Ye Cheng looked at Zefa and slowly stood up. He had no intention of fighting anymore.

"Boy, are you leaving now?"

Zefah asked, looking at Ye Cheng's back.

"With your physical strength, I will be bullying you if I attack you again. Although I don't understand why you do this, thank you for your advice."

Ye Cheng did not look back.

"I hope you can protect your family. It's best. Don't be a pirate. The so-called treasure is just that."

"By the way, don't hurt Ain. She is not wrong. It's just my old bones that are wrong."

Zefah suddenly threw something over.

Ye Cheng caught it with his backhand.

"This is what you parasitized on my hair. Now I give it back to you."

Zefah threw his purple hair, which was mixed with a black hair, which was why Ye Cheng could lock Zefa's position so quickly.

"Get the advanced armed color ability, black flow." 』

Black Flow: Every time you punch, the armed color will gather in your arms, and you will become stronger and stronger.

"Sure enough, this old guy still has a trick up his sleeve."

Ye Chen also understood what Zefa meant, that is, entrusting his son to him.

Zefa also knew what he was going to face...

Ye Chen did not look back, but began to slowly go down the mountain.

The Straw Hat Pirates had already fought up.

At this time, Ain was fighting with Zoro, but Ain was no match for Zoro.

Just when Zoro was about to end Ain with the back of his sword, Ye Chen arrived in time.

"Zoro, leave her to me."

Ye Chen casually grabbed the back of Zoro's sword and grabbed Ain's neck with one hand.

"Hairy monster, why are you here?"

Zoro looked at Ye Chen and took back the sword in his hand.

He was also very shocked by the strength Ye Chen had just shown, but Zoro did not stay for too long, but went towards the top of the mountain.

Because Luffy had already rushed to the top of the mountain at the first time.

On the other side, Admiral Kizaru and several vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters also landed on the island.

Ye Chen ignored these and looked at Ain in his hand.

"Remove your ability. You are not my opponent now."

Ye Chen looked at the energy gathered in Ain's hand with curiosity in his eyes.

"Let me go!"

Ain was still struggling, trying to grab Ye Chen's hand and exert her ability.

But Ye Chen would not let her do so, and had already wrapped his hair around her hand.

"If you help me restore those partners who have been exerted by you, I will let you go, otherwise, I will make you live a life worse than death."

Although Ye Chen also wanted to try what it felt like to transform into Conan, he could only think about this idea.

He would not try it before he completely controlled Ain.

"If I want to remove my ability, I must touch them again."

Ain said very obediently.

Ye Cheng looked at Ain in front of him, without any nonsense, and knocked him out with a knife.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Wouldn't it be better if the ability user knocked him out directly?"

Ye Cheng carried Ain and returned directly to the Sunny.

But before that, Ye Cheng activated the hair ring for the two women and covered their bodies with hair armor.

"Finally recovered, thank you, Ye Cheng."

At this time, Nami was also very happy. Looking at the hair armor that suddenly appeared on her body, Nami naturally knew who was responsible for it.

Back to Ye Cheng, he held the unconscious Ain and returned to the bedroom, and sealed the surroundings with his hair.

"Don't pretend when you wake up. When I held you, your body instinctively trembled."

Ye Cheng sat aside, looking at Ain who was still pretending to sleep.

"What do you want?"

Ain knew that she couldn't find another chance, so she sat up.

Because her hands were tied behind her back, she didn't move at all.

"Have you thought about what to do next?"

Ye Cheng asked, not paying attention to the anger in Ain's eyes.

"What does it have to do with you? Let me go, I want to go back to my teacher."

Ain was still struggling.

"Zefa actually knows his own problems, but people want to be willful once, and he also hopes that someone can stop him, so you should plan for your future."

Ye Cheng took out the sunglasses that Zefa gave him and threw them beside her legs.

"These are Zefa's sunglasses, what did you do to him!?"

The moment she saw the sunglasses, Ain's emotions became more excited.

Zefa is a father-like existence to her. Even if she risks her life, she will help him fulfill his last dream.

"This is what Zefa gave me. You don't have to be so excited. He's fine, but..."

The black bird that Ye Cheng arranged in the air has discovered the existence of Uncle Huang.

"What do you want?"

Ain was obviously still a little unconvinced and was still on guard.Look at him.

"Look for yourself, the current situation is not what we want, but what the navy wants."

Ye Chen took out the surveillance Den Den Mushi and projected everything on the black screen made of hair.

"This is the admiral, and several vice admirals!"

Seeing the picture in the surveillance Den Den Mushi, Ain panicked and wanted to stand up directly.

"Don't move, I'm saving you."

Ye Chen came to her side and held her down directly.

"I beg you, let me out, I want to go."

Ain knelt in front of Ye Chen and lowered her head.

"Do you really want to die? Didn't you see Aokiji was there too? Two admirals, are you still going?"

Ye Chen pinched her face, and the picture jumped to Aokiji who was playing soy sauce on the side.

"Teacher Zefa has been very kind to me, I must go!"

Ain was not afraid at all.

"But I won't let you go. Zefa helped me once, and I must repay this favor."

Ye Cheng didn't say anything more, but took out the scissors and took a strand of Ain's hair.

However, he didn't get anything from this absorption, and didn't gain any special abilities.

"Sure enough, time ability is not so easy to obtain? It seems that I can only raise this Ain."

Ye Cheng put away the scissors and held Ain in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

Ain called Ye Cheng and began to struggle hard.

"Don't move, I'm thinking about how to place you."

Ye Cheng ignored Ain's actions and began to think about how to make this woman obedient.

"What are your plans next? Continue to be your new navy?"

Ye Cheng asked lightly.


Ain didn't answer, but continued to look at the battlefield at this time.

"But it seems that you new navy are not that good. You don't even know the Six Styles. You have almost lost everything. There is no point in going back."

Ye Chen said while switching the screen.

Ain in his arms was also trembling slightly, but he didn't reply.

"It seems that your other companion has also fallen, but with just the two of you, you can't change anything. At most, you can only form a mediocre pirate group."

Ye Chen's words seemed to touch something, making Ain very excited.

"We will not become pirates!"

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