Barry on the side looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't react for a while, someone would come to grab the drawings and kill him, which he expected.

After all, this is just a scheme used by Mr. Iceberg to lure out the agents of the world government who secretly covet the design of "Hades".

That drawing is simply fake, and he just acted in a play with the iceberg.

But this man will suddenly appear at a critical moment and save his life, which he did not expect.

"Who are you? Why help me? Barry looked at Sanji with some vigilance, offering nothing to do, either a traitor or a thief. He doesn't easily believe that others are that kind.

"Don't worry, I'm the cook of the Straw Hat Boys, and I'm just here to find the truth and prove our gang's innocence.

You may have heard that most of the people in the current water capital believe that the murderers of your mayor are our Straw Hats.

Originally, we were too lazy to take care of this kind of thing, but it is undeniable that we will have to stay in this place for a few more days in the future, and if we don't deal with this matter, it will be more or less troublesome.

Sanji stared at the masked man with a broken finger in front of him and patiently explained to Barry.

Although Barry and the others know Luffy and the group, they only know Luffy, Solon and Robin, who have a wanted warrant, and Sanji, who has never met, naturally does not know.

"Do you know what you're doing? Do you know where you stand? Interfering with the mission of the world government and wanting to be an enemy of the government?

Believe it or not, we can deprive Straw Hat kid Luffy of the title of "Nanabu Sea" at any time? Sanji

had just said something when he heard the mask man in front of him say a series of questions.

"World government? What are you talking about, I just passed by Mr. Barry's door and happened to see someone looting his property, and as Mr. Barry's best friend, I naturally can't sit idly by.

On the contrary, you, the mask man of the burglary, are waiting to be sent to justice!

In a few words, Yamaji denied that he was against the world government, and instead turned his actions into righteous acts.

If there is a glimmer of possibility, Yamaji still does not want to give such a big enemy as the current world government under the straw hat tree, and it is sometimes convenient to have the name of "Seven Warrior Seas", at least not to be hunted by the navy every day.

"You can see clearly, I am an agent of the world government, I was ordered to come here on a secret mission, as the government organization "Seven Wuhai", you can't stop me!" Hearing Yamaji's words, even the mask man couldn't fault it. So he took off his mask and revealed his true face, which was Bruno of CP9.

If he had said so much before, he would have laid the other party down directly.

But now the person in front of him is not at all what he can deal with, as can be seen from the "finger gun" just now that his finger was broken.

But the design of "Hades" is in front of you, and it is impossible to give up, this is the result of their five years of lurking!

Therefore, I had to make this decision, hoping to move out of the world government to suppress the Straw Hats. At the same time, he also has the idea of delaying time, and he is accompanied by the "lion" to take it, but he is left outside to deal with the boatmen who get in the way.

He believes that with his strength, he will soon be able to come to support him, and when the time comes, two to one may not have no chance of winning.

Yamaji didn't expect that the agents of the government were so stupid that removing the mask would prove that you were a member of the government? Who knows you! And, is this an attempt to stall for time?

The guy with the long hair outside had already been killed by me when I came in, and he wanted to wait for help!

Yamaji thought of this, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then he said, "You assassinated Mr. Iceberg and released the rumors, right?" When

Bruno heard this sentence and was thinking about how to answer, he was suddenly kicked away, and he only felt as if he had been hit by a red-hot steel pillar, and it seemed that the part hit was about to be cooked.

"Devil Wind Foot Lamb Shot!"

Yamaji had time to talk nonsense with him, and the answer he already knew, he just wanted to make the person in front of him relax his vigilance.

After winning the first hit, Yamaji did not adhere to it and played another set of combos, and finally ended with

"Devil Wind Foot - Finishing Kick".

Where did little Bruno block Yamaji's armed kick, and even the strongest defense "Iron Block" was used in seconds.

Lu Qi was also too conceited, and came to Bally to grab the drawings and actually sent only these two.

Of course, if Sanji doesn't make a move, it is naturally more than enough, but if Yamaji does, sending a few more people seems to have the same result.

Poor Bruno didn't know until he lost consciousness that the blueprints he had come to grab were fake, nor did he expect that he was waiting for reinforcements earlier than he knelt.

"Can you take me to meet Mr. Iceberg?" I want him to come forward and clarify it for our group.

Yamaji, who finished his work, stared at Balidao, who was still in a daze in front of him.

"Too powerful, is this the horror of the Seven Martial Seas? Such strength is actually just a cook on the ship! Barry was shocked.

"Huh? Yes, as it should be. Barry, who was stunned for a moment, reacted.


At the same time, in the room where the iceberg was recuperating, two masked figures appeared in front of the bed. Looking at the figure, it should be a man and a woman.

At a glance, Iceberg could see that the person who assassinated him last time was wearing such a similar mask.

"The World Government sent you!" Iceberg has always known that the world government wants the blueprints of "Hades" in his hands.

Therefore, he desperately developed the water capital, and finally integrated the seven shipyards of the water capital and established the Carrera company, all in order to be able to cooperate with the world government.

And as a surprise, Carrera became a shipyard for government nobles, and the world government never seized the blueprints from the open again.

Over the years, he has secretly used some means to get him to comply, and he has always coped with it easily.

And because he worked with the world government, French almost broke with him a few years ago. Frankie thought he had forgotten how Mr. Tom died.

From the moment he was assassinated, he knew that the world government had no patience anymore and was about to take it by force.

"It seems that you are not stupid, let's be honest, we are here for the "Hades" design in your hand, and we have been lurking for five years for this."

I just listened to the woman say this, and then the two people in front of them took off their masks.

Iceberg's jaw dropped immediately at the sight of it, these two were his secretary Kalifa and the foreman of Dock One, Kaku.

These are his competent employees, but I didn't expect that all of them were people from the world government.

"Don't be so surprised, lurking couldn't be easier for us, and we're here to solve your problem once and for all.

Last time, I left you with your life to get the "Hades" blueprint, because when a person's life is threatened, he will definitely give the most important things to the most important people around him for safekeeping.

And to you, that person is Barry, and as your proud disciple, that guy is deeply trusted by you!

And our people have already gone to rob and kill him, the drawings will eventually fall into our hands, Barry will die from this, and it is time for you to accompany him!

With a smug smile on her face, Kalifa pulled out a pistol and was about to kill the iceberg.

"You guys are really tricky, one ring after another, calculating me to death." The iceberg is very calmly spoken.

"No, you shouldn't be so calm, shouldn't you be annoyed and angry when you hear this kind of news? Shouldn't you regret losing the drawings that your mentor Tom passed on to you?

It seems that Luqi guy really guessed correctly, you are also a sophisticated guy, the drawing in Barry's hand is fake!

That's why you have no fear, and you are so calm when disaster comes.

Fortunately, Lucy asked us to come over and confirm, otherwise it would be difficult for us to go back with fake design drawings! Speaking

of which, Kalifa took out a phone bug and dialed out.

"It has been confirmed that it is fake, and you can start acting!"

Iceberg was shocked to see the other party's operation, and he began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

"The design drawing of the 'Hades' will definitely not be handed over to you, no matter who holds such a deadly weapon, it may bring a devastating blow to the entire world!" Saying that, Iceberg also took out a gun from under the pillow, and was about to kill the two people in front of him.

"Bang bang~"

Two gunshots rang out, and the bullets all hit Kaku's body.

"Pieces of iron!"

However, it did not help.

"We are CP9, a secret spy organization directly under the world government, and it is really fanciful that you want to kill us!

The difference in strength between us is as far away as heaven and earth! "Kalifa is quite confident in the strength of her group, after all, they have never failed so far.

Of course, Nairo, who was killed by Anilu, is just a newcomer, she does not count it, and Luki's loss last time is automatically ignored.

The only CP organizations disclosed by the world government are CP1 to CP8, and there are eight bases in the world. These organizations have some of the best intelligence capabilities in the world and can investigate everything they want to know.

CP9, on the other hand, is secretive because the group has the power to kill civilians arbitrarily, and it is okay to kill those people as long as they think they are getting in the way.

So their existence must be secret, otherwise they will be denounced by the people.

Finally, in addition to CP1-9, there is CP0, the highest spy organization of the world government, which is the superior of all CPs.

This is the justice of the world government!

It is worth mentioning that in CP9 led by Lu Qi, these people also joined precisely because they can legally kill in this organization, they are not for fame or profit, they just want to taste the blood of that killing!

"Since you didn't give that blueprint to Barry, tell your whereabouts now, and we can spare your life!" If the government could have that weapon, it would have ended the era of pirates, and there would be no need to make people all over the world suffer from the pirates' plunder. "

Kalifa threatens with some righteousness, trying to bring the iceberg to its knees.

"You are dreaming, once such weapons come out, it will only bring about the competition of all forces, the war will continue endlessly, and end the era of sea thieves, I am afraid to end the whole world!"

The danger iceberg of "Hades" has already been said, he will not hand over the design drawings no matter what, even if it is death!

"You don't believe in the government!" Kaku interjected at this point.

"I just don't believe in humanity! No one can remain sane in the face of such power, they will be lost in the illusion of power, and in the end they will only lead to war! "The iceberg is still holding on.

"I expected you to do this, so we made another preparation. Over the years, we've been speculating, hypothetically, is there a possibility that someone other than you knows about the existence of blueprints.

Because if you are the only one who knows, then if one day you die in an accident or are killed by an enemy, then the "Hades" design plan will be lost forever, and you definitely don't want to see the drawing passed on to you by your mentor Tom end up like this.

The master of the French House, Franky is your junior brother, right?

The world knows that Tom only accepted two disciples that year, one was You Iceberg and the other was Cuddy Fram.

But eight years ago, Kadi Flamb was confirmed dead in an accident by the world government.

And one day a few years ago, a man claiming to be Kadi Fram came to you, and you were unnaturally asking me to drive him away!

From this, we speculate that it is very likely that Cuddy Fram did not die, but changed his name and continued to live somewhere here, and after many investigations, we finally came to the conclusion that that person was Franky, right!

Kalifa suddenly raised her voice, while the iceberg on the side widened his eyes from surprise and panic, sweat ran down his forehead, and his heart was beating rapidly.

"It seems that our guess is correct!" Seeing this, Kaku confirmed Luki's conjecture.

"Now you are really useless, go and die with peace of mind, the design drawings in Franky's hands, we will keep them for you!"

At this point, CP9 finally came to their long-guessed conclusion through step-by-step hypotheses and verifications.

And the iceberg fell into their trap step by step.

Just as they were about to kill the iceberg,

"Tree Realm Birth Cutting!"

Countless spikes grew out and instantly filled the entire room, and the iceberg on the side had long been tied by a vine and taken out.

Kalifa and Kaku were firmly nailed to the spot, their bodies were pierced by spikes, and then the energy in their bodies was also sucked dry and they became emaciated.

The person who came was Akin, in fact, he had been waiting here for a long time, but in order to hear more information, he did not move, until Kaku and the two laid a dead hand and wanted to kill the iceberg.

Seeing that these two people had their last breath left, if it weren't for the fact that they didn't want to completely tear their faces with the world government, Akin would have died a long time ago.

He is not Sanji, he is not so gentle and kind, but he was a completely ruthless person before he met Luffy!

No matter whether the opponent is a man or a woman, whether old or young, as long as he stands opposite him, he can get his hands off.

This is where the title of "Ghost Man" comes from!

"You are?" The rescued iceberg began to look at the resolute man in front of him.

"I am Akin, a combatant of the Straw Hat Boy gang, I came here on the order of the captain to arrest the real murderer who assassinated you, in order to return our own innocence, there is no need to say thank you."

Akin seemed a little indifferent, and he was not impressed by the mayor of this water capital.

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