"Haha, sure, let's do it."

Ye Chen's clone also understood.

After exchanging glances, the two stood up again.

"It's not a good idea to waste time like this. Let's make a bet on whether they can guess who is the clone and whoever has more votes wins."

"The winner will take the lead in the future, how about that?"

"Okay, no problem, let's do it."

In fact, the two had already agreed in private that if Ye Chen wins, Shadow will stay here and be available whenever he is called.

If Shadow wins, he will find a chance to let him go out at night.

No matter what he does, Ye Chen will not lose.

And Shadow thinks it's okay, and he has no loss.

Shadow itself has not escaped Ye Chen's control, and the two are originally one.

"Nami, what do you think?"

Two identical Ye Chens sit together, and even the sitting movements are the same. How can they be distinguished?

Robin also pulled Nami over, and the two women began to discuss the details they observed.

"I don't know either. Ye Cheng said his clone has no heartbeat. Are you sure the other Ye Cheng has one?"

Nami felt that her Ye Cheng must be real, after all, it couldn't be faked.

"It does. If you don't believe me, go and touch it yourself."

Robin suddenly thought of something and looked at Nami, motioning her to try it herself.

She came to Nami's Ye Cheng and began to check.

"Hey, Robin, what do you want to do?"

Ye Cheng felt a little hot when Robin touched him, and quickly stopped him.

"I have to check it carefully, don't you think?"

Robin's face was full of playfulness, and he pulled his hand away and reunited with Nami again.

"It really has a heartbeat! How is this possible? Are they twins?"

Nami was not sure now.

Luffy also came up at this time and began to look at the two.

"It's so difficult. Why don't you all get on board together? You're all my companions anyway, and it's good to have one more Ye Chen."

Luffy couldn't tell them apart, so he prepared to let them all get on board so that he could watch movies every day in the future.



Bang Bang ~

The two girls retorted in unison and punched Luffy on the head.

"Sanji, Zoro, Franky, what do you choose?"

Luffy touched the two bumps on his head and asked with a bitter face.

But the three of them were silent, pretending not to hear.

"Robin, do you really want to do this?"

Just when Luffy and the others were at a loss, Robin showed a sinister smile.

Nami blushed and shrank behind her.

"Ye Chen! You should know this move, Erhualun·Zhuan!"

Robin crossed her hands and directly grabbed the vital points of the two Ye Chens.

"Oh! It hurts! Robin, let go!"

"Oh! It hurts! Robin, let go!"

The two Ye Chengs collapsed to the ground and began to roll around, their acting was as exaggerated as they could be.

"Robin, good job!"

Franky gave a thumbs up.

"As expected of Robin~"

Sanji's eyes lit up.

"Will it hurt if you grab it?"

Luffy asked puzzledly, picking his nose.

"Do you think everyone is a rubber man?"

Zoro hit Luffy on the top of his head with a knife.

"How is it possible? Are they all real?"

Robin let go, with a look of disbelief, because she really felt that both of them had it.


The two Ye Chengs who got up from the ground hit Robin's left and right hips.

"Robin, you are too cruel!"

"Robin, you are too cruel!"

After the two Ye Chengs finished fighting, they sat down skillfully and looked at everyone.

"Let's start voting."

"Whoever you think is real, stand behind him."

The two Ye Chens turned their backs at the same time, and both used their hair to make a wall behind them as a cover.

"Luffy, what should we do?"

Nami and Robin also walked to Luffy's side.

Everyone looked at the captain.

Luffy also sat down and thought seriously.

A minute later.

Luffy suddenly stood up.

"Sanji, Zoro, Franky, let's go and defeat Moria, won't Ye Chen's shadow come back? Let's go!"

Luffy hugged the three people directly and flew towards the castle using the fruit power.

Then he threw the problem to the two women.

"Nami, leave it to you."

Robin used the fruit power to extend countless arms, grabbed Luffy's collar, and ran after him.


Nami was a little tearful now, two Ye Chens, what should she do?

"Why don't I just run away secretly?"

Nami made up her mind and was about to run away when the two black hair walls appeared.They began to disappear, and the two Ye Chengs also turned around.

"Nami? Why are you the only one left? Where are they?"

"Nami, then it's up to you to choose, who of us is real?"

The two Ye Chengs grabbed Nami's hands, and now she had no chance to escape.

"Robin! Come back soon~"

Nami was also a man on both sides, what should she do now? Waiting online, it's quite urgent.

"Nami, I am Ye Cheng, have you forgotten how I treat you well?"

"Nami, he is the fake one, do you remember when I gave you this hair ring?"

"Hey, that was given by me."

"Damn, it was obviously given by me, okay?"

"Are you asking for a beating?"

"You are the one asking for a beating, come on!"


Nami was forced into a corner, and directly transformed into a shark form, hitting everyone on the head.

"You all sit still and wait for them to deal with Moria, and then everything will be fine."

Nami held the hands of the two, and her voice softened again. After all, the two were part of Ye Cheng, and they became like this because of her.

"Okay, stop making trouble, just stay with me quietly, okay?"

Nami pulled the two Ye Chengs into her arms to prevent what happened just now from happening again.

"Shadow, let's discuss something. Give me the control of your body, and you go play with your little Loli."

"Why? I didn't lose."

"It's a long-term plan. I know you have no sense of touch, and you didn't even trim the Loli's hair. Go quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance later."

"Okay, what should we do?"

Ye Cheng began to conspire with Shadow, and Nami was still kept in the dark at this time.

"Take your hands off me, Nami is mine."

"Damn, you should be the one to take it, do you want to fight again?"

"Come on, I'm afraid of you?"

"Send space! Open!"

"Send space! Open!"

Ye Cheng and his clone activated their abilities at the same time, and a closed space built with hair appeared.

A boxing stage was also built, and Nami became the only spectator here.

"Hitting the opponent counts as one point, and for every point, Nami belongs to whoever gets it for one minute, how about that?"

"Okay, come on!"

"What are the rules?"

"No leaving the stage, whoever leaves will lose."

"Then the means of attack must also be limited, and you can't leave this stage, how about that?"

"No problem, let's get started."

At this time, Nami was still very confused, and she didn't know that she had fallen into Ye Cheng's trap.

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