Ye Cheng opened the properties panel.

Host: Ye Chen

Occupation: Barber

Devil Fruit: Hair-Hair Fruit (Superhuman Fruit)

Fruit Abilities: Crazy Growth, Hair Absorption, Flexible Retraction, High Imitation, Hardening, Hair Needle, Control, Hair Puppet, Hair Armor, Second Form, Susanoo Giant Form, Hairless Form (Other Skills to be Developed)

Physical Strength: 48996/50029

Six Physical Techniques: Iron Block (Mastery 2565/10000) Paper Drawing (Advanced 4999/5000) Shaving (Mastery 9999/10000) Storm Kick (Mastery 9999/10000) Finger Gun (Mastery 9506/10000) Moon Step (Mastery 8106/10000)

Haki: Observation Haki (Advanced 9/1000) Armament Haki (Awakenable) Overlord Haki (Awakenable)

Giant Power: Special Power, Manipulating the Giant Form Can Give Full Play to Its Power

Special attribute: Charm? ? ?

Hidden attribute: Fire attribute protest high level, natural attribute protest low level, toughness high level, hardness high level.

Fruit awakening progress: Primary? ? ? /? ? ?

Ye Cheng looked at his attribute panel. Several of the six styles had reached bottlenecks, so they were stuck there.

And these are not the most critical.

What he cares most about is the progress of the fruit awakening.

"Is there a level for this fruit awakening?"

Ye Cheng began to recall the original work and quickly reacted.

Due to the difference in devil fruits, the awakening methods are naturally different.

Most of them can assimilate the surrounding things when they awaken to the middle stage, but the range is limited, generally about a few hundred meters.

Of course, the development of fruit abilities is definitely more than that. For example, Doflamingo's bird cage is a special power after deep awakening.

And Ye Cheng has just touched the threshold of fruit awakening.

There is still a long way to go.

Therefore, the author believes that the awakening of the fruit should be divided into three stages.

Primary awakening, intermediate awakening, and advanced awakening.

Of course, there is also a special awakening mechanism, which should be related to the domineering color.

Sure enough, awakening does not mean invincibility. Only the perfect combination with domineering is the kingly way.

These Ye Chen can't do now, but Ye Chen can feel his own difference.

He awakened the fruit ability when he reached 50,000 physical strength, and it was only a primary awakening, which was abnormal in itself.

Like Luffy's second and third gears are signs of primary awakening. His physical strength is not as high as Ye Chen's, but he has already awakened to the primary level.

"What will I look like after awakening?"

Ye Chen was also very curious about what state he would be in after awakening, and he was also excited.

At this time, the Merry finally stopped.

"What is this place?"

Nami looked around curiously.

"This should be an altar."

Robin pointed to the building in front and said.

The Merry was just stuck next to the altar.

"Ah! There's a shark!"

Chopper fell next to the altar and was almost eaten.

Zoro would certainly not ignore it, after all, they have a very good relationship.

"This altar is not far from the shore, I'll take you ashore first."

Ye Cheng held the two women and came to the shore with the moon step.

Chopper, who was rescued, was left to repair the ship.

"Zoro, you are responsible for opening the way, I will be the rear guard, and everyone will look for clues in this forest first."

Ye Cheng directly asked Fa Kui to be the rear guard, and he held the two women and walked in the middle.

"Is this what you call rear guard?"

Zoro complained loudly.

Luffy has reached the entrance of the Trial of God.

And chose the Trial of the Ball.

They also met the first priest.

These priests are all cunning and difficult to deal with, and they are also in a bitter battle.

Ye Cheng did not find any useful clues after exploring all the way. Nami did encounter several dangers, but Ye Cheng solved them easily.


Just then, a whistle sounded.

"Huh? Chopper?"

Ye Cheng looked back, but then looked at the two women, and finally did not rush back.

He thought he should trust Chopper.

Besides, isn't there the help of the Sky Knight?

Ye Cheng continued to accompany them in the adventure, and soon, Nami discovered the difference of this island. The so-called Golden Country is on this island.

Robin was also thoughtful, and should have guessed something.

"By the way, should we go back too?"

Ye Cheng suggested, after all, he also felt Luffy approaching.

What they didn't know was that the Delia warriors had helped them attract most of the firepower.

"Chopper, are you okay?"

Looking at Chopper with tears streaming down his face, the two women immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

"Luffy, you tooArrived?"

Ye Cheng looked at Luffy who appeared from the other side.


Luffy laughed and rushed to the ship with Sanji and Usopp.

Ye Cheng also carried the two women back to the ship to reunite with Luffy and his group.

That night, everyone gathered around the fire and began to tell the information they had obtained.

Everyone was also very shocked when they learned that this island was the former Golden Country.

"Ye Cheng, why don't you sit down?"

Nami looked at Ye Cheng who was always alert and was also very curious.

Usually at this time, Ye Cheng would come over to take advantage of the situation, but why did he keep frowning and observing at this time? This was very unlike Ye Cheng.

"It's okay, I'll just eat while standing."

Ye Cheng leaned behind the two women and didn't say much.

"Ye Cheng, it's okay, you've been like this for a day, you must be very tired, right? Don't you want to lie here and rest for a while? "

Nami tempted.

"Uh, no, this is fine."

Ye Chen did not go this time for the first time, which also surprised Nami.

"What happened?"

Nami and Robin both stood up, walked to Ye Chen, and then pulled him aside.

"It's really okay, just don't be more than ten meters away from me."

Ye Chen still half-closed his eyes and used his observation Haki to feel the surroundings.

Through his observation Haki, Ye Chen found that there were countless small light spots around, which should be the so-called heart net.

Just when he wanted to continue to explore, Nami and Robin came over, and pulled him behind a big tree on the left and right.

"Don't lie to us, you are not in the right state."

Nami spoke directly.

And Robin used his ability to hold him.

"Don't make trouble, I really have something to do, you should rest early, I will help you keep watch. "

Ye Cheng grabbed Robin's hand and shook his head.

"You can tell us, don't take everything on yourself."

Nami certainly didn't want to let him go.

"You should have your own things to do, right? Go ahead, maybe I'm too worried."

Ye Cheng said with a smile while hugging the two women, and he seemed to have regained his original intention.

But his tense body betrayed him.

Because the Merry was not repaired and had secondary damage, everyone could only rest in the wild.

Ye Cheng set up the tent for the two women and sent them in, but unusually did not go in.

"Ye Cheng, aren't you coming in?"

Nami asked.

"I'll just rest on the tree, it's okay, I'm here, you can rest at ease."

Ye Cheng looked directly at everyone and said with a smile.

Everyone was very surprised, but they didn't say much. They all found a place to lie down, and even Zoro rarely lay down to rest.

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