Chapter 177

A few days later, the hot fruits sent to New World, under the choice of the two deputy heads, finally Andre gained the ability to hot fruits.

In a short period of time, Andre, who has become an elite lieutenant general, has room for improvement in his strength.

However, his potential is also an elite lieutenant general, even if he gets a hot fruit with not low potential, his strength will only be set at the level of the elite general.

But even so, Raphael, the commander of the Flame Legion, was envious of him.

He already knows the specific situation of this fruit. Although it can’t emit flames, it can emit tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, which can be said to be extremely suitable for the Flame Legion.

But the message Arthur gave him calmed him down, and he continued to wait for the fruits that Arthur had prepared for him.

On Ruskayna Island, Arthur was still practicing for the second month on the fifth rock mountain.

In the afternoon, still in the previous room, a very sturdy but ugly-looking man with high cheekbones looked at this small room uncertainly.

“What the hell is going on! Those angels caught me, what do they want to do!” Gaspardi was puzzled, but more frightened.

As a man who has betrayed from Marine and is still at ease to this day, caution is his style. Otherwise, the bounty would be only about 100 million, and he would not dare to go anywhere else while staying in Hannabal. This has been a life saver, and he has lived till now.

He thought he did not offend any forces and individuals related to angels, but why was he arrested by angels? This made him very puzzled.


Just when Gaspardi was upset, the door was opened.

Gaspardi looked for a sound, his face suddenly changed. “King Arthur? This…”

Gaspardi, whose complexion changed, couldn’t believe that such a man who basically belonged to the legend appeared in front of him.

“You…what did you want to do when you arrested me!” Gaspardi asked in a trembling voice, he only felt that things were very bad now.

“Hmm~ your fruit is good, it was wasted in your hands.” Arthur said, and then, without waiting for Gaspardi’s other reaction, he knocked directly on his forehead and killed Gaspardi.

After Gaspardi died, Nuoqigao stepped forward and raised his hand.

“Black hole traction!”

Inky black clouds filled Gaspardi, and after a while, Nuoqigao recovered Dark Fruit’s ability.

“freed!”(Read more @

A small black plume of smoke rose, and a green Devil Fruit fell out of it.

“The soft candy is true, this fruit is also very good to say, but it is a pity that the eater can’t!” Arthur picked up the soft candy with a little emotion.

This fruit is a Paramecia Devil Fruit that appeared earlier, because the capable people are too useless and basically leave no impression on people.

But after seeing the extent to which Nuonuo fruit has been developed, perhaps some people will think of this fruit.

Just like the glutinous fruit, the soft candy is actually a special Paramecia fruit, with the characteristics of Logia Devil Fruit. The disadvantage is that if the powder is covered, it will be hit to the entity.

But isn’t the sand crocodile Crocodile the same? Was soaked in water by Luffy, and then lost inexplicably.

But now, this soft candy, in addition to not allowing the attack to be separated from the body like Logia, is basically the same as Logia, possessing elemental abilities.

If it can be developed to an awakened state, it will actually be no different from Logia Devil Fruit.

Although the potential of this fruit is still very good, Arthur is not ready to give it to his family. The point is, there are no family members at the moment.

With the idea of ​​making the best use of everything, Arthur wanted to give this fruit to a certain commander of the legion, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t find a suitable candidate.

After harvesting the fourth Devil Fruit, Arthur is in a good mood.

Putting this matter aside, Arthur rested with Snake Ji and Nuoqigao, who are here to take care of their daily lives. The next morning, Arthur continued to practice.

Although it was the training goal he had set at the beginning, Arthur did feel a little annoying now. It has been more than a year, and as a result, there are still five mountains standing there.

If it weren’t for his own strength, Arthur really didn’t want to continue.

The process of increasing strength is really boring. But these years have been so boring, and Arthur can hold on.

After more than a week, it finally came to the one-week break in the second month.

In the past few days, several more Demon fruit powers have been sent over, successfully hunting their Devil Fruit powers.

These people don’t have many roles in the original work, but there is still some potential for the fruitful ability.

The woolen yarn of Clockwork Island in the theater version, the steel fruits appearing in it.

Although it has limitations, it can only be partially ironed, but it can also be attacked with high temperatures, which is still a very good fruit!

Another is the fruit of sonic waves, which also appeared in the theater version.

It can be said that this fruit is also very powerful! The so-called sound waves are essentially vibrations, and vibrations produce sound, so speaking of this fruit, the potential is quite powerful.

Moreover, laser cannons or sonic cannons can be fired by roaring. If developed, the attack power is still quite good! If it can be used by giants like Oates, I am afraid that the laser cannon emitted by the sonic fruit can become a mobile weapon that can easily destroy the island.

There is also a huge battleship with a more exaggerated size, San Juan Hungry Wolf. If this guy eats the sonic fruit, it shouldn’t be too simple to destroy an island at a time.

In addition to the steel fruit and the sonic fruit, there is another fruit, which Arthur thinks is a neglected Devil Fruit—the Rubik’s Cube fruit.

This fruit that also appeared in the theater version is not unforgiving!

First, you can touch the ground to block the ground. Secondly, these blocks can be manipulated arbitrarily to move them on the ground or flying in the air. Moreover, he can also compress the air into cubes.

You know, the first thing that made compressed air terrifying and impressed people was the Shichibukai bear now.

On the top of the battlefield, he compressed all the air in an area and turned it into a small bear’s paw bubble. As a result, he directly exploded Little Oates and almost lost consciousness.

One can imagine how powerful this trick is! If the development is in place, then the Rubik’s Cube Fruit may not be able to do this step!

In addition to these three fruits, there is another fruit that appeared quite early.

The name of the eater is Eric, and he is a mercenary who cooperates with Marine to plot a thousand-year dragon bone. The name of the fruit is called sickle fruit.

After getting the five fruits, Arthur didn’t keep them, but sent them back to the sky island.

As for the eating of the fruit, the commanders of the corps choose by themselves according to the ability of the fruit. However, there is no need to rush for a while, the fruit ability can still be collected.

During the rest of this month, Arthur still has to go to New World.

And this time, he was to help Raphael get Devil Fruit. .

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