"Hancock, please help them get rid of the petrification. I've already won."

Ye Chen released his Susanoo form and looked at the Empress Hancock.

"I hope you can lend us another ship."

Luffy moved the six petrified women over and stood beside Ye Chen.

"Two requests, I can only satisfy one of them. Now, choose."

Hancock smiled proudly.

Ye Chen glanced at Luffy, and the two nodded in tacit understanding.

"Then please get rid of the petrification on them."

The two spoke at the same time.

Hancock bit her lip and fulfilled her promise without saying a word.

"Thank you~"

Ye Chen bowed and thanked him.

Luffy also knelt on the ground.

Then the two were taken into the palace.

"Luffy, go eat something first. Leave the boat to me."

Ye Chen thought about it and decided to send Luffy away, otherwise there might be problems.

"Yeah, Ye Chen, the rest is up to you. I'll bring you a big leg of meat."

In Luffy's eyes, nothing can excite him more than eating meat.

"Thank you for your mercy."

Ye Chen was brought to a bed, and Xiao Qing beside him bowed her head to express her gratitude.

"Nothing, just a little help."

Ye Chen smiled and replied.

Then, the bed curtain was opened, and Hancock sat there with her back exposed.

"Do you know this dragon hoof print?"

As she said that, Hancock lifted her hair and showed the dragon hoof print again.

"Well, this should be the dragon hoof print. I have only seen it on the slaves of the Celestial Dragons, and I also found this from them."

Ye Chen did not hide it and took out a special tool from the space.

"How did you get this?! Are you also a Celestial Dragon?"

Hancock looked at Ye Cheng in shock and snatched it away.

"No, how could I be that kind of scum? I just snatched it from them."

Ye Cheng quickly denied it. Just as he was about to say a few more words to prove himself, Zha Po Po came over.

"Are you Zang Ai·Ye Cheng? The Ye Cheng who beat up the Sky People with Luffy and kidnapped a female Celestial Dragon?"

Zha Po Po came over with a newspaper.

"Yes, I am Ye Cheng."

Ye Cheng was very curious about what was written in the newspaper. Although he did beat up those two Celestial Dragons and shaved their heads, he was not as powerful as Luffy.

As for kidnapping? That was just for self-protection and fear of problems. He had let her go a long time ago and was just guarding her with a puppet.

"Damn, that female Celestial Dragon hasn't left yet, right?"

Ye Cheng thought of something and quickly sensed it.

"Damn, why doesn't this woman run for her life? What does she want to do?"

At this time, in a small dark room in the Sabaody Archipelago, the female Tianlong was sitting naked on the bed, hugging the quilt and huddled in the corner.

The reason why she was naked was that Ye Chen was afraid that she had other means, so he checked her and he didn't touch her.

"Hey, you can go now."

Ye Chen hurriedly controlled the puppet to make a sound and handed over a set of clothes.

"Who are you? How dare you do this to me? I will definitely let the generals kill you..."


Will Ye Chen indulge her? It was a big fight.

"You still dare to have such an idea? Believe it or not, I sold you as a slave. I believe they are not as kind to you as I am."

Ye Chen will not indulge her. People like her will only be obedient when she is scared and threatens their lives.

"Want to try? I'll help you."

Just as she finished speaking, her own hair strangled her neck.

She struggled desperately, but it was useless. Just as she was about to suffocate, the hair that was strangling her finally loosened.

"I let you go because you are no longer harmful to me. If you dare to have any other thoughts, hum~"

Ye Chen was not worried about the other party's revenge at all, because he knew that the Tianlong people cherished their lives.


"You will be my slave girl from now on. Be obedient, understand?"

Ye Chen was rarely evil for once.

"I know..."

He put on his clothes.

"You can go~"

After saying this, the hair puppet began to dissipate, leaving only the female Tianlong person huddled there.

"Huh~ It's finally solved."

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and did not interrupt the conversation between the mother-in-law and Hancock.

At this time, Hancock cried and talked about her unbearable past.

In fact, she didn't say it in detail, just how she escaped.

Ye Cheng listened quietly without interrupting her.

"I don't want anyone to know our past, and I don't want to be manipulated by anyone anymore. I have to be on guard against others at all times.It's too scary..."

Hancock cried loudly and shed tears.

"Would you... look down on me who was once a slave?"

Hancock turned around and asked.

"Huh? How could that be? I hate the Celestial Dragons the most."

Ye Chen finally reacted and immediately thought of a solution.

"Actually, I have a way to help you get rid of this dragon hoof print."

Ye Chen said something shocking.

"What? ! ! "

The three women all looked at Ye Cheng with disbelief on their faces.

Hancock was the most excited and grabbed him directly.

"Don't get excited, let me take a closer look first, and then give you a solution. In this way, you can..."


Ye Cheng's nosebleed almost spurted out, and he quickly turned his head away, not looking at Hancock's body.

Fortunately, Hancock was very obedient and left his back to Ye Cheng.

"This wound has been there for a long time, and it is a bit difficult to completely eliminate it. I will find someone to help you solve it completely in the future. Now I will perform a magic trick for you. "

Ye Cheng has already thought of a solution, grabbed a handful of hair, and prepared to operate.

"It will be a little painful at first, bear with it. "

Ye Cheng asked Hancock to lie down and began to cover the wound with his hair carefully.

Ye Cheng's movements were very gentle, fearing that he would hurt Hancock, and he began to fill the wound on her back one by one.

After more than ten minutes...

"Huh~ It's finally done, take a look for yourself."

Ye Cheng wiped the sweat from his head, wiped the blood from his nose, and took out a mirror from the space.

"Sister, the dragon hoof print on your back is really gone! Look!"

Xiao Qing took the mirror and was surprised.

Ye Cheng's skills are very strong. This is the product of his meticulous work, without any flaws.

"Ye Cheng, thank you so much!"

Hancock took a closer look, and when she was worried, she found a large mirror and found that the mark was really gone.

Happily, she hugged Ye Cheng.

"It's okay, it's okay. "

Ye Cheng looked at the excited Hancock and felt a little overwhelmed. This was too proactive.

"Then I will help them solve this problem now."

Ye Cheng hurriedly changed the subject, fearing that he would not be able to resist and do something impulsive.

Hancock naturally agreed happily after hearing this.

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