“It’s time to leave!”

Di Mu did not continue to recover, and after his injuries were relieved, he quickly stood up and quickly walked towards the exit of the underground waterway.

It has been three hours of staying, and now the large forces of the navy and even the admirals who are not good are already halfway through, so naturally they have to hurry up and run.

However, after a long time, Di Mu carefully walked out from the entrance to the underground water channel before.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and in the evening, Di Mu first cautiously sensed the surroundings with his domineering appearance to ensure that there was no naval ambush nearby, and then quickly rushed out.

Although he couldn’t use shaving, Di Mu’s speed was also amazingly fast under full speed, and he rushed out of the street in the blink of an eye like a gust of wind, and quickly rushed towards the shore of the Chopper Dragon.

“All cheer up, before the arrival of General Sakaski, we must not let anyone leave the capital of seven waters!”

“Captain, do you say that General Sakaski is really back!”

“Hmph, could it be that I will lie to you, let me tell you, this battle in the city was caused by Ralph and Dark Sword Hao, who became Seven Wuhai not long ago, and now that Ralph is dead, General Sakaski came to capture Dark Sword Hao on purpose!”


A large number of navies were guarded in the many ports and city edges of the capital of seven waters, and at this time a thirty-man naval squad was patrolling the edge of one of the cities, and an ensign was talking to several navies.

Behind an abandoned house not far away, Di Mu hid half of his body in the shadows, his back against the wall, and quietly listened to the conversation between the navy and their conversation with a domineering look.

“I really guessed correctly, that old guy from the Warring States really sent a general to arrest me!” Di Mu said secretly in his heart.

With some of his knowledge of the red dog, the other party said that he was coming to arrest him, and it would be more likely to kill himself.

Now the entrances and exits leaving the capital of seven waters have obviously been blocked, and now the entrances and exits here are also the closest to the shore where the Dragon Chopper docked, and without wanting to face the red dog, Di Mu quickly decided to break in.

Touching the hole in the abdomen that still existed although the bleeding had stopped, Di Mu took a deep breath, pulled out the ‘ink blood’ with his backhand, turned around abruptly and rushed out from the back of the building, rushing towards the shore without stopping.

“What man!”

“It’s not good, someone wants to break into the bayonet!”


Although Di Mu’s outbreak was extremely fast, the already vigilant naval team immediately discovered it, and immediately exclaimed and aimed its gun at Di Mu who rushed over.

“Stay out of the way!” Di Mu’s eyes showed a fierceness, and his figure rushed forward, swinging his sword and cutting out a sharp sword qi.

In order not to involve the injury, Di Mu did not dare to use too much force, and the power of the sword qi was not very large, and the length was only about ten meters.

But even so, under the preemptive attack, the sword qi still fiercely rushed into the crowd, and in an instant, seven or eight navies were fought in a row, causing the stump to fly and the blood to rush.

“It’s Dark Sword Hao, shoot quickly!” The ensign who spoke before also saw Di Mu’s appearance clearly at this time, and his face suddenly showed horror, and he shouted urgently.

Bang bang bang~~!

The rest of the navy also reacted, angrily shooting at Di Mu, and bullets whizzed towards Di Mu.

The ‘Slashing Field’ unfolded, and Di Mu in the gallop tried to avoid the bullets that were fired at him, and at the same time, a sword slashed out a sharp sword qi towards the navy, and immediately jumped up, flying over them, and rushing towards the distant shore without looking back.

“Quickly contact the other troops, and the rest of the people will catch up with me!” The sword qi killed several navy members again, and the ensign shouted angrily under the embarrassment of dodging, and at the same time pulled out the long knife on his waist and pursued Di Mu vigorously.

A company of more than a dozen naval soldiers followed closely behind the ensign, and the few who remained also hurriedly used telephone worms to ask for reinforcements.

In order to prevent the Chopper Dragon from being discovered, Di Mu deliberately docked the ship on the shore of the reef barren slope with high concealment, as long as it was not particularly close, he could see the Chopper Dragon blocked by the barren slope from a distance.

Under the gallop, the super fast speed even made Di Mu’s body form a roaring sound, and the navy that was chasing behind could not keep up with Di Mu’s speed at all, but was quickly pulled away.

With a leap, Di Mu crossed the barren slope with a few ups and downs, and at the same time, he saw the Dragon Chopper quietly docked outside the reef on the shore, and his eyes showed joy, and he hurried over.

A little below his feet, Di Mu was as active as a big peng bird on the deck of the Chopper, and then quickly took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole on the front of the rudder, and with the rotation, the gates and shields that blocked the ship all shrank back.

“Bye bye!” Di Mu waved his hand with a chuckle, sneered at the navies who had just ascended the barren slope, turned the rudder sharply, and activated the power switch.


The huge outer wheels on both sides of the Chopper and the propellers behind the bottom of the ship also turned at high speed, and the ship quickly generated power, and after a 90-degree rotation, it seemed to be a speedboat straight to the sea in the distance.

“Abominable! ~! Seeing the ship that soon disappeared into the distance, the ensign angrily slashed the stone on the side with an angry sword, and let out an unwilling angry cry.


Bo ~~!

On the cloudless sea, the sky has just brightened, and the first morning sun illuminates the sea beautifully, which also makes the air exceptionally fresh.

“Who, don’t let people sleep early in the morning, call at this time!” Rubbing his sleepy eyes, wearing only a pair of pants, and wearing many bandages on his body, Di Mu snorted, walked out of the room, and scanned back and forth in the living room of the cabin very unpleasantly.

I finally escaped from the capital of seven waters and ascended to heaven, and was busy until midnight to sleep after treating my wounds and washing, but now I was woken up by the call of a phone bug just after dawn.

Di Mu, who got up very angrily, now had the urge to cut off the person who disturbed his sleep.

(Tragically, today’s automatic subscription number actually did not move, waiting for a day turned out to be this result, the streamer almost cried in the toilet!) )

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