After a night of fighting wits and courage with Robin, Ye Cheng finally fell asleep peacefully after grabbing her hand and stopping her from making trouble.

Since that day.

During the voyage, Robin would control Ye Cheng whenever she had the chance and find out his secrets.

Of course, Ye Cheng would not sit still and wait for death. Whenever he had the chance, he would seize the opportunity to collect some interest.

The relationship between the two became more and more ambiguous.

"There is an island ahead! Haha"

Luffy rushed out at the first time.

"Is there finally some experience to harvest? It's time to harvest some experience."

Ye Cheng was also ready to go.

Of course, for Nami's safety, Ye Cheng still arranged a puppet for her.

"I'm going to the island to make money, Nami, just touch the core ball of the puppet when you leave, and I will be back in time."

Ye Cheng and Nami gave each other instructions and promised to hand over the money they earned.

Nami naturally agreed and gave Ye Cheng a farewell kiss.

"Residents, here I come!"

Ye Cheng rushed out and started selling door to door.

The method was still the old one, first with the title of free.

As long as someone tried it, the family would basically choose to trim it.

This trick worked almost every time.

Of course, the main reason was that his price was very low, 500 Baileys for men and 200 Baileys for women.

Why was it priced like this?

Of course, it was for quantity, and the speed was very fast, and it was a multi-line operation, small profits but quick turnover.

That night, Ye Cheng came back with a big sack on his back.

"Nami, look what I brought you back."

Ye Cheng opened the bag, which was full of Baileys, more than one million Baileys.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! Ye Cheng, you actually made so much in one day."

Nami's eyes lit up and she gave him a kiss.

"Huh~ I've been busy all day, so tired, did you leave me anything to eat?"

Ye Cheng only had breakfast that day and was very hungry now.

"Why do I feel like a worker again?"

Ye Cheng complained, then took a shower and fell asleep directly on Nami's bed.

In fact, he didn't consume much physical energy, but he kept repeating the same operation, feeling a little tired.

"Why is he lying on your bed? I'll go wake him up."

Robin seized the opportunity to make trouble for Ye Cheng.

"Forget it, he's been busy all day, he must be tired, let him sleep, it's okay."

Nami hurriedly stopped him and lay down directly against Ye Cheng.

"You guys?"

Robin was a little surprised. Although she knew that Nami liked Ye Cheng very much, she didn't expect the two to reach this level.

"No, I'll just lean on you for a while, and I'll squeeze with you tonight."

Nami blushed a little and got up immediately. After all, Robin was still there, and she didn't dare to be so blatant.

"Yeah, no problem."

Robin also breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement. She didn't know why she felt relieved.

Ye Cheng saw all of this, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

"This is another small step forward. Good, keep working hard."

The beds in the cabin are all mattresses. After all, the cabin itself is not very high.

There is still a bed in the infirmary downstairs, but it is basically not allowed to sleep there.

The infirmary and the drawing room where Nami works are in the same room, so that bed is usually used to lie on the wounded or receive new guests.

"Find a chance to get some of Robin's mattresses over. As for the place where I slept before? I'll use it to store their clothes."

Ye Cheng had a plan. When he got to the next island, he would buy more clothes for the two girls as gifts to shut them up.

He didn't hand over all the money, but kept some, ready to give them gifts from time to time.

Giving money is a guarantee, giving gifts is a surprise, and with the attention to details, Nami has been almost captured.

With a plan, Ye Cheng also used his ability to speed up the speed.

In fact, his operation is very simple. He added a fan to the sail to increase the speed to a certain extent.

Soon, the second island arrived.

The same operation, the same routine, the difference is that the stay this time is a bit longer.

The reason for it being so long is also because they met an old man. With the temperament of the Straw Hat Pirates, they must help this old man who herds sheep to fulfill his wish.

But Ye Cheng doesn't care about these, just busy with his own business.

Of course, he also bought some cloth and prepared to make a few sets of clothes for the two women by himself.

He did this for his own selfish reasons.

Usually they wear less. Although his black hair clothes cover them, Ye Cheng always feels that something is missing. Beauty and temptation are not about showing more. Besides, showing more always feelsI feel I am at a disadvantage.

This is far from acceptable. What kind of clothes are both beautiful and irresistible?

Of course there are. Shouldn't Nami be more suitable for JK?

But is there such a thing in this world?

It seems that there is not.

What if there is not?

I have to overcome difficulties, because this is related to future happiness.

So he spent these few days to make stockings and coats.

"Ye Cheng, what is this?"

Nami looked at one of the casual professional suits and asked?

"Gulu~ This is a suit tailored for you. It's so beautiful. Believe me, it will definitely fascinate Sanji."

Originally, Ye Cheng planned to let them wear conservative clothes, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unnecessary. The key parts are protected, so it's okay to be appropriately conservative.

Then what about JK clothes, professional clothes, ancient style clothes, sailor suits, don't they all have to be put on?

In addition, both girls are good at clothes, and they look brand new in whatever they wear. It’s not too much to give the brothers a little eye candy.

As long as it’s not given for nothing.

Then, Robin in professional clothes and JK Nami came out directly.

“(⊙o⊙) Wow! Robin-chan, Nami-chan, you are so beautiful.”

As soon as he took them out of the cabin, Sanji had a nosebleed and fell to the ground.

“Oh? Siguoyi.”

Luffy also praised him rarely.

“I said it’s good, right?”

Ye Chen was also very excited. There was no way, they were too good in these.

In addition to their black silk stockings of Robin and white silk stockings of Nami, this is the ideal form for men.

Of course, safety pants must be there, after all, the sea breeze is so strong.

“Ye Chen, thank you, I like it very much, huh~”

Looking at the people below with their mouths wide open, Nami was so happy that she gave them a kiss directly.

"Ye Cheng, I would like to call you the strongest."

Sanji, with a nosebleed, also gave a thumbs up.

"Hehe, of course there are more powerful ones, but shouldn't you show your appreciation by bringing some delicious food?"

Ye Cheng directly ordered Sanji to go to the kitchen.

"I guarantee to complete the task."

When he heard that there was a prettier one, Sanji immediately became energetic and rushed into the kitchen.

"Little guy, why don't you kneel down and lick me obediently?"

Ye Cheng also conquered Sanji and made him take on the responsibility of a licking dog...

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