Ye Cheng was strolling leisurely in the air with Bai Xing.

Bai Xing looked at the people below and was happy and scared. Both hands kept pressing on Ye Cheng.

"Bai Xing, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Just as Ye Cheng was chatting leisurely with Bai Xing, countless figures suddenly flew over from the sky.

"What is this? They actually threw people as weapons?"

Ye Cheng was very annoyed. This guy was endless and kept making trouble here.

At this time, Ye Cheng rushed out without saying a word and knocked all the flying guys away, one by one.

"It's really troublesome. If you dare to come over, I will definitely let you taste the taste of thousands of arrows piercing your heart."

Ye Cheng was also angry. Now he has a strong possessiveness. He dared to hit his woman, so he must be prepared to die.

He would not sit and wait for death, but released countless black birds in one direction.

Ye Chen wanted to track the other party's location. If he dared to enter Fishman Island, he would die.

It's not that Ye Chen didn't want to chase further, but even if his hair could pass through the sea water, the attack power would be weakened, and it would be easy to alert the enemy.

What Ye Chen didn't know was that several members of the Straw Hat Pirates were invited by the king to visit the Dragon Palace, and the two sides had already started fighting.

Luffy came to Shirahoshi's residence by smelling the fragrance, but he didn't see Shirahoshi, only a note.

Luffy was literate, and he immediately knew where Ye Chen was going and knew that Ye Chen had gone to the underwater forest.

Luffy was full and naturally planned to inquire about the location of the underwater forest.

This question asked about Jinbei's location, so he naturally followed him.

Daken had already formed an alliance with Hodi and was ready to attack Fishman Island together.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't know about these.

Because Ye Chen's swaggering through the streets also let the king and the Straw Hat Pirates know that Ye Chen actually "kidnapped" Princess Shirahoshi.

And the most angry person was Nami.

Because she saw Ye Chen lying on Shirahoshi's chest from the video Den Den Mushi.

Without saying a word, she directly opened the passage between Ryugu and Fishman Island and asked Camie to take her to find Ye Chen.

Why is Nami the only one left now, and where are the other three girls?

This has to start from when they witnessed Ye Chen flying away.

After the four girls knew that Ye Chen was fine, they acted separately. Robin went to find her history text, and Nami went shopping.

Perona and Little Merry went together to find food and fun.

So they all separated.

Ye Chen was not worried about them. On Fishman Island, those who wanted to attack them were basically looking for death.

Nami's move also accidentally let Hodi and others in.

In fact, when Hodi and Daken entered Fishman Island at the same time, Ye Chen found out, but he didn't take action. He left Hodi, a drug-addicted guy, to Luffy.

Such people have white hair and there is nothing to grab. Only by taking action at the critical moment can you win the favor of Shirahoshi.

As soon as Ye Chen landed with Shirahoshi, countless civilians surrounded him.

Because not long ago, the king issued a wanted order, and Ye Chen actually kidnapped Princess Shirahoshi.

"Shirahoshi, did you write down the message properly? Why do these people look so bitter and resentful towards me?"

Ye Chen looked at the residents who surrounded him and stunned them all with a domineering color.

"Lord Ye Chen, what did you do?"

Shirahoshi was about to say that she had left a good note, but Ye Chen stunned all the residents with one move, scaring her so much that she covered her mouth in surprise.

"I didn't hurt them, I just asked them to lie down first, and there were other guys coming."

The reason why Ye Chen acted so quickly was because something had already come, and he didn't want any problems.

In fact, Shirahoshi really wrote a good note, but the paper was taken away by Luffy to ask for directions, so it's not Shirahoshi's fault.

Soon, a huge black shadow began to approach, and the person who came was actually Daken.

At this time, he was holding two axes and standing on a huge coral.

There was a reason why Daken appeared here.

He and Hodi joined forces to attack the Dragon Palace and take Shirahoshi away.

But when he arrived at the Dragon Palace, he found that Shirahoshi had disappeared. He was so angry that he immediately chased after him, which led to the current scene.

"It's finally here, it's time for you to taste this kind of pain!"

Ye Chen stood in the air, floating with the ability he got from the Golden Lion.

"Princess Shirahoshi, marry me!"

Daiken didn't realize the danger was coming, but proposed in public.

"No! You are not my type, I like someone like Ye Chen..."

The usually weak Shirahoshi suddenly shouted loudlyYe Chen shouted.

"You are the culprit, right? Then let you also taste the feeling of being hunted!"

Ye Chen kicked the flying coral to pieces, and Daken was also kicked to the ground by him.

Of course, this is not over yet. A black vortex ball gathered on Ye Chen's head and was aimed at Daken at this time.

"Who are you? Ah!"

A hair directly pierced him, not through the heart, but through his chest.

If he really hit the heart 10,000 times, he would die in a few hits.

Ye Chen would naturally not let him go easily like this, he wanted him to also taste this kind of pain that he could not avoid.

For this reason, Ye Chen prepared the thinnest hair for him, and each penetration would not cause him to bleed heavily, only blood would seep out.


Daken's screams continued to ring.

"Lord Ye Chen, will he die?"

Although Bai Xing didn't like Daiken, she was still a little reluctant under the influence of her mother.

"It's okay, he won't die, let's go quickly, he will be hurt at most."

Ye Chen never blushed when he lied, such a pure-hearted princess was what Ye Chen wanted, and he would bear all the darkness.

Although Bai Xing was still a little worried, he found that Daiken didn't have any wounds, so he ignored it.

At this moment, Daiken, who was rolling in pain, suddenly issued an order.

"Kill them for me!"

With his order, the huge big-headed fish man appeared.


The big-headed fish man just raised his hand and was punched in the face by Ye Chen, and three front teeth were directly knocked out.

"Bai Xing, let's go to the underwater forest."

Ye Chen ignored the two men. Before leaving, Ye Chen directly pulled the hair of the two guys.

Of course, Ye Chen did all this very covertly, and Shirahoshi didn't see it.

"Congratulations on obtaining the special ability, Observation Haki lock, seawater resistance increased by 1 point.

"Seawater resistance increased by 1 point.

Observation Haki lock: You can use Observation Haki to lock a target in one direction, and the distance is the Observation Haki distance multiplied by 2.

Ye Chen didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

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