"Wow~~ It's so spectacular, it's just an industrial city!!

No wonder sea trains pass here! Usopp's eyes widened.

Coming to observe this "water capital" up close, everyone felt its prosperity and magnificence more personally.

"Let's go find the dock to dock first!"

"It should be on the other side of the city!"

Nami directs Usopp, who is at the helm, to adjust course.

"Hey, you guys!!" At this time, on the sea near the edge of the city, on a small boat, a fisherman pointed to the Melly and said: "Pirates' words can't enter the city from the front, that's not good, please take a detour to the back street!" "

This man is not afraid of pirates at all!

"Got it!!"

"Thank you!!"

After listening to the words of the angler, everyone turned around and thanked them.

After a while, everyone finally drove the Melly to the back street mentioned by the angler, and after mooring the boat, everyone decided to go to the island first, and find the shipbuilder by the way.

"We need to take the letter of introduction from Granny Cocoro to the shipbuilding company mentioned above, where we are most likely to find a good shipbuilder.

And we don't have much cash left, I plan to take some gold to exchange for Bailey, so it's convenient to use, Luffy, you go with me!"

Nami said first what she was going to do.

Originally, Luffy planned to follow Robin, after all, he knew that there would be trouble for Robin here, but Nami personally spoke, how could Luffy refuse!

"I'm going too!" Usopp also wanted to go, after all, there was also a part of the gold that he had worked so hard to steal.

"Then I'm going shopping on the island, Choba, do you want to go together?" There are marshmallows! Robin wanted to go shopping.

Hearing marshmallow, Joba naturally would not refuse.

"There are no fresh ingredients on board, I have to replenish some, I'll go and buy it!" Sanji was always concerned about the food level of the crew.

"I'll go give Sanji-san a handle." Akin chooses to go with Yamaji.

Now Solon and Anilu are left on board.

"Ha~~ I'm sleepy, I'll sleep for a while first!"

Solon didn't want to move at all, just wanted to stay on board and sleep.

Yes, there is always a need for a boat guard.

And Anilu also needs to keep the "Proverbs" suspended all the time, so as not to let it fall into the water, and the "Wind Spray" cannot levitate the "Proverbs" for a long time.

Before leaving, Luffy came to the "Proverbs" and instructed Anilu a few words.

"After we leave, you will use your super large "heart net" to cover the entire "Water Capital", always pay attention to Robin's location, if someone wants to disadvantage her, or want to make a move on her, you will shoot, do not show mercy, kill!"

Finally, Luffy compared a throat slitting gesture.

Anilu had never seen Luffy gush out of such a strong murderous aura!

Although he didn't know why, Anilu still remembered Luffy's words firmly.

After getting off the Melly, you can step into the city and find that the whole city is immersed in water, and the houses are all built on water. Through thick pillars as foundations.

Most of the roads connecting the city are also waterways, and only a few are by land.

"First of all, we have to find a money changer! It's so swaggering to walk down the street with so much gold! On

the way, Nami decided where to go first.

"Yes, holding so much gold really scares me! If you encounter a robbery by a thief, it will be troublesome. Usopp also agreed with Nami's words.

Luffy had no objection. Now he just followed Nami leisurely and waited for the situation to develop.

However, along the way, he deliberately exposed the gold, which seemed a little swaggering, and now when he arrived in the water capital, he had to let Franky take the initiative to come to him, otherwise the island is so big, and Franky is often not at home, and it is really difficult to find.

As everyone talked, they came to a shop called "BULL Rental Shop".

Since the entire "water capital" is dominated by waterways, the main means of transportation for people living in this city is a small boat called "BULL", which is carried on the back by various fish raised.

Those who do not have a "BULL" or who are visiting here will need to rent a rental to get this means of transportation in order to travel smoothly through the city.

Of course, Usopp and Nami, who had just arrived here, did not know this, so Usopp curiously walked into the store and asked: "What is this rental for?" What is "BULL"?

"Oh, this little brother, you came here following the "record pointer"! No wonder you don't know "BULL".

To put it simply, this is a means of transportation, such as this "The owner of the shop, wearing a pair of glasses, pointed to one of the "BULL" carried by a seahorse-like fish and said: "This is the "Blue Fish BULL", which is everywhere on the street.

"Blue fish" swim with their heads sticking out of the water, and there are quite a few in this area.

"It's an indispensable means of transportation for local residents."

Listening to the boss's introduction, Usopp felt that it was necessary for the three of them to rent two "BULL" for transportation, there were too few land routes here, and there was no waterway convenience at all.

"We're going to rent bull, and it's three people in total."

"Okay, in this case, it is enough for you to rent two two-seater "blue fish", a total of two thousand Baileys."

As the boss spoke, he brought two "blue fish" from the pool on the side, humped them on their backs, and handed them over to Usopp.

"These fish look like horses!"

Usopp gave the money to his boss.

"Yes, let's try it, it's very comfortable to sit on." Saying that, the boss also put a few soft cushions on the seats of the boat.

"Uncle, is there an exchange shop nearby, we want to exchange the gold in our hands for cash." Nami took the opportunity to inquire about the location of the exchange shop.

"How much gold do you have to exchange, if not much, there are several shops nearby!"

The owner enthusiastically took out the map and told Nami the location of the small shops.

"EMM, maybe a bit much, we need a bigger exchange shop!" Out of caution, Nami didn't make it clear.

"Then you'd better go to Center Street on Shipbuilding Island, where there are big shops. I'll give you this map. Saying that, the boss handed the map in his hand to Nami.

"Okay, let's go to Center Street!" Luffy loaded the gold onto the boat and prepared to go.

"Thank you for your patronage, be more careful on the road!"

The owner also said goodbye to them.

"Thank you for the map!" Nami also waved.

Luffy and the three followed the map and headed straight to "Center Street".


Meanwhile, in the shopping streets of the inner city, Robin and Joba are touring around.

You can see that the streets of the city are clean and the water is clear, what a beautiful city!

"What's that, Robin, it's all faces!" Choiba asked, pointing to a storefront shelf.

"It's a mask shop, and I heard that every once in a while, a two-day fancy dress carnival is held on the island of "St. Fault" where the sea train passes, so the masks here are more popular."

Robin answered Choppa's words as he walked.

"Huh? How do you know! Choiba exclaimed.

"I also listened to passers-by."

"You can even hear this?"

“...... This is my habit, because since I was a child, I have always looked at the face of the face and pricked up my ears to live..." Hearing

Robin's words, Choiba just admired Robin: "Robin, you are so powerful!"

"Mr. Ship Doctor, you see there's a bookstore there, haven't you always wanted to buy books?"

After strolling around for a while, Robin pointed to a bookstore.

"Can I go in and see?"

When he finished saying this, Joba had already walked from Robin to the door of the bookstore, leaving Robin far behind.

It can be seen that Choiba really wants to read books.

"Robin, I'm going first!" With that, Choiba walked into the bookstore.

And just as Choiba walked into the store, a man wearing a mask and a black and white plaid robe passed by Robin.

In that instant, Robin sensed that something was wrong with the man.

"I am CP9" As these words spat out of the man's mouth, Robin instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

Over the years, the world government's spy organization "CP9" has been staring at her, making her always sleepless.

"I advise you to take the initiative to follow me! Nicole Robin.

Robin's whole world suddenly became deathly silent, she had been careful for so many years, but she didn't expect to be able to escape the pursuit of "CP9".

She had been in the Straw Hat Group for so long and didn't want to leave this pirate group, how she wished she could sail like this forever.

However, she didn't know if Luffy would defend her with all his might when they learned who her enemy was, and whether they would betray her like the pirate gangs in the past.

Even if she takes ten thousand steps back and says that Luffy insists on helping her and protecting her, but her enemies are so powerful, can Luffy and them resist?

"Nope! I can't tie them down! Robin's heart was very entangled at this time, but in the end she chose the path she thought was the most correct, and she didn't want to burden the group of partners who really treated her.

Just when Robin decided to follow the "CP9" and leave, a thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, hitting the "CP9" in front of him fiercely.

A huge thunder resounded in the sky, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared on a sunny day, and this "CP9" fell in response, covered in scorched black, most of his body had been carbonized, and he was not alive.

The clever Robin immediately understood that this was Anilu's handiwork, and the only person on the ship who could command Anilu was Luffy.

"It seems that he knows something about me, inferred from the words of the green pheasant that day? So I've been secretly protecting me..." Robin had a little guess in his mind.

And at the moment when the thunder sounded, Luffy, who was heading to "Center Street" with Nami, already knew what happened, but he was not worried, with Anilu there, as long as it was not a general-level expert or a natural department, Robin would be safe.

So he continued to go to "Center Street" as if nothing had happened.

And most of the people in the entire water capital also heard that roar.

"What's going on, is it going to rain? Obviously the weather is very good! The

unknown people also wondered for a while and continued with what they were doing.

"This is Nicole Robin's direction, it seems that things are not going well!" Rob Lucci, who went undercover on Carrera on "Shipbuilding Island", realized something was wrong.

In fact, since Luffy and his party just landed on the "Water Capital", they have been targeted by CP9, their target is Nicole Robin, plus their group has been undercover here for many years, their intelligence ability is too strong.

And "CP9" doesn't care if Luffy is now "Seven Wuhai", they only know to carry out the tasks assigned by the government!

The people who witnessed the "CP9" being killed by lightning at the scene were boiling.

"Who is this person? Have you been punished by God for offending the gods?

"It's terrible, you didn't see that lightning just now, it's as thick as a room, but it only hit him accurately, saying that it was not a punishment from the gods, and no one believed it."

"Nonsense, what gods in this world are just made up by ignorant people!"

"What about the god of water, Ragna? Don't you believe this either? "

The inhabitants of the water capital have always believed that the frequent floods and the huge waves that flood the city are caused by the god of water, "Ragna", so they are quite in awe of the god of water.

"This, how can this be generalized!" The One who denied God was powerless to refute it.

For a while, everyone attributed the death of "CP9" to offending the gods, after all, this matter was so bizarre, they couldn't believe that this was something that people could do, and in the end they could only push it to God.

Robin, on the other hand, left there as soon as possible and walked into the bookstore that Joba had just entered.

"Robin, you finally came in, I thought you didn't like the books here and didn't want to come in!"

Choiba glanced at Robin, who was indifferent, and then continued to read his book, he wanted to find many medical books that he had never read to study, and sooner or later he would make a "panacea" that could cure any disease.

On the other side, Luffy finally came to "Center Street".

"What a spectacular! Is this where the first shipyard of the "Capital of Seven Waters" is located? Looking at the fountain in front of him, Usopp felt it.

"Let's go to the exchange shop first, and then go to the shipyard!" As soon as Nami ordered, Luffy followed with a large bag of gold.

Arriving at the store, Nami offers to exchange some gold, and the boss quickly calls an appraiser to come and verify the quality of the gold in Luffy's bag so that the price can be determined.

"These gold colors are very good, the gold content is also full, the most important thing is that all have a long history, there is enough collectible value, it can be called a work of art!"

The appraiser took a magnifying glass and looked closely at the gold, while giving an evaluation.

This time, Nami took out some crowns, daggers, jewelry and the like, which were extremely valuable.

"Well, all of this we pay 100 million Bailey!" Finally, the appraiser gave the pricing.

Nami was very happy listening to the previous words, thinking that she could exchange a lot of money, but she didn't expect that this last sentence was only 100 million Bailey, isn't this an honest person who deceives and does not know how to do it?

Nami, who has dealt with various treasures since childhood, will not know the value of these golds?

At least it's worth 300 million Baileys!

Immediately Nami became angry, and saw her right leg lifted and slammed on the table with a "bang". Then pointed at Luffy and said.

"Listen, first, this guy is a pirate, the original bounty was 300 million Bailey, and now he is the new king of the government, Qi Wuhai!

Second, I'm not happy with the price you offered! "

This appraiser usually rarely pays attention to the news, but the boss here often reads the newspaper, he didn't read it carefully just now, and now listening to Nami say this, he is looking at Luffy's face. Instantly recognized, this is not the Munchi · D. Luffy?

The real "Seven Wuhai", the naval officer newspaper also specially publicized, saying that it was the joint general Yellow Ape who wiped out the golden lion Shiji! This is a ruthless man!

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, this young lady, our original appraiser has something to take leave today, this is a temporary worker recruited, the level of business is limited, I will personally evaluate for you!" Please wait a moment! "

The boss hurried out to save the scene.

"In this way, I see that all these gold have good historical value, and our store will buy them at the price of art, a total price of 400 million!" Are you still satisfied? The boss looked at Nami, bent down and lowered his eyebrows, and greeted him with a smile.

"That's pretty much it!"

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