“Well, if it’s called ‘current limit cell enhancement’, well, the name seems to be a bit long, then it’s simply called ‘electrode strengthening’!” Soon, Di Mu chose the name with a very satisfied face.

As soon as the name was chosen, Di Mu’s motivation was even more complete, and he immediately began the cultivation of ‘electrode strengthening’, and at the same time, he immediately underwent electrotherapy recovery after muscle aches and convulsions.

After two more back and forth, Di Mu had to stop cultivating under the swelling pain in his head, and then fell asleep on the bed.

Because of the rapid consumption of mental power, it will fall into deep sleep under the self-protection function of the human body, so as to speed up the recovery of mental power.

Although Di Mu went to bed at three o’clock at night because of the three ‘electrode enhancements’, when he got up at six o’clock in the morning, his mental power had already recovered, and when he trained during the day, he consumed more physical strength, and his mental power could also slowly recover.


It turned out that the ‘electrode strengthening’ really worked, and in the following days, Di Mu kept training with other trainees during the day, and at night, he opened a small stove and performed ‘electrode strengthening’ three times.

In just half a month, Di Mu’s physical fitness seemed to have eaten hormones, and he sneaked from the tail of the original crane to the upper reaches of the base trainees.

For other trainees, half a month’s training is half a month, but for Di Mu, who trains with ‘electrode strengthening’ at night, half a month’s training is equivalent to completing two months of training.

The qualitative change caused by quantitative change is Di Mu, even if the physical fitness is relatively poor, but Di Mu still caught up and spent two months from a waste trainee in the eyes of the instructor to an excellent student.

Similarly, when he found that the ‘electrode strengthening’ was indeed effective, Di Mu was also very excited, and even trained during the day.

Unconsciously, Di Mu had spent five months in the base, and he had gradually adapted to the devilish training in the base, even if the daily training was increasing little by little.

People are like this, it may be difficult to adapt at first, but time is the best lubricant, as long as you persist, then you will adapt to everything.

Another day passed, and Di Mu, like the other students, came to the academy hall of the base after dinner, sat in his own seat, and waited for today’s knowledge professor.

“Rookies, today we are teaching about the knowledge and coping of swordsmen….!” Like an Earth University classroom, a CP instructor stands on the podium, spit and explains, while the students sit in their seats.

Di Mu also listened carefully to the explanation of the instructor on the stage, if you want to become a strong person, in addition to strength, you also need to have enough knowledge and insight.

CP’s knowledge professor has no unnecessary nonsense, it is completely valuable experience, although Di Mu was a scumbag in his previous life, but in order to become stronger, now some are developing in the direction of the top student.

At this time, the instructor on the podium quickly explained all the basic knowledge and coping methods of swordsmen, and seeing that the trainees were listening carefully, he also felt quite satisfied, and he was a little unfinished.

This instructor is not only a full member of CP, but also a swordsman, and naturally he is particularly energetic when explaining his profession.


As he spoke, the instructor suddenly pulled out the knife attached to his waist, and saw a cold light flash, and the instructor caressed the blade with pride on his face.

“Rookies, swordsmen are a very powerful group of people, not only because the sword itself can make people more lethal, but also because the swordsman itself is full of strength!”

“I’m very pleased to see that you all listened so seriously today, so I will explain more about swordsmen to you next!”

“In the eyes of ordinary people, swordsman may just be a general term, and all those who use swords can be called swordsmen, but here, I want to say that people with this understanding are absolutely rubbish!”

“For example, those who can only slash indiscriminately are not qualified to become swordsmen at all, even before becoming a sword master, only those who have truly condensed their sword heart can be regarded as swordsmen, you must remember this!”

“Instructor Brady, what is Jianhao!” Just as the instructor on the stage was explaining like an angry youth, a trainee sitting in the front row asked with some curiosity.

Hearing this, Di Mu also sat up slightly straight, and looked more intently at the instructor on the stage, who was also the man named Brady by the trainee.

Although he has some understanding of some power systems in the One Piece world, he only stays on the surface, and the swordsman who can be become a sword master can be regarded as a strong person even if it is placed in the great voyage, and he naturally has to pay attention to it.

“Good question!” Instead of being angry at the trainee’s interruption, Brady glanced at each other appreciatively.

“Speaking of Jianhao, let’s talk about the several levels of swordsmen!” Brady said seriously.

Di Mu looked at each other curiously, does the swordsman still have a level, it seems that it was not mentioned in the original work, this cannot be ignored.

Under Di Mu’s careful listening, Brady also continued: “Swordsmen can be roughly divided into four levels or classes, and even the same class has a difference between strength and weakness, from weak to strong respectively ‘early ~ best ~ peak!” ”

“As for the four classes of swordsmen, first of all, the first class refers to those who have learned swordsmanship, from only understanding a little fur to using swordsmanship to being familiar with it, but there is an iron law, that is, you must have already performed sword meditation and begin to condense your sword heart, and those who have not picked up the sword and can only slash indiscriminately can be called swordsmen!”

“The second class is what I just called Sword Hao, and it also represents the comprehension of the Slashing Iron Realm, where swordsmen can feel the breath and rhythm of everything in the world, even holding an ordinary sword can cut off steel!”

“The third class is the Great Sword Hao, and the swordsmen of this class are even more terrifying, on the basis of the Sword Hao, they can cut off substances that surpass steel, such as diamonds, sea lou stones and other hard substances!”

“As for the final fourth class, it is the dream of all swordsmen, it is rumored that the swordsmen who have reached this class are known to be able to cut off everything, even energy or space, of course, until now, I have not heard of any swordsman who can reach this level, it has always been in the realm of legends!”

When it comes to the last class, Brady is also yearning and respecting, perhaps as a swordsman, he also dreams that he will one day be able to reach the legendary realm of slashing everything.

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