Perhaps the blood feud in the past life and the many killings (killings) experienced in this life have made Di Mu’s character change a lot.

The original gentle innocent teenager had died a long time ago, and now some are just dangerous teenagers who have bred extremely murderous personalities.

Stimulated by injuries and the smell of blood, Di Mu’s murderous nature was also completely stimulated, not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to himself.


The ruins exploded, and Di Mu, who was surrounded by electricity all over his body, rushed out wildly, protecting his head and heart, which were two key points related to the ‘source of electromagnetism’, completely ignoring the sweeping bullets, and fiercely slashed out a magnetic weapon with flashing electric light towards the opponent in the distance.

Bang bang~!

The abdomen, waist, and legs were shot one after another, and while blowing up the blood flowers, it also made these three parts become blurred flesh and blood,

But in just a moment, Di Mu launched the ‘Life Return’, not only forcibly closed the wound muscles, blocked the blood loss, but also cut off the feeling of these wounds, so that he would not be affected by the injury in his battle.

“Is this guy crazy!” Ralph did not expect Di Mu to be so violent, and actually completely ignored his own shooting, hurriedly stopped shooting, and quickly dodged to the side.


The air cut endlessly, and Di Mu was smashed to the ground by the impact of the bullet, and at the same time, the fierce Lian Zhan swung out one after another magnetic sword qi, forming a web of death and shrouding the other party.

Ralph’s face changed, even with an armed domineering defense, he did not dare to withstand such a dense sword qi slash.

Double the speed of sound~!

Above the Devil Fruit’s ability to bless the body, Ralph’s speed suddenly increased, even exceeding the speed of sound, and quickly turned into a galloping black shadow bursting into the distance.


In his original location, the web of death transformed by sword qi cut large areas of houses and buildings into pieces and piled them into block-like ruins.


His feet slammed out, and while stepping on the ground, Di Mu turned into an electric light and rushed out, quickly chasing upward, and at the same time swinging his sword straight down.

The sharp magnetic slash quickly cut the earth open, and caught up with the back of Ralph, who had blessed him with twice the speed of sound.

“His slash is actually so fast!” Ralph was shocked, smashed the ground on the side, and his figure dodged in the other direction for a while, but he came to the edge of the wide waterway flowing down from the fountain at the peak of the capital of seven waters.


In addition to dodging, Ralph also fired two shots in a row at the sight and smell domineeringly sensing Di Mu’s place, and also blessed the bullet twice the speed of sound.


Under the stimulation of the murderous nature, Di Mu instead burst out with a better fighting instinct, and when the ferocious bullet struck, he instantly urged the ‘source of electromagnetism’ to burst out an invisible magnetic force.

Such as radiation ripples, although the bullets shot by Ralph covered the armed color domineering, but they were still affected by the magnetic force, and under the control of the magnetic force controlled by Di Mu, the speed rapidly weakened, and the speed directly dropped from three times the original speed of sound to more than twice the speed of sound.

With a twist of his figure, Di Mu easily dodged two bullets with his keen insight into the ‘Slashing Realm’, and slashed out with a backhand, and burst out a sharp magnetic slash towards Ralph.

“How is it possible!” Ralph’s domineering appearance also sensed that the speed of his bullets was obviously reduced, and in addition to being shocked, he also hurriedly dodged the electric light sword qi that tore the earth.


The magnetic sword qi passed by Ralph and directly slashed at the dam of the wide waterway behind, not only cutting it out of a huge gap, but also making the raging water inside rush out like a flood.

Ralph was caught off guard and swallowed by the torrent, which swayed and crashed as the torrent gushing out of the gap, and the buildings and ground near the dam were mostly submerged by the torrent.

Di Mu saw the torrent that seemed to be sweeping like a huge wave, and a little under his feet jumped into the sky, and at the same time stepped on the moon step to sense where Ralph was.


A solid crash sounded from the rushing current, but it was Ralph who was swept by the current and hit the wall of a nearby building, causing him to crack his teeth.

“Damn, it’s so unlucky!” Ralph quickly covered his mouth and nose to prevent air loss, but as a Devil Fruit ability, he immediately became weak under the sea water and his whole body became weak, as if he was a drowning person.

I don’t know if it was Ralph’s luck, the turbulent water actually rolled up his whole body under the impact, rose rapidly, and most of his body rushed out of the water at once.

Thunder Hell~!

Just when Ralph’s body was just half exposed to the water, suddenly a brilliant electric current had already rushed into the sky, constantly impacting his body, spreading tens of meters away under the conduction of the water flow.

Suddenly encountered a 100,000-volt electric current impact, Ralph, who rushed out of the water, convulsed before he could react, and even green smoke rose all over his body, but he was gradually scorched.

Waiting above the surface of the water for a long time, Di Mu, whose whole body was bursting with strong electricity, swooped down with a snap of his fingers, and violently slashed towards the most vulnerable neck of the human body with the power of his whole body.

“What a joke!” The body convulsions and paralyzed Ralph because most of his body is out of the water, and his strength has also recovered most of it, seeing the color domineering sensing this situation, his heart was horrified, and he immediately burst out armed color domineering, and his neck suddenly became black, as if it was cast in metal.


Electric sparks splashed wildly, violent waves of air hit the surrounding water surface and rolled up, and the electric light around the sword blade slashed into Ralph’s black and metallic neck, but after the blade did not enter the small half, it was also blocked by the armed color domineering, unable to cut off the neck.

Blood rushed out along the blade, and Ralph’s face suddenly twisted viciously, not only because of the pain of his neck injury, but also because he was struggling to restore consciousness to his paralyzed body.

Twice the speed of sound~!

Triple the speed of sound~!

The Devil Fruit ability doubled on the body, Ralph’s whole body was bulging with throbbing tendons, kicking the building behind him, causing the soles of his feet to sink into the wall to prevent him from sinking into the surface and drowning, while abruptly increasing the slow speed, the left hand released the revolver that was always grasping tightly, covered with a layer of armed color domineering and grabbed the ‘ink blood’, preventing the blade from continuing to slash.

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