Soon, the dragon chopping passed through the white sea and floated to the sky and sea, but the ugly bird’s dull hair was still straight up, and the chopping dragon naturally continued to rise, heading towards the white sea of 10,000 meters.

I don’t know how long it took, when the Dragon Chopper surfaced again, it had already appeared above a sea of clouds that looked like a fairyland, and white clouds could be seen everywhere that seemed to form a substance.

Phoenix ducks and ugly birds flew up these white clouds curiously, and found that although these white clouds were soft (soft), they could really stand people, and they were all fun for a while.

Di Mu did not urge, anyway, they had already arrived above the White Sea, and it was not such a little time.

After the ugly bird and the phoenix duck had played enough, Di Mu continued to move in the direction of the ugly bird’s sensing, and finally after driving for half an hour, an empty island of the white cloud land came into view.

Almost the same as Angel Island on the other side of Gaya Island, the empty island that appears in front of you is also a city that seems to be built on white clouds, and it looks very prosperous and prosperous.

The most conspicuous thing is that in the center of this island there is a female statue nearly 100 meters high, made of white clouds, especially the wings on the back, with a holy sense of déjà vu, very similar to the legendary angel.

“Is this it!” After glancing at the empty island not far away, Di Mu looked at the ugly bird beside him.

“This is it, I can sense that the treasure should be on this island!” The ugly bird nodded repeatedly.

“Okay, then dock, let’s go up and find out!” With a wave of Di Mu’s big hand, the Dragon Chopper quickly approached and docked on the edge of the beach on the edge of the empty island.

The bottom of the boat bottomed, the Chopper stopped more than ten meters from the beach, and after putting down the anchor, Di Mu blocked the Chopper Dragon and flew directly to the beach with the ugly bird and phoenix duck.

Although the earth is composed of white cloud material, there are also many peculiar plants growing, and it has to be said that it is indeed very comfortable to step on a somewhat soft cloud ground.

Di Mu did not stop, and walked directly towards the city, and the ugly bird and the phoenix duck naturally followed closely behind.

Although it was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the air was very thin, but for a person with a strong physique like Di Mu, he almost quickly adapted and became unwell.

At the same time, the many empty islands above the White Sea are not without contact with Qinghai at all, and there are often empty island people and Qinghai people coming and going, so Di Mu’s appearance in the city attracted a lot of attention, but it did not cause a commotion.

Although he didn’t think that the island had its own opponents, Di Mu still planned to inquire about the information on this empty island first.

“Sir, I’m from Qinghai, I know that each place has its own rules, so I’m worried that there will be unnecessary trouble, I don’t know if you can explain some, this 10,000 Bailey will be regarded as a reward!”

“Young man, you are very sensible, although ‘Angela’ Island is not as strict as other empty islands, it also has its own laws, I will talk to you!”

Although the currency of the empty island is ‘Axtoll’, Bailey is also universal, and under the opening of money, Di Mu easily heard a lot of information about the island from an old man passing by.

“Sir, you didn’t say funny, you said that your empress is an angel?!” Di Mu said in surprise.

The old man of the empty island with short wings behind him said solemnly: “Of course, the empress is not only the leader of our Angela, but also our faith, every six months will turn into an angel to pray for all of us, young man, if you don’t want to be arrested, you must finally get the empress to maintain enough respect!” ”

“Uh, I know, by the way, I see that many of you are rushing in one direction, what is this going to do!”

“Hehe, this is the half-annual prayer and blessing I just said, today is the time for the queen to pray, don’t say, I also have to go quickly, recently I always feel low back pain, if I miss the blessing, but you have to wait half a year to get better!”

As soon as the old man of the empty island spoke, he hurriedly rushed to the center of the city with the crowd on the street, of course, Di Mu’s 10,000 Bailey did not forget to take it, otherwise he would not be too lazy to explain it to Di Muduo.

Di Mu stood on the spot and touched his chin, the situation was a little unexpected, even the legendary creature of the angel appeared.

From what I learned just now, although this empty island does not have a ‘god’, it is also in the ruling society, and there is a so-called royal family, although it is in the same lineage, but the empress will rule the entire empty island in a sectarian way.

Of course, the most important thing is that this empress is also a true angel, no, it should be said that all empresses have been angels, with the ability to pray and bless, so that people can not be plagued by diseases.

Di Mu naturally did not think that there would be real angels in this world, and guessed in his heart that the empress on the empty island should probably be an ability to eat the angel form of the superhuman fruit.

However, if it was just that this empress was an angel fruit ability, Di Mu could still figure it out, but all the previous generations were angel fruit ability, it was a little incredible.

According to what the old man of Empty Island said just now, the royal family on Empty Island has been passed down for hundreds of years, and every one is an angel.

“Could it be that this so-called royal family has mastered the technique of passing down the Devil Fruit!” Di Mu pondered.

Only this explanation can explain why every queen of this royal family is an angel fruit power.

“Gaga, sir, I think you can chase this empress, didn’t that person just say that the empress is the most beautiful woman on their island!” The ugly bird let out a strange laugh on the side at this time, and his expression was very lewd.

Di Mu glanced at the other party, and suddenly punched the ugly bird’s head, and said righteously: “What kind of person are you when you are your master, are you the kind of person who sees a person who loves one, tell you, no!” Sir, I also have a pursuit! ”

Speaking of this, Di Mu suddenly changed his tone: “At least you have to take a look at the goods first!” “_

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