“You are the pirates who broke into the Imperial Kingdom?! What about the Royal Legion! Shirley naturally also saw the mammoth giant elephant and dozens of pirates, and her pretty face suddenly showed anger, temporarily forgetting about the matter with Di Mu, and drank coquettishly.

“Angel?! No, is it an angel-shaped Devil Fruit ability, I didn’t expect that there was a phantom beast species on this empty island! Jack, who turned into a mammoth giant elephant, was also surprised to look at Sheryl flying in the air with angel wings on his back.

“Lord Jack, I have asked several people from the empty island here just now, and they say that the supreme leader of this empty island is the so-called empress, and she is also an angel, if I am not mistaken, it should be this woman!” Dozens of pirates were also shocked by the appearance of the phantom beast species, but soon reacted again, and a male pirate wearing a double-horned ornament on his head immediately shouted a reminder to Jack.

“So that’s the case, then that means that this woman is likely to know the existence of this historical article!” When Jack heard this, his eyes that exuded cold and violent suddenly locked on Shirley.

“Wait, this man is….!” Suddenly, several pirates from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were attracted by Di Mu, who was standing calmly on the cloud ground, and his eyes first showed doubt, but then his face showed shock.

“Lord Jack, that man seems to be the Dark Sword Hao Di Mu in the Seven Martial Sea!” Several pirates who recognized Di Mu quickly reminded Jack again.

“Nanabukai?!” Jack’s eyes froze, and he looked away from Sheryl and looked at Di Mu.

Although there are many sea thieves in the new world whose strength is not weaker than the Seven Wuhai, their reputation and deterrence are far less than the Seven Wuhai, and even Jack has an understanding of the Seven Wuhai.

Di Mu didn’t care at all about the gazes of Jack and the pirates, his face was indifferent, but Sheryl looked at Di Mu with some doubts.

Shirley was originally very upset that Jack and the others did not answer her own words, but she was very unhappy with talking to herself there, but when she saw several pirates saying that Di Mu was the Seven Martial Sea, her attention immediately shifted.

The empty island of ‘Angela’ is not without Qinghai people, although most of them are pirates, and they are very vicious, but they are not without travelers or adventurers.

The name of Qiwu Hai, Sheryl has also heard of it, seems to be composed of a group of powerful people in Qinghai, recognized by the world government.

“I didn’t expect him to be Qiwu Hai!” Sheryl looked at Di Mu and couldn’t help but secretly say in her heart.

Sheryl was not only surprised by Di Mu’s body, but now she also saw that Di Mu was probably not really with this group of pirates, otherwise these pirates would not have eaten like this after recognizing Di Mu

Under the gaze of both sides, Di was looking at Jack, and also saw the street behind the other that stretched far away.

As in the original book, Jie Ran is famous for the drought, and the place where he steps is as dry and decaying as the appearance of the drought, and the entire street can be seen everywhere with huge elephant footprints, and the buildings and houses have also become ruins, which shows that all the way just now is rampaging and unscrupulous.

“Dark Sword Hao, we are the people of the Mammoth, one of the three major fleets under the Hundred Beast Pirates, this is our captain Lord Jack, and one of the three major disasters of the Hundred Beast Pirates, drought, if you don’t want to start a war with us, get out of here immediately!” At this moment, the male pirate next to Jack who first spoke shouted at Di Mu.

This pirate obviously has Jack’s trust, otherwise he would not dare to speak when Jack has not yet expressed his position, but from his words, it can also be seen that he is jealous of Di Mu, and he is deeply afraid that Di Mu will join this war.

Di Mu directly ignored the other party’s words, but turned his head to look at Sheryl in mid-air, and spoke: “Do you need help, these guys are the forces of one of the four emperors, but they are not easy to deal with!” ”

For Di Mu’s words, Sheryl was directly stunned, obviously did not expect that Di Mu actually wanted to help herself.

The reputation of the four emperors is much greater than that of the seven martial seas, and Sheryl has naturally heard of it, although she was shocked that one of the four emperors invaded her country, but the pride in her heart made her not allow her to accept help from others.

“No need, this is the country of this emperor, it is enough for this emperor to guard it himself!” Sheryl arrogantly refused Di Mu’s help, dancing angel wings and slowly flying towards Jack.

Di Mu shook his head helplessly, sure enough, it was a proud woman, although his kindness was rejected, but he was not angry, but walked directly towards the fountain not far away, and immediately sat on the edge of the fountain pool, and the ‘ink blood’ was also included in the scabbard.

The ugly bird and the phoenix duck saw the mutation of the battle situation and quickly flew to Di Mu’s side.

“Sir, are these people really the people of the Four Emperors Kaido!” The ugly bird leaned over and asked cautiously.

Di Mu nodded and said, “Yes, didn’t you see that mammoth giant elephant, among the three major disasters under Kaido, Drought Jack is the animal line ancient species mammoth fruit ability!” ”

The ugly bird was shocked, and quickly said: “Then should we withdraw first, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group heard that they are very cruel!” ”

Di Mu glanced at the other party and said, “Even BIG· I am not afraid of the MOM Pirate Group, do you think I will be afraid of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, look at it with peace of mind, wait for your lord I am ready to save the beauty of heroes! ”

“Croak~!” The phoenix duck on the other side waved its wings, barked a few times, and looked at the ugly bird with a look of contempt.

The ugly bird was furious: “Duck, you actually dare to laugh at me for being timid, and you will be on when the hero saves the beauty!” ”

“Croak~!” The phoenix duck proudly raised its head and arched at Di Mu’s arm.

“Ugly bird, what does the duck say translate!” Di Mu couldn’t speak beasts, so he could only say to the ugly bird.

The ugly bird pouted and said very reluctantly: “The duck said that as long as you give an order, master, it will fight to the death!” “_

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