"Erosion Reincarnation"

saw Klockdar put his right hand on the ground, and then from his palm, the entire ground quickly turned into a desert, even the surrounding rocks and buildings, all without exception. In a short time, with the two as the center, the entire palace and the surrounding large area of land and houses turned into a desert as far as the eye could see.

This is the horror of nature's ability. Their ability to permanently change terrain and terrain on a large scale is unmatched.

Just now, Klockdar used his ability to absorb water to absorb all the surrounding water, coupled with erosion and weathering, and quickly turned the battlefield into a desert.

The Klockdars are known as the "King of the Desert", and this nickname is not given for nothing.

"No one can beat me in the desert, never!" Klockdar is full of confidence.

"That's because you haven't met me yet!"


At this time, Vivi was on her way to the battlefield of the king's army and was about to announce her surrender.

"Everyone raise the white flag, surrender the "King Army", this is a meaningless war!"

"It's Princess Vivi, she actually told us to surrender

" "If we do this, won't the future of this country be destroyed?"

The people of the King Army looked at Vivi suspiciously.

"Surrender first, and then tell you the reason for the matter, in short, what is to do now is to reduce the casualties of the people." Kobra also came over.

After seeing Kobra say this, the king's army no longer hesitated and prepared to surrender.

And Kosha also returned to the front of the rebel army, he stood on a high platform and held a white flag to announce to the entire rebel army that the king's army had surrendered: "The war is over, all the brothers have lost their weapons, put away their anger, the king's army has lost its will to fight, we have won!" "

The rebel army was naturally very happy to hear this news, and they didn't want to fight with the king's army, but everyone couldn't survive for many years without rain, so they had no choice but to revolt." Now that I heard that the King's Army had surrendered, he was naturally willing to stop fighting.

It's just that there are agents of the Baroque Work Society lurking in the King's Army, seeing that the war is about to end, which is not their ultimate goal, and this war must continue.

An agent pointed his gun at Kosha, and as long as he shot at him, the rebels would think that this was a trick by the king's army, and then a more violent war would begin.

Luffy, who was at war with Klockdar in the distance, noticed all this: "Oops, came in a hurry, even if I knew that such a thing would happen, I couldn't inform Vivi in time, moreover, the king army totaled hundreds of thousands of people, hiding a few small agents, even if they knew, they couldn't find out accurately." Luffy thought to himself.

Looking at Vivi running around, she was already emaciated, and if any more accidents happened, she would definitely be very sad.


Luffy raised his head and shouted, finally releasing the overlord-colored domineering aura that he had studied for a long time.

"I must beat you to death!"

An invisible deterrent aura spread out instantly, and nearly ninety percent of the soldiers in the square fainted instantly, foaming at the mouth. Even Wei Wei and the others were a little unsteady on their feet.

The overlord color that first awakened Luffy showed great power.

Similarly, the first release of the overlord color, Luffy did not control it well. This method of control Luffy has been rehearsed many times in his heart, but the awakening of the overlord color depends on the opportunity, and sometimes it takes some emotional stimulation to awaken. It is only now that the overlord color has been successfully released.

"This is, overlord-colored... How is it possible, you kid actually has the qualifications of a king! Klockdar was shocked.

"What's going on, why did everyone fall?"

The rest are unknown.

A war is finally stopped, and under the ruins, everyone watches the battle between Luffy and Klockdar in the distance, while Vivi begins to tell everyone about the plots of the Baroque Work Society.

"Deceptive, is this something that a human can do?" Someone exclaimed.

I saw that in the original royal palace land, a giant's hand punched a huge ball, knocking the ball back hundreds of meters away. Some people were surprised because the ball formed by the yellow sand was too big, far beyond that fist, but Luffy still punched it back.

That orb is the "Sand Shield" formed by Klockdar controlling the surrounding yellow sand. Although the hardness of ordinary yellow sand is not as good as "emery", it is more, and the defense power after forming a huge shield is indescribable.

Luffy is locked in a bitter battle, and since Klockdar used the "erosion reincarnation" to turn the entire land into a desert, he has become the true king of the desert.

The entire desert has a huge amount of yellow sand at his disposal, which is simply endless, and Luffy's every wave of attack on Klockdar can be perfectly solved with sand.

Luffy was already lacking in physical strength at this time and began to breathe.

"Sand Bomb

" Klockdar stands on the "Sand Cloud" he created, controls the sand and conglomerates into the form of bullets, and then winds it with armed colors and launches it domineeringly.

A dense barrage came towards Luffy. With such a wide coverage and such a dense attack, even if Luffy could discern the trajectory of the "sand bomb", it was difficult to dodge.

Although Luffy is not afraid of ordinary bullet blows, his rubber body will still be injured in the face of bullets wrapped in armed colors.

Luffy had to use armed color defense. Now he understood that Klockdar was going to consume his physical strength and domineering, and he would no longer engage him head-on for a long time, either only defensive, or make some long-range means of tentative attack.

"This guy is really difficult, he has to fight quickly," Luffy thought.

"Second gear

" "Shaving"

Luffy jumped directly into the air that could not be covered by the barrage, and a few flashes came to Klockdar's side in succession. Luffy prepares a set of combos to send off Klockdar.

"Rubber Rubber Armed Jet Machine Gun"

countless fists fell on Klockdar's body, and Klockdar was directly beaten to pieces.

However, Luffy frowned and immediately jumped away.

Sure enough, the next moment Klockdar appeared, and a move of "arc dune" was empty.

"The mind is quite flexible, the most unexpected thing is that you still have such a means of speeding up, fortunately I tried it, otherwise it would be really difficult" Klockdar seemed very leisurely.

It turned out that Luffy's attack just now was only the "Sand Doppelganger" condensed by Klockdar using the surrounding yellow sand, but it was too realistic, Luffy didn't notice it for a while, and almost fell for a big deal.

"It's really worthy of Klockdar, sinister and cunning, almost put by you." Luffy, who wanted to understand the joints, was also a little afraid, and he suddenly realized that Klockdar was not the kind of guy who would duel with people with one punch and one kick, and he could use any means to win, and a small trick was naturally not a problem.

But the vigilant Luffy still ignored his feet, and at this time, countless fine yellow sand like dust slowly began to cover his whole body from Luffy's feet.

"Children will find it insidious, adults will only clap their hands!"

The "sand coffin"

instantly Luffy was wrapped in yellow sand and could not move.

A large amount of yellow sand around the "Sand Waterfall Burial"

instantly swept and quickly trapped Luffy, and then the sand squeezed tighter and tighter, and it was about to crush Luffy.

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