"Pirate Celebration?

Sounds like a huge "black market"!

It just so happens that I have a lot of materials I want to get! Back

on the ship, Usopp told Franky about Pirate Expo.

Frankie's eyes lit up, many of his envisaged weapons lacked materials, especially shape memory alloys, which were all currently used up, just go to that place to see if they could buy them!

The group continued on the great voyage, and on the way they encountered several more islands, and Luffy planted his flag.

In the past, pirates all knew the symbols of the current Five Emperors, which meant that from now on they would never be able to plunder on this island again, unless they were not afraid of the Five Emperors and were not afraid of death!

In the past year, since Luffy began to close the territory in the first half of the Great Voyage, naturally not all pirates were convinced.

Although they thought they could not defeat the Straw Hat Pirates, they did not think that after robbing Luffy's flagged island, Luffy and his gang would be able to arrive in time to settle accounts with them.

After all, the Straw Hats and the gang are just a few people, and they have never heard of any affiliated forces. They can't get themselves in trouble for a flag.

So there are still some pirates who burn and loot regardless of it.

After this matter appeared in the newspaper, the Straw Hats drove a flying boat and fell from the sky, killing the pirate group that caused the accident, and sinking the ship.

Since then, those pirates with luck in their hearts no longer dare to be presumptuous, and have become very secure on the island where Luffy's pirate flag is planted.

And the Straw Hat Pirates also has one more title, the Flying Pirates!

After the golden lion Shiji, there is another pirate group soaring in the sky in this world!

After this incident, some small pirates were even more frightened by the Straw Hats and the gang, and stayed away.

Of course, there are more pirates who want to join the Straw Hat Pirates, but they have no way out, and they don't know if the Straw Hat gang can accept the little brother.

In fact, although Luffy has the intention to turn all the islands in the first half of the Great Voyage into his own territory, he can't do it yet.

First, they have not been sailing for several months, passing through limited islands, and secondly, they have occupied all the islands, not to mention that other pirates will unite against him, and even the navy will not let it go.

Therefore, Luffy just planted his flag on the island he passed by during the voyage, and did not go out of his way to do it.

Nevertheless, there are already many small pirates united. Their idea is that no matter how powerful the Straw Hat gang is, they dare not commit public anger, and let the Straw Hat Kid continue like this, and then they will have no place to rob it.

That would cut off their financial path!

On this day, Luffy and his gang came to an island with a country called Stantin.

Luffy remembered that this was the home of Olumbus.

As soon as you get to the island, you can hear the rumble of artillery, and it seems that there is a war going on here!

"What's going on, the artillery is under fire, is this country experiencing war?" Frankie was the last to get off the boat, listening to the rumbling sound with doubt in his eyes.

Luffy instantly saw and heard the whole island.

Countless voices flooded into Luffy's mind, gradually becoming clear from noisy.

Luffy "saw" countless pirates attacking the country, and estimated that the number must be tens of thousands.

In the town, pirates are fighting the country's army.

And the main force of the pirates has already attacked the palace.

"Your Majesty, is it true that the navy will not send reinforcements?"

A man dressed as a general came to the palace and knelt down in the main hall to ask the king on his throne.

"The Navy will not care about us, we have not handed over last year's "heavenly gold", and we have not yet gathered together this year's "heavenly gold", how can the Navy send troops to protect us!"

We can only rely on ourselves for this battle!

Even, even if we survive this time, if we can't pay the "heavenly gold" by the end of the year, we will be removed from the world government, and we will no longer be their allies, and the navy may still send troops to attack us at that time!

Capture our citizens as slaves and send them to build bridges! On

the seat directly above the main hall, a gray-haired old man was dressed plainly, and his face was full of helplessness.

"Isn't the Navy saddled in the name of justice? Aren't they protecting the people?

Now the pirates are attacking our country, they should drive these pirates away! The

general was indignant, and his face was full of unwillingness.

"That's their justice, not ours!

Only when you hand over the "heavenly gold" is you worthy of the protection of justice, this is just a transaction! "

The king enlightened his generals.

"Go, organize troops to block this wave of attacks!"

"Then what's the difference between them and pirates? We might as well give that "heavenly gold" to powerful pirates and ask for their protection!

Before leaving, the general was still puzzled.

Originally, he thought that his country with the protection of the navy should not suffer such a disaster!

In front of the palace, a large number of pirates armed with various weapons are attacking.

Shells are constantly falling from the sky.

But they were all stopped by a barrier.

The violent explosion did not hurt the barrier in the slightest, and most of the pirates' attacks were stopped here.

I saw that behind the barrier, a man with a grass-green chicken crown and a nose ring.

Who is this not Bartolomeo again?

Behind him, the people who were protected by Bato spoke out one after another.

"Although I don't know who you are, thank you very much, saved!"

A large crowd of people sobbed and thanked Bartow for their kindness.

"Go fast, we didn't come to this island to save you guys!

I'm doing it all just for a man!

A man who can become One Piece in the near future and change this era!

Luffy, on his part, told his partners everything he "saw".

"Let's go, we can't let Olumbus's homeland suffer such damage!

Let these pirates know what price they have to pay for our little brother!

Luffy flew towards the palace first.

"It's the guy who brought me the wine!

He's a good guy!

Luffy is right, he can't let his homeland be destroyed by these pirates! Solon

only remembered that someone had given him a bowl of wine in the Chambord Islands, and for that reason he couldn't stand idly by!

So Luffy and his gang rushed towards the palace.


This group of pirates was originally scattered throughout the first half of the Great Voyage, usually surviving by robbing some villages and small islands.

But Luffy also occupied a lot of islands this year, leaving many people without places to rob.

So under the leadership of a pirate with some strength and fame, they decided to confront Luffy the straw hat kid, they wanted to have their own territory and establish their own power!

The first step to do is to build a weakened kingdom and use it as a base for future development.

They want to emulate the Four Emperors of the New World!

Divide territory with forces!

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