Xia Li’s divination prophecy accuracy is as high as 100%, although every divination to the future is unfortunate, but this also serves as a warning.

Just now, Xia Li divined the future of Fishman Island every once in a while as usual, but this time there was really a misfortune that she had never wanted to have.

In the prophecy shown by the crystal ball, Fishman Island will soon be destroyed and destroyed, including not only large-scale fights, but also Fishman Island will be frozen.

In such a prophecy scene, a cold man will break out a big battle on Fishman Island with another blurry figure, and the battle between the two will destroy most of Fishman Island, and countless Fishman and Mermaid will die tragically.

Although Xia Li did not see the appearance of another blurred figure clearly in the prophecy, a cold man in front of him saw clearly, it was the Seven Martial Seas who were now famous on the sea, the Dark Sword Hao.

The news that Di Mu was landing in the port and being greeted by Neptune had already spread, and even just now, Xia Li heard several celebrities in the coffee shop chatting about it.

Originally, Xia Li didn’t care much, after all, even the Four Emperors would occasionally appear on Fishman Island.

But now it’s different, after divination prophesied the future, Xia Li must find Di Mu, and then find a way to prevent the future scene of Fishman Island from appearing.

Almost when Xia Li was looking for Di Mu on Fishman Island, in a dark room in Fishman Street, a large number of fishmen were gathered at this time.

Although Fishman Street belongs to the territory of Fishman Island, it has always been inaccessible, and only some vicious fishmen or orphans will come here, and usually even mermaids dare not approach.

“So Hammond, a few of them have been wiped out!” Sitting on a large somewhat shabby chair, belonging to the Great White Shark Man, Hody Jones, with curly hair, said with a gloomy face.

“It should be so, and just after we lost contact with Hammond, the Dark Sword Hao of the Seven Martial Seas appeared in the port of Fishman Island, if nothing else, Hammond they are afraid that they were killed by the Dark Sword Hao!” A king squid fish replied with an ugly face.

Although it is humans who rule the world, the fishmen in Fishman Street look down on humans very much, and have always compared fishmen to higher creatures.

But I have to admit that the name of the Qiwu Sea is still very deterrent, and in the face of the killing of his compatriots, the first thing that the fish people suspect is Di Mu, the Qiwu Sea.

Hody Jones’ face suddenly became more gloomy and deep, and even anger appeared in Sen Han’s pupils.

Like Hammond, who was killed by Di Mu, Hody Jones is also under the deep sea, even if it is Qiwu Sea, it will not be their opponent of the fishman, and a strong killing intent has been born in his heart.

“Human beings really deserve to die, even if it is the Seven Martial Seas, since they dare to kill our compatriots, they must die!” Hody Jones gritted his teeth.

“Captain, you don’t want to make a move on Dark Sword Hao, now that the other party is on Fishman Island, I’m afraid we won’t have an advantage, and once we are exposed, then our plan will also be affected!” The big squid who spoke before persuaded.

Although he also wanted to kill the enemy, the prestige of the Seven Wuhai still brought a great deterrent to this big squid man, and he instinctively felt a little afraid in his heart.

“Icarus, you won’t be afraid, will you!” A cigar dharma sharkman crouching on the ground like a frog on the side mocked.

Icarus’s face changed slightly, and after carefully glancing at Hody Jones, he immediately retorted: “Dharma, don’t talk nonsense, I just don’t want to affect the plan, if the captain wants to deal with the Dark Sword Hao, I will definitely be the first!” ”

Hody Jones’s originally increasingly gloomy face softened slightly, obviously satisfied with Icarus’ words.

“It’s just a few martial arts, if it was before, I might still be a little jealous, but don’t forget, we have a murderous medicine now” E· S “Yes, with it, Nanabukai will not be our opponent!” Hody Jones said bloodthirsty and cruel.

The other fish people were stunned when they heard the murderous medicine, but they all laughed viciously, and they also showed bloodthirsty smiles.

Although the poison can have strong side effects and even overdraft life, it can also bring terrible power, and it is multiplied.

Since getting the murderous medicine, Hody Jones has been confident that even Jinping will not be his opponent after the experiment, let alone just a human.

In the hearts of the fish people, human beings are naturally weaker than them who are naturally stronger than humans, so they also think that Di Mu must also be weaker than Jinping as the Seven Martial Seas.

Hody Jones originally wanted to overthrow the royal family of today’s Fishman Island, and prepared for a long time to completely fight against humans.

Although there is still a gap of several years of preparation, the new fish-man pirate group has gathered more than 50,000 troops, many of which are even fish-people, and only 20,000 are pirate humans who joined after being forced.

“Captain, it seems that Neptune went to the port to welcome the Dark Sword Hao before, and now he doesn’t have many troops, do you say if we want to…!” Suddenly, Icarus’s eyes flickered and said.

As a king, Neptune generally stayed in the Dragon Palace, and even if he occasionally went out, he would take many soldiers with him.

But this time because of Di Mu’s sudden arrival, in order to rush to the port as soon as possible, Neptune brought very few troops, and even the strongest Jinping went to monitor Di Mu.

Hody Jones’ eyes lit up, this is indeed a good opportunity, as long as he can control Neptune , then he can use this to blackmail the king army into surrendering, and then even Jinping will be tied up, and he will definitely not dare to be an enemy with himself.

Thinking that he could seize the rule of Fishman Island in one fell swoop, Hody Jones was on fire (hot) in his heart, and under the temptation (confusion) of interests, he even let go of his original plan to attack Dark Sword Hao.

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