Before long, Sanji and Chopper brought back all the clothes and supplies.

"What kind of clothes are these? Weren't they supposed to be civilian clothes?"

"This is civilian clothes."

"Isn't this a dancer's costume?"

"Dancing girls' costumes are also civilian clothes."


It's true that Sanji has a good eye. These two sets of dancer's costumes are really amazing.

Because the weather was too hot, they only wore the built-in hair armor given by Ye Cheng.

"Let's go, let's go shopping."

Nami wore a huge sun hat, covering most of her face, and so did Vivi, so that they didn't have to worry about being recognized when they went out.

As soon as they arrived in the town, Ye Cheng spotted a beautiful figure, and Zoro hid instantly.

"Dashiki, why are you here too?"

Ye Cheng ignored him and took the initiative to greet him.

"Ye Cheng? Is it you?"

Dashiki, who was scolding the boss, also exclaimed, covering her mouth and looking at Ye Cheng.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect your hair to grow a lot longer."

The first thing Ye Cheng did was to lift the other's hair.

Not to mention, since being served by him, Dashiqi has become much more refined, and her taste in clothes has also improved a little.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a cool place to trim your hair."

Ye Cheng immediately pulled the other person away, leaving everyone confused.

"This guy's occupational disease has come back again, leave him alone, let's go shopping."

Nami left with a bit of jealousy, and everyone looked at each other and followed.

"Damn, when did this guy know her? Forget it, never mind, let's buy some wine."

Zoro glanced at the direction where Ye Cheng left, and ignored him. He liked wine more than women.

"Ye Cheng, why are you here?"

Dashiqi asked curiously.

Click, click~

"Nothing, I'm a pirate, of course I'm wandering around."

Ye Cheng said nonchalantly.

"What? You're a pirate?"

Tashiki stood up instantly and reached for the knife.

"Huh? Are you going to catch me?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly and moved closer to the other party.

"I... I'm a navy, and catching pirates is my duty."

Tashiki was directly cornered by Ye Chen.

"Oh, is that so? Then wait until I finish trimming your hair before trimming it?"

Ye Chen looked indifferent and continued to press the other party back to the hair chair.

"Why do you want to be a pirate?"

Tashiki was very entangled and finally asked this question.

"Why do you want to be a pirate? This is a question, I don't know, maybe I like to help people cut hair."

Ye Chen said casually.

"Physical strength +1314, hair hardness slightly increased. 』

"Tashiki, how is it? Are you satisfied?"

Ye Chen handed over the mirror and leaned on her shoulder.

"Well, can you stop being a pirate? Pirates are all unforgivable people, I don't want you to... um~?"

Just as Dashiqi was about to persuade her, Ye Chen pressed her down on the chair and gave her a deep kiss.

"I'm a bad guy too, are you going to catch me?"

After a long while, Ye Chen let go of him, showing a wicked smile, and then disappeared in front of her in a few steps.

"Ye Chen, you? Me? Stop right there."

Even the somewhat silly Dashiqi reacted, picked up the long knife and chased after him.

But there was no trace of Ye Chen.

"This Dashiqi is really cute, continue to be my experience baby, hehe."

Ye Chen touched the corner of his mouth and headed back to the direction of the main force.

Since he had tasted the taste, Ye Chen was also much bolder, and he was ready to try to steal their hearts.

At this moment, the sky was ablaze, and a huge fire tornado appeared, with smoke faintly visible along with the fire.

"Have Ace and Smoker started fighting? The natural system is really powerful."

Ye Chen stood on the roof and watched silently. This fire was very restraining to him. Unless he could fully master the armed color, he could reduce this restraint.

"Fortunately, Ace is on my side, but what should I do with Akainu in the future?"

Ye Chen compared his own combat power and found that he was no match at all.

"Damn it, I still have to continue to gain experience, otherwise I won't even have a chance to protect myself."

Ye Chen also made up his mind secretly.

The people of the Straw Hat Group also headed towards the ship at this time.

It's normal that Luffy lost contact again.

"Is this guy lost again? How about I bring him back?"

Ye Chen asked while pulling Nami.

"Start the boat first. If he hasn't come yet when you are almost out to sea, go find him."

Nami is most confident in Ye Chen. No matter when, Ye Chen can bring her surprises.

At this moment, Luffy's hand suddenly flew over, and thenHe boarded the ship in his own way.

Another person who followed him on board was Ace with freckles.

"Haha, hello."

"Thank you for taking care of my brother. I am his elder brother Ace."

As soon as he finished introducing himself, the boats of the bounty hunters followed.

"Fire Fist!"

Ace solved it with one punch.

To be honest, Ye Cheng was also shocked to see this scene. At least he couldn't easily solve several ships with one punch.

Of course, it's not that Ye Cheng couldn't beat Ace, but the natural system was really strong in the early stage.

"So strong!"

Ace's strength shocked the current Straw Hat Pirates.

Soon, Ace boarded the ship again and prepared to go to the next destination together.

This gave Ye Cheng the opportunity to perform.

"Hello, Ace. My name is Zang Ai·Ye Chen. I am also one of the crew members. I am a barber. It is so hot today. Your hair must be hot with such long hair. Let me help you trim it."

Ye Chen said sincerely and took out his whole set of equipment.

"Well? Well, thank you for your trouble."

Ace looked at Ye Chen and finally agreed.

Ka Ka Ka~

Ye Chen's dazzling operation instantly refreshed Ace.

『First time for Ace...Physical strength +6999, hair's fire resistance increased. 』

A pleasant reminder sounded.

"Fire resistance? It can be like this? Does the fruit ability user also have a certain chance to trigger special rewards? That's great."

Ye Chen was very happy. If this goes on, some of his weaknesses will be slowly made up, which is a good thing.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! You're really good at this, you look much more handsome all of a sudden."

Ace also exclaimed, looking at the mirror and laughing.

Ye Cheng forgot about him after getting the reward, and went directly to Luffy, and quickly gave Luffy a set.

『Physical strength +3666, hair toughness increased. 』

Sure enough, as he thought, he got a special reward again.


Luffy touched his hair, but he didn't react yet.

"Sanji, come here, I'll help you trim it too."

Ye Cheng was going to re-harvest everything today.

"Hey, let me grow your bangs a little longer."

Sanji didn't escape the clutches either.

『Physical strength +1999』

"Okay, it's my favorite Nami's turn, hehe."

Ye Cheng came to the cabin and started the next attentive service.

"Hmm~ Ye Chen, stop messing around, I still have to draw..."

"It's okay, I'll just help you trim it, it'll be quick."

Ye Chen trimmed it very carefully, and pecked it from time to time...

『Physical strength +3009, hair toughness increased. 』

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