Grand Line

In a sea that is quite calm, not far from Reverse Mountain is located, seen the figure of the head of the Sea Dragon with three horns on his head. Suddenly the Sea Dragon Jaw was wide open and showed a series of very sharp teeth.

A black dot suddenly appeared from inside the Sea Dragon's Jaw, if you look closer, the black dot looks like a man wearing a black robe, huh ... it is Itachi.

"The outside air is indeed much better." Itachi said while taking a deep breath.

"Of course, Itachi-sama. I'm even surprised that you didn't complain inside my body. If it were me, maybe I would throw a tantrum because of boredom." Shen said in Itachi's mind.

"Looks like you have grown a lot, Shen." Said Itachi who was a little surprised to see the size of Shen has doubled, now Shen has a size like an adult Sea King.

"Yes, Itachi-sama. It's because I have eaten a Sea King that is much bigger than me, so I can grow faster. If I only eat Sea King or other sea creatures that are the same size as me or weaker than me, then my growth will be very slow. " At present Shen has a size of more than one thousand meters.

"Hmm ... that explains everything. Well then ..." Itachi's words were immediately interrupted when he heard a loud crash near Reverse Mountain.

\u003cBAMM !! BAMM !! BAMM !!\u003e

From a distance Itachi saw a small black dot that kept crashing into the walls of the Red Line, even though the distance was very far, Itachi could clearly see that the black dot was a very large whale.

Shen could also see the Pope and could feel his presence, but this time Shen was no longer a coward like before.

"That looks good, Itachi-sama, are we going to catch that whale ??" Shen said.

"Didn't you say that you don't need to eat for several years ??"

"Yes, that's right. But it's a snack"

"The whale is almost half your size, maybe around 400 meters. I don't think it's suitable for a snack. We're not going to kill it, I'm a little curious as to what causes the whale to keep crashing."

Then Shen disguised himself and then swam towards the whale. As the distance got closer, the whale became a little wary, but still could not find Shen and Itachi.

Itachi could feel that in the whale's body there was a human who was still alive, initially Itachi thought that the person had been eaten by the whale, but after examining it more closely, Itachi felt inside the whale's body a room that was quite large, even far away bigger than the room Itachi made inside Shen's body.

"Shen, you hold that whale, I'll go inside his body." After saying that, Itachi immediately jumped into the air.

Shen immediately moved toward the whale very quickly, even the whale did not have time to react before realizing that he had been wrapped tightly by Shen's body.

Above the air, Itachi saw a 400 meter black whale being wrapped around by Shen who had a size of more than 1000 meters, even though he was in the ocean, the whale could not even move or writhe in the slightest. Shen can control his body with extraordinary, now the two sea monsters that look like a statue that can not move.

Meanwhile on a small island inside the whale's body, an elderly man is seen relaxing while reading a newspaper.

"What happened ?? Why does Laboon's body look narrow ??" Said the old man in surprise.

"Damn !! Was Laboon attacked by Sea King ?? Why is there a Sea King here ?? I felt an extraordinary presence outside. I had to get out and check it out."

Before the old man could get out of Laboon's body, suddenly a black-robed figure appeared with a mask on his face, the masked man stood several meters before the old man.

"Y-You .. who are you ?? Why are you here?" The old man was surprised to see Itachi, because until now Laboon had not eaten any ships, so there could not be anyone else in Laboon's body.

"Calm down, old man. I have no ill will, I am just curious as to why you can be in the body of this whale." Itachi said calmly while releasing a strong aura from his body.

"O-okay ... but is something attacking Laboon yours?" Asked the old man nervously because he felt a strong pressure from Itachi.

Now the old man was convinced that Itachi had no intention of hurting him or Laboon. Because of the aura he felt from Itachi's body, he believed that Itachi could kill him or kill Laboon very easily.

"Laboon ?? You mean this whale ?? Yes, the Sea King outside is mine." Itachi said.

"W-what ?? That's really Sea King ?? And how can you tame it ??" The old man said with surprise, but Itachi was silent and did not say anything. The old man also understood that Itachi did not want to say it, so he immediately changed the topic.

"Can I see your Sea King ?? Ohh I almost forgot, my name is Crocus, I am a doctor who is guarding Laboon so he doesn't kill himself." Said Crocus.

"Itachi, Uchiha Itachi." Itachi said curtly. After saying that Itachi immediately disappeared and reappeared right behind Crocus. Then Itachi grabbed Crocus's shoulder and immediately disappeared with his Flicker Jutsu and reappeared right above the whale that was crying because it was wrapped tightly by Shen.

"Shen, you can let it go." Itachi said mentally. Shen slowly loosened his coil, but after Laboon was free from Shen's coil, he immediately swam quickly to escape.

"STOP!!!" Itachi said in a deep voice, Haoshoku Haki was directed right at Laboon. Crocus who was standing next to Itachi felt his legs soften and tremble slightly even though he didn't feel his Haoshoku Haki directly.

Laboon's body trembled and could even be seen from the splashes of water around his body which continued to tremble. At this time Laboon was not moving, not that he could not move, but he did not want to move for fear that Itachi would kill him. After living more than 50 years, only now Laboon felt the fear of death, even when he was wrapped around by Shen, he did not feel fear like this.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you as long as you keep quiet and don't hurt yourself, do you understand ??" Itachi said calmly, but in Laboon's ears, Itachi's voice was like the sound of death, so Laboon could only nod and didn't dare to move.

"Th-that's ... Is that a Sea Dragon ??" Crocus said in surprise, his index finger pointing at Shen while shaking.

"Yes, you're right. Have you ever seen it before ??" Itachi asked.

"No, I've never seen it before. But I've heard heard my captain tell me about the Myth of the Sea Dragon which is the master of the sea. I didn't think that I could see the Sea Dragon before my death. Even my captain really wanted to see the Sea Dragon but he has no chance to see him even until he dies." Crocus said with a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Itachi knew that this Sea Dragon was very rare, so Itachi was not surprised that there would be very few people who could see the Sea Dragon. But what surprised Itachi a little was that the Sea Dragon was the master of the ocean, Itachi did not know this information beforehand, he planned to ask Shen later.

"Your captain ?? Were you a pirate before ??" Itachi said with a little curiosity.

"Sorry I forgot to say it, but I was a doctor on the Pirate King Gol D Roger's ship before." Crocus said sadly but proudly.

At first Crocus did not intend to tell this truth to Itachi, but for some reason his mouth was eager to say it.

"Gol D Roger?" Itachi muttered a little when he heard that name, Itachi's curiosity increased slightly, Itachi realized that Roger's real name was not Gold Roger but Gol D Roger.

Itachi decided to find out more in detail, but he didn't want to ask Crocus directly, so Itachi planned to use his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then Itachi stared at Crocus, Itachi's pupils turned for two seconds, but in those two short seconds, all of Crocus's life experiences with Roger had been seen by Itachi.

Crocus did not even realize that Itachi had seen his past, because Itachi used a Special Jutsu that he had made himself to read someone's past without being aware of that person, even though it looked very strong but the Energy consumption using this Jutsu was also very large even three times more much more than energy consumption to activate its Amaterasu.

Even though Itachi could easily defeat Crocus to take information from him, but Itachi was not a cold-blooded killer, if he could then he didn't want to kill Crocus.

Moreover, Crocus is a former Pirate King Crew, so Itachi felt that if he killed him there would definitely be some troublesome things in the future.

Itachi also didn't want to ask him directly, because surely there would be a lot of information that he would hide. So Itachi decided to steal information from Crocus secretly.

Crocus glanced at Itachi who was silent as if he wasn't interested, this was not what Crocus expected, because he thought that Itachi would jump in surprise after learning that he was a doctor on the Pirate King's ship. Crocus did not know that everything he knew about Roger had already been known by Itachi.

"So ... where did you get this Sea Dragon, Itachi-san ??" Crocus asked politely because he felt that Itachi was a very strong person.

"Her name is Shen, I met at North Blue." Itachi said.

Crocus was a little surprised to learn that Itachi came from the ocean across the Red Line, but he decided not to ask him too many questions.

"I didn't expect the sea lord to be in North Blue. You're so great to be able to tame it, Itachi-san."

"Since you have met me, I'm sure you have business with me. So, is there anything I can help you with, Itachi-san ??"

"At first I just wanted to visit, but now that I've changed my mind, I want you to make a room in Shen's body like the room in Laboon's body."

"That's impossible, Itachi-san. Because it took me decades to make room in Laboon's body, even though I could make it but I'm old, and maybe I'll die before I can finish it." Said Crocus who immediately refused.

"I know your reason for taking a long time to make that room. But you can relax, because the sea dragon has a very high regeneration rate, so you don't need to worry about healing it." Itachi explained.

"But ..."

"Don't worry, you won't work for free, I'll pay 100 million Belly." Itachi said.

"Even so, I still can't because ..."

"500 million."

"DEAL !!! But I have to examine the Sea Dragon's inner body." Crocus said with enthusiasm, although he did not really need money, but 500 million was a very large amount and he could give it to his grandchildren or other family.

"I have found a suitable place in Shen's body and I have also made a simple room in his body, you can check later." Itachi said.

"Alright, when should I start ??" Crocus asked.

"You can do it one month from now, I'm sure you will need a lot of things, so I will give you the money now, I also added another 100 million to buy equipment to use in that room. Right now I will go first, we will meet again one month from now. " Then Itachi gave 600 million Belly to Crocus.

After a short chat, Itachi finally left after receiving Crocus's Den Den Mushi address.

Several days passed, on an island that was not too big, at this time Itachi was hiding on the top of a large tree to see two people who were fighting fiercely, but the fight seemed a little strange, because it could be seen that the two were not enemies and were not hate each other.

Itachi raised his head up to observe the battle, of course Itachi had to do that because the two people who were fighting were very tall giant figures.

At first Itachi did not want to stop on this island even though on this island there are two giants who fight each other.

But this island is very strange, because a lot of wild monsters that continue to roam, even on this island there are volcanoes that continue to erupt every hour. Itachi was sure that he would find something in this strange place.




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[English is not my first language, sorry if there are many words you can't understand]

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