“Alas, isn’t it okay to roll honestly, now it’s okay, the old man is angry, and there will definitely be dead bodies all over the ground again!” The ugly bird shook his head and sighed, looking sad, but his eyes were obviously full of schadenfreude.

It is also strange to say that the ugly bird is obviously not very strong, but it is not stunned by the overlord color domineering of the green pepper, but is full of vitality.

Originally, seeing that Lao Dongliang used the overlord-colored domineering to slightly weaken nearly half of the enemy’s combat power in an instant, the Eight Treasure Water Army was still very proud, but when they saw Di Mu coming, the people of the Eight Treasure Water Army suddenly became nervous, obviously they all knew Di Mu’s murderous name.

“Little ghost, don’t think that becoming a Qiwu Sea is great, the old man will let you understand what is powerful today!” As an older generation of sea thieves, Green Pepper naturally will not be deterred by the title of Qiwu Sea, and he roared very strongly, and he took a big stride, and rushed out violently under the shaking of the glacier.

Di Mu’s steps were steady, not retreating, calmly looking at the green pepper rushing over, when the opponent’s right arm turned into a black punch, the left hand instantly turned into a fist, and the same punch came out.


The purple-black armed color domineering covered the fist and arm, and the large and small fists instantly produced violent waves of impact under the collision, and with a deafening roar, the air was shattered, forming staggered white gas marks.

Once Green Pepper was definitely a sea thief at the top, and even clashed with Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard many times.

But after the tip was flattened by Karp, Green Pepper obviously lost his biggest weapon, and even out of strength, even his will was decayed.

Although today’s Green Peppers have not yet aged as Lian Rao as in the original when Dressrosa debuted. G can’t fight, but it also has no combat power in his youth.

Like green pepper, who has no fruitless ability, the strength is directly linked to the strength of the body, and under old age, in addition to physical strength, even the armed color domineering will regress.

If the green pepper in the whole body period has the strength of the second step of the ranks of the strong or even close to the first step, the armed color domineering has also reached a high level.

Then the current green pepper only has the strength of the fourth tier, and even the armed color domineering has regressed to the intermediate level, not even the middle level.

With a punch clash, under the continuous outbreak of ferocious shock waves, Di Mu and Green Pepper were both shocked back by each other’s strength at the same time, and Qi Qi retreated about five or six steps.

Di Mu’s eyes flashed, and he already had a general understanding of Qingli, although he still belonged to the ranks of the strong in the new world, but he was no longer a powerful horn.

Di Mu’s strength is mainly concentrated on the road, and his physical skills are not strong, but even this is how he can compete with Green Pepper, which is already very obvious.

“This is what you said is powerful,” Di Mu looked at the other party contemptuously.

“!” Green Pepper was naturally furious, although he did regress too much, but it was naturally unacceptable to be scorned by a junior, and both fists were covered with armed color domineering, and the ferocious jump was towards Di Muqi.

Di Mu’s expression was cold, and he grabbed the ‘ink blood’ like lightning, and instantly drew his sword, directly slashing at the opponent’s falling fists.

The blade cut through the air, bursting out a violent and brilliant huge sword qi, not only accurately slashed at the fist of the green pepper, but also burst out with an amazing tearing power at once, making the green pepper scream in pain, and was directly chopped out, and the fists were also torn and bloodied.

“Yes, everyone follow me and kill all the enemies!” Old Cai’s face changed drastically, obviously he didn’t expect Di Mu to be so fierce, and actually let his grandfather be injured after just two confrontations, and immediately roared out.

Abu and nearly a thousand Eight Treasure Water Army also shouted angrily and quickly followed, among which Lao Cai and Abu rushed towards Di Mu, and the Eight Treasure Water Army was killing towards the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce.

Virgil immediately put all those who were not stunned on guard, and immediately launched a counterattack just waiting for Di Mu’s order.

However, when it was unexpected, Di Mu did not give an order, and after chopping off the green pepper, he directly shot straight towards the killed Lao Cai and Abu, as well as the Eight Treasures Water Army.

His body was almost level with the flat glacier, and Di Mu was not only as fast as lightning, but the ‘ink blood’ in his hand instantly stimulated a brilliant electric current.

Magnet Chop~!

Without waiting for the encounter, Di Mu just waved his arm vigorously, and the ‘ink blood’ suddenly slashed forward violently, directly bursting out an incomparably amazing brilliant sword qi.

The rich electric energy merged with the sword qi, and just the rolled up qi caused the incomparably hard ice to crack like a spider’s web.

The breakthrough of kendo not only allowed Di Mu to have the slash of the Great Sword Hao, but also greatly improved his spiritual power.

Compared to the small realm breakthrough that was only the second stage of the swordsman, under the breakthrough to the third stage of the swordsman, Di Mu’s spiritual power increased even more than the entire second stage of improvement, and the current intensity directly exceeded millions of volts.

Under the outbreak of magnetic slashes, even in the level of Great Sword Hao, Di Mu’s current slashing power directly broke through the shackles of the early Great Sword Hao, and had the power of the Great Sword Hao slashing power no less than that of the best level.

Seeing the terrifying sword qi that was torn apart like a white wave, Old Cai’s pupils contracted rapidly, hurriedly stopped, grabbed Abu who was following closely, and quickly jumped into the sky to dodge, he saw that the power of the sword qi was no longer something he could resist, once hit, it was absolutely either dead or crippled.

Lao Cai and Abu dodged, but the Eight Treasures Water Army did not, although they were full of horror when they saw the terrifying sword qi that came from the strangle, they did not have the reaction speed to dodge, and they were directly engulfed in it.

The roar caused by the sword qi was deafening, and even the sea near the glacier was churning with large waves, and the rolling roaring air waves spread in all directions. _

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