The sudden appearance and attack of the green pepper made both De Di Mu and Lao Cai stunned, but the difference was that Lao Cai looked ecstatic in the next second, while Di Mu was awe-inspiring all of a sudden.

He naturally also saw the change in Green Pepper’s head, and was shocked that his slash would restore the opponent’s head to its original state like Luffy’s boxing in the original book, and at the same time, he was also cautious about the destructive power that Green Pepper now burst out.

There is a big difference between a pointed head and a flat head, especially in the eight-punch that concentrates the shock wave a little, otherwise the green pepper will not be slumped because his head is flattened by Kapu.

However, cautious and cautious, Di Mu did not feel afraid of this, but quickly gave birth to a sense of excitement.

He just wanted to test the kick he comprehended, Lao Cai’s strength was still a little worse, and the green pepper that recovered the pointed head was more suitable.

Di Mu did not retreat, under the impact of the drill bit transformed by the green pepper, he did not hesitate to turn around, his left foot supported his body, and his right foot kicked the heel of the condensed electric energy fiercely towards the tip of the opponent’s impact.


The two surging and furious forces immediately collided terribly, and the qi waves rolled up madly and impacted in all directions, causing a large number of cracks in the nearby glaciers, and at the same time, the void also stirred up countless lightning, and the radius of tens of meters was shrouded in an aura visible to the naked eye.

After the green pepper recovered its sharp head, the power of Aoyi was indeed greatly improved, although it could not be compared with the whole body period, but it also had the power of the full force of the third-order powerhouse.

But Di Mu is not bad, although his strength is mainly concentrated in kendo, but his own physical strength is also extremely strong, especially under the high condensation current, exemplary eight-punch mysterious kicks, the power is even a little beyond his estimates.

The two stalemated for several breaths, because of the fierce collision, the green pepper had stopped rotating, and at the same time, the sharp head that collided with Di Mu’s heel was constantly twisting and concave like a ripple.


The green pepper was still a step behind after all, the pointed head was kicked flat by Di Mu, and the whole person flew upside down with a scream, and even from the head, the body continued to smash, directly turned into a pile of ashes and dissipated in the air.

The power of replacing the shock wave generated by the eight-punch fist with electric current has not only not weakened in the slightest, but even stronger.

The current is the most powerful energy, and the crushing power that bursts out of a concentrated point is also extremely terrifying, directly smashing the green pepper into powder.

“Nope!” Old Cai’s eyes erupted with blood, and he roared directly, raised the Guan knife and killed towards Di Mu, and the armed color domineering was also covered on the knife body.

Di Mu glanced coldly, the current that had been dissipated on his right foot was condensed to a point faster than before, and with his left foot as the fulcrum, it went out directly.

Old Cai frantically swung his knife and slashed, but Di Mu gave a kick and shattered, and the right foot that condensed the electricity was directly imprinted on his chest.

Like green peppers, Lao Cai was vomiting blood and flying down, and before he landed, his body seemed to have a powder keg detonated, constantly shattered, and finally turned into ashes.

Gently lowering his right foot, Di Mu’s heart was full of joy, but he didn’t expect that the kick he came up with with with a wit was so powerful, which was much stronger than Lan’s foot.

“The meaning of the Eight Chong Fist is called ‘Cone Dragon Cone Nail’, then I will name it ‘Dragon Cone Flash’!” Di Mu thought happily.

The dragon originally represents strength, the cone character is because this move is learned from the meaning of the eight-punch boxing, and the flash represents the flash of electricity, and the name ‘dragon cone flash’ is the most appropriate.

After solving the three people of Green Pepper, Lao Cai, and Abu, the remnants of the Eight Treasures Water Army naturally no longer needed Di Mu to deal with it, and after Di Mu gave the order, Virgil, who was already enthusiastic, immediately led the Chamber of Commerce combat power to encircle and suppress.

In just ten minutes of the battle, the Eight Treasures Water Army was completely destroyed, and even some logisticians stationed on the battleship were killed, and several battleships and the materials on them were directly occupied by the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce.

“It’s not good, Lord Di Mu!” Di Mu, who was in a happy mood, was just about to cut open the glacier and take out the treasure inside, but a female member of the Chamber of Commerce ran over in embarrassment, and there was even blood on her body.

“What’s going on!” After Di Mu saw it, his eyes froze and he said in a deep voice.

When the ugly bird saw the woman hurriedly running over, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said to Di Mu: “Sir, this woman is one of the few people who watch over Smuji!” ”

Di Muyan’s face suddenly changed when he heard this, and without waiting for the woman to speak, he instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Dragon Slashing not far away.

A little on the glacier, Di Mu flew directly onto the deck, but after seeing the situation in front of him, his brows suddenly furrowed.

There were several female corpses lying on the deck, and there were obvious wounds on their bodies that had been torn open by claws, and it was obvious from the clothes that they were from the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce.

Di Mu unfolded his domineering appearance, and sure enough, there was no more life fluctuation in Smuji.

“Sir, I already asked the woman just now, she said that when the lord was fighting the enemy just now, they were attacked by a strange bird that suddenly flew down from the sky, and everyone except her was killed by the strange bird, even Smoogie was captured by the strange bird!” The ugly bird flew over at this time and quickly explained the situation.

“I see, it seems that our side is exposed, if nothing else, it should be BIG· The MOM Pirates rescued Smoogie! Di Mu’s eyes flashed slightly, and he said with a bow.

His attention just now was focused on the battle, but he ignored the side of the Dragon Slasher, Di Mu did not think that it would be an accident that Smoogie was captured by the so-called strange bird, it was obviously BIG· The MOM Pirates discovered their whereabouts and came to the rescue.

“Then sir, shall we leave here immediately!” The ugly bird said nervously.

BIG· The MOM Pirate Group is not easy to mess with, don’t look at its usual arrogance, but that is with Di Mu as a dependency, the Four Emperors are obviously stronger than Di Mu. _

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