that made Law feel confused.

"You better watch your back. You don't even know who is always behind you." After saying that Itachi immediately disappeared.

"Captain, what exactly did he say? I don't understand." Bepo said while scratching his head.

"You don't need to think about it, Bepo, you also have to keep what the man just said. Let's go, and don't call me captain." Said Law.

"Aye, captain."

At this time Law was still thinking about what Itachi had said, he didn't yet understand what he meant, but he knew that there was a purpose behind it, and that was something very important.




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[English is not my first language, sorry if there are many words you can't understand]

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