The fighting power of the spiral body is not weak. Soon, these navy were blocked on the Bridge of Justice and could not move forward.

"Six Flower Hand Wheel·Slap!"

Robin, who had just escaped, immediately attacked the captured commander.

Pah Pah Pah~

It was so miserable that his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Sure enough, never mess with women."

Ye Cheng sighed in his heart and hugged Robin, who had little strength.

"Leave the rest to me."

Ye Cheng whispered in Robin's ear.


Robin didn't dare to look Ye Cheng in the eye. After all, she had done several excessive things to Ye Cheng and felt a little guilty.


Just then, an ivory sword came towards Robin.

"Still not giving up?"

Ye Cheng clamped the sword with two fingers, but found that it was very powerful.

"This sword is interesting."

Ye Cheng exerted force with both hands and snatched the sword.

After just a glance, Ye Cheng put the ivory-covered long sword into the space, and snatched the scabbard along with it.

"Franky, we should prepare for retreat. The one below is good. Let's go and grab it."

Ye Cheng knew that time was running out, so he immediately glanced at Franky and let the spiral attack at the first time.

Now the spiral has become a guy more than 2 meters tall. This guy has two heads and two more hands.

"It can actually grow on its own, not bad."

Ye Cheng has been holding Robin and has no intention of intervening.

Just when they were cleaning up the playing marines, there was a sudden movement underwater.

I saw Kokoro, who turned into a mermaid, appear with the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Nami! Damn it, I must give her artificial respiration immediately."

Ye Cheng came over to rescue Nami immediately.

"Ahem~ Ye Chen? Um~ Stop blowing, I'm fine."

Nami hit Ye Chen unhappily, coughed hard a few times, and finally recovered.

As for the others, Robin spit out the sea water with the Flower-Flower Fruit.

Speaking of which, the current appearance of Kokoro Grandma is indeed a bit hot to the eyes, and Ye Chen dare not look at her a second time.

"Robin! You are finally back, so great."

Nami broke free from Ye Chen's arms and hugged Robin directly in her arms.


Robin also smiled, and the two hugged each other tightly.


Sanji also rushed out, but was tripped by Ye Chen and fell out.

"Damn, Ye Chen, you are too much, it's just..."

Sanji was complaining there, and Ye Chen didn't listen at all, but walked to the two women and hugged them one by one.

"Don't leave me, leave it to me." Ye Chen said softly. Because there are already countless navy warships surrounding this place, and two hundred new recruits have been sent to encircle them. Although Zoro and his men have begun to stop them, there are too many people, and the strength of the colonels below the headquarters is not that weak, so some people rushed over. "Spirals, come on!" Ye Chen will not do it himself but stay beside the two women. "Hundred Flowers·Flip!" "Thunder and Lightning Weather!" Robin and Nami will not do nothing, they are also supporting remotely. Luffy, on the other hand, stood up again under Usopp's mouth. The second gear is still too difficult for Luffy now, and he has been hit by Lucci's six kings spear twice, but for his companions, he stood up again. With the halo of the protagonist, it is indeed different. But Lucci was careless and defeated by his own confident iron block. After hearing that Luffy defeated Lucci, the people who had been struggling to hold on smiled again.

"Let's go back together~ Robin~"

Luffy shouted at the top of his voice.

"What? Lucci was defeated? How is that possible?"

"Damn it, why is this happening?"


For a moment, the morale of the navy dropped a lot.

And the morale of the Straw Hat Pirates soared instantly.

The motivated people seemed to be buffed, and they opened fire instantly.



Countless shells went towards the ship that everyone had robbed, and it instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Ye Chen!"

The two women who had not walked far turned their heads and found that the ship behind them had been engulfed in fire.

"Sanji, take them away quickly."

Ye Chen appeared from the sea of ​​fire, and Sanji, who was carrying Kokoro Granny and the beast, rushed out from behind.

"Hurry up, the shells are coming again, I'll cover you!"

The two spirals have picked up Robin and Nami and started heading towards the first stone pillar.

"Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen, come here quickly!"

The two womenYe Chen shouted at the same time.

But countless shells have covered Ye Chen's position.

"Damn, are you serious?"

Ye Chen dared not neglect it at all, and flew up under the bridge in the form of Spider-Man.

But the artillery fire showed no sign of stopping, and directly forced them to the last stone pillar.

"What is that? Merry!"

Because he was under the bridge, Ye Chen found Merry at the first time.

"Everyone, I'm fine, jump down with me, there are companions waiting for us below."

Ye Chen flew up from under the bridge with the help of the force, and took the two women from the hands of the spiral at the first time.

"Ye Chen, what nonsense are you talking about? Aren't we all here? Who else?"

Zoro scolded angrily.

"It's here to pick us up, jump into the sea quickly."

Usopp seemed to have heard something and also reminded loudly.

Then, a voice appeared in everyone's mind, and the Straw Hat Pirates seemed to understand. Without any hesitation, they jumped directly to the sea.

"Robin, throw Luffy down, let's go!"


A huge explosion sounded, and the last pillar was also shattered.

But they all fell on the Merry. Of course, some people were unlucky and fell into the water.

However, the two women in Ye Chen's arms were fine and were safely sent to the Merry by Ye Chen.

"Merry! Thank you."

Robin supported the hull of the Merry and thanked him softly.

"Everyone! Thank you!"

Robin smiled sincerely again.


Suddenly, the two warships collided.

"What's going on? Isn't the Gate of Justice open? Why is there a spiral current?"

Nami immediately saw the problem.

"Oh, I closed it."

Sanji rarely stopped paddling.

"Very smart."

Ye Chen praised.

Bang, bang, bang~

But soon, they were discovered, and the CP9 commander with a pig-like face came to join in the fun again. He was really unrepentant.

"You are responsible for blocking the bombardment. I need time to understand the current."

Nami immediately began to command.

"Leave it to us!"

Everyone stood in their positions and began to block the incoming shells.

But Ye Cheng never made a move.

"These lieutenant generals should not make a move, right? After all, they should understand this principle to be able to sit in this position."

Although Ye Cheng felt that these lieutenant generals would not make a move, he did not completely relax his vigilance.

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