"Sakaski was also sent out by you?"

Karp thought of his son, and now he was even more angry, and he snatched the senbei that the Warring States had just taken out, raised his head and opened his mouth, and poured it all into his mouth.



" "My senbei!"

"What? You say that Sakaski went out too? I didn't give an order, it may be a direct order from the five old stars!

Sengoku was also confused, he didn't know that the red dog also went to the water capital.

"A government that does not even dare to let the people know the historical truth, a government that only distorts the facts and fools the people, in my opinion, will not exist for long!" Karp suddenly quieted down and whispered to himself.

"Hey, Karp, what are you talking about?" Sengoku looked at the documents on the side, seemingly not hearing Karp's words clearly.

"Hmph, nothing! The old man is gone! Kapu obeyed the Sengoku bag of senbei and left the office just like that.

"Why is this old guy so strange today!" Sengoku shook his head and quickly continued to look at the documents on the table.


"This is the "Demon Slaughter Order", it seems that the water capital is dangerous, Frankie, you hurry up and inform the iceberg to let him quickly organize those people who have not yet taken refuge underground to hurry up and evacuate, the navy's attack is coming!"

Luffy immediately made arrangements after listening to Anilu's words, and specially explained the "Demon Slaying Order" to others.

"To sink the capital of water? Does it need to be done this way? Isn't it just a blueprint? Frankie didn't believe it.

Indeed, no one would have believed this for the first time, and in the eyes of the world, the Navy could not have done such a thing.

"Absolutely! If it were a world government, erasing an island would be nothing more than a one-sentence matter for them! Robin was still covered in cold sweat and trembled when he heard the "Demon Slaying Order" at this time.

"Then I'll hurry up and inform everyone!" French walked away quickly.

"Those warships should mainly come at us, let's go to fight!" Also buy some time for the people on the island to take refuge! "Even if it is someone who has crossed over, Luffy is not willing to see the entire water capital turn into ruins, he must fight.

But in fact, the scale of the Navy's operation was far larger than Luffy had imagined.

Because the arrival of the red dog was something Luffy could never have imagined.


"Let's take refuge underground, everyone! Don't stay on the island anymore! "The craftsmen of the Carrera company ran around at the behest of the iceberg, warning those who had not yet taken refuge underground to hurry up.

"It's not urgent, from past experience, the big tsunami will take dozens of minutes to arrive, and it will be completely timely, just enough for me to put away the food that is drying outside." An ordinary water capital citizen looked at those shipbuilders, smiled, and continued the work in his hands.

"It's not a tsunami problem now, it's a bit hard to believe, but the naval attack is coming soon, and they're going to kill everyone on this island!" A shipwright was a little anxious.

"What nonsense? The navy protects civilians, how can it attack us? Another common man who was preparing to take refuge heard the shipwright's words and immediately stood up to refute.

"You said that the navy will not attack the water capital, I believe this, but when it comes to protecting civilians, I don't know how it is in other places, anyway, in our water capital, those troublesome pirates were driven away by the shipwrights of the Carrera company, and I have never seen the navy stationed on the island."

The person who spoke just now, the person next to him expressed his opinion.

"Anyway, I don't believe this kind of thing will happen, and I really want to stay and see if you say so."

"Are you crazy? Not afraid of a big tsunami that will swallow you? The

team taking refuge next to them suddenly became noisy.

And in front of the port of the water capital, Luffy and his gang were ready to fight.

As for why not go to sea to fight? One is that the Melly is now being remodeled, the "Proverbs" have been driven out by Anilu, they do not have a suitable ship, and second, there is a naval battle on the sea, Luffy and they have few people, and it is easy to sink the ship by shells, which will be very passive.

After all, they have a lot of ability on board, although the main force will be moonwalking, but it is also quite physically exhausting, and they can't fly all the time.

Not long after, the naval ships also arrived.

"The people of the water capital listened, the Carrera company tried to research and manufacture the ancient weapon "Hades", wanting to endanger the world, fortunately, the government agents found out in time, and now I am waiting to come and eliminate those criminals.

Irrelevant people and others quickly board the Navy's refuge ship, if it is late, the consequences are at your own risk! The

officials on the evacuation ship sent by the Sengoku began to shout with a specially made megaphone.

"What are you doing? Want to let go of the criminals on this island? The red dog, who was standing at the front of the first warship, glared at him.

When the official boarded, his face was as frightened as earth, his legs were shaking like chaff and he came down in a cold sweat.

"Chi, Lord Akainu, I was just ordered to evacuate ordinary people for refuge..." The official was bold and shrunk his neck, but he did not dare to look Akainu in the eyes.

"How dare you be sure that no criminals pretended to be ordinary people and mixed into the refuge ship? As long as one person is mixed in, won't our trip come for nothing? The red dog stared at the official, word by word, not in a hurry, calm and powerful.

"We have put in place a series of vetting measures to ensure that no shipbuilders are mixed in..." The official seemed emboldened at this time, probably remembering that he was following the order of the Warring States.

"Do you dare to use your life as a guarantee? Once you let a criminal go, do you apologize with death? The red dog still spoke in an unhurried tone.

"What are they talking about? Why didn't I go forward, and I heard that it seemed to tell innocent people to hurry to evacuate. At

the port, the Straw Hats and his gang stood in a row, and after hearing the first words, Akin noticed that the warships in the distance were no longer advancing.

"It seems that there is a conflict within them, which is a good thing, for us, a little longer delay will leave more time for ordinary people to take refuge."

Usopp has a wide range of sights and smells, and he can vaguely perceive a little situation.

Luffy on the side recognized the person in front from afar, and he was a little shocked in his heart, but he was not particularly panicked.

"Hey, Anilu, haven't you come back yet? How do you fly! Luffy quickly called Anilu and told him to come back quickly.

"It's coming, don't panic, captain!" It turned out that Anilu was already waiting in the sky not far away, and only then did he appear.

The official did not dare to speak now, but cold sweat wet his clothes.

"Hmph! The kindness of a woman, in the face of sin, will be mercilessly slaughtered, and it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to spare one! This is the justice that the Navy should have! "

I don't know who the red dog said this to. Then he added, "Drive your ship back, the attack will begin immediately!"

"But, but, this is the Marshal of the Warring States..." The official still wanted to struggle.

"Huh? So you want to stay here!? The red dog stared at the official, and his pupils suddenly dilated, as if a murderous aura spread out.

The official did not dare to reply and silently drove the shelter ship back.

"Meteor Volcano!" After confirming that the refuge ship had left, the red dog immediately attacked, only to see that all his hands turned into hot magma, shooting into the sky like a cannonball.

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